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Lisa POV

"So has your brother asked about me?" Jungkook asked, batting his eyelashes at me as we walked to our last class of the first day back for our last semester. You don't know how bad I cried when Jisoo and Joy graduated and left our dorm.

I was completely surprised when she told me about getting an apartment near Rosé, which was insane because Gangnam wasn't the cheapest to live in but I'd support her no matter what.

I just missed her. College wasn't the same without Jisoo Unnie but thankfully I had Jungkook to keep me company with our same classes.

"No Kookie." I smiled at his pout. "He's straight!"

"All I need is five minutes to make his second guess it."

"And now I'm searching for my earbuds." I giggled when he slapped my arm with a gasp in offense as we went into our class.

"So how's life dating Jennie and having 9 million followers. That's a huge deal!" He whispered as we set up our notebooks.

"I tend to forget Jennie's an idol. She's been working on her plans for the tour but the followers? I hardly go on social media."

"Send my love to my idol." He whined as our professor walked in and class begun. Two hours later, we were practically zombies walking out of the class from how bad our brains hurt.

"I'm so exhausted I don't even have the strength to flirt with Jin today. I'm going to bed. Kisses, darling." He kissed my cheek and waved as he dramatically limped away.

I smiled as I started my walk back to my dorm, but I grinned when I saw a familiar face passing by. "Hi Benji!"

His face froze as he tried hiding behind a newspaper and I walked by, but then froze hard in my tracks when I realized something. I narrowed my eyes as I turned back to him.

"Benji." He gulped as he turned to face me, a nervous smile as he waved. "What are you doing here? Why aren't you with Jennie?"

"Oh uh... Miss Kim wanted me to give you this. I was supposed to sneak it to your dorm but I forgot the dorm number." He pouted as he held out a dark purple envelope with my name written on it.

"She's gonna be sad I ruined the surprise."

"Oh come on," I rubbed his arm with a smile, "I'd never sell you out. I never saw you here and I'll play it off okay?"

"You're the best! Now I better head back to Miss Kim." He left and I opened up the letter, heading back to my dorm with a smile.


Figured it was time I took you on a real date. I'll pick you up at six tonight. Wear something fancy. I love you!

Also might want to pack a bathing suit ;)

I got home and sighed at how lonely it was. I only had four months left before I graduated too so I didn't have much to worry about. I went to finish my little homework so I didn't stress about it during my date with Jennie.

I sat at my table and got to work, about half way through I heard a knock on my door and frowned. I checked the time and saw I still had two hours as I went to open.

"UNNIE!" I screamed as I threw my arms around Jisoo, squeezing the life out of her as she laughed and held onto me. "What are you doing here?!"

"I can't come visit my best friend?" She pouted as she came inside and sat at the table. "I miss college, but can't say I don't enjoy more freedom. I actually came here because I wanted to tell you something."

"What's up?" I closed my notebook and gave her my full attention.

"I'm thinking of auditioning for YG."

My jaw dropped and her cheeks turned a light pink. "I didn't think you were into singing. I mean, you're awesome at it but-"

"No no." She waved her hand, "They handle actresses so I figured I'd trust the same company Jennie recommends and does well in. I won't have to train since I'm not going to be an idol."

"Oh well you should! When did you talk to Jennie about it?"

"Last night. I've been thinking of it lately since my cameo and miss acting classes. Jennie offered to put in a good word for me but I declined. I want to do this on my own."

I smiled at her, going over to give her a hug. "I support you no matter what, unnie." She started catching me up on her small job at a cafe near her apartment and what's it's like to live alone.

"Can't say I don't miss your loud snoring." She sighed loudly and I glared at her as I went through my closet to find something nice to wear. "I thought Jennie wasn't allowed to drive? She'll probably have someone pull up in a limo."

"She probably bought one." I rolled my eyes at my girl's horrible spending but it was her hard earned money, she was free to do what she wanted with it.

"I like this one." She gestured to the cute off the shoulder black long sleeve crop top. I grabbed it and paired it with some skinny jeans. "No dress group for life."

"Tomboy." She smirked as she tossed me a pair of earrings. "I better get going. I love you but I have some hot sex waiting for me tonight."

"Me too." I winked and laughed at her gag as she left the room. "Love you, unnie!"

I got changed and left my hair straight as I waited for Jennie to come. I logged onto my laptop and saw another email from YG Entertainment making me frown.

Jennie's boss has been emailing every Friday asking me to audition but I had no desire to take my priorities off school when I was so close to graduation. He even tried bribing me with a car but I was fine with mine.

I smiled when I heard a knock on my door but my smiled dropped when I didn't see the sexy beautiful pair of cat eyes I love.


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