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Lisa POV

"UGH FUCK YEAH!" Jisoo faked moaned in my ear for the NINTH time today. The whole time we were at the club the girls were smiling at us like they knew something and when we got home, Rosé admitted they heard us having sex.

I have no shame in being loud when Jennie's working her tongue magic, but I was this close, very very close, to punching Jisoo in her vagina.

We were heading to my dorm and I was a bit hungover from last night so I was ready to strangle my beloved Unnie.

"I knew you had lungs but damn girl." She whistled low as we made it to the room. "As much as I love teasing you, I actually have to pack for my trip to my parents. Sure you don't want to just join?"

"Oh so my mother could strangle me? No thank you. But tell everyone I said merry Christmas! Also, gift exchange at nine tonight so be ready."

"OH FUCK YEAH I WILL." I slammed the door in her face, her booming laugh could be heard from the other side. I flipped off the door before running to my bed, in desperate need of a nap.

I woke up and was confused on what year it was. I stretched my arms above my head, still trying to process my life as I feel like I've missed the last twenty years of it.

I sat up and saw I had a few messages on my phone from Nini and three from Rosé.

Nini: How many years would I do for murder?

Nini: Rosé won't stop making fun of me!


I smiled as I texted her that I would let her know once I researched it.

My Aussie: How do your legs feel today? ;) Like jello still?


My Aussie: Update: strangled me for thirty seconds. Second update: forever scarred.

I smirked, at least Jennie strangled one of them for us. I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen, wanting to eat something but I couldn't find anything to make.

To Ash: Going grocery shopping, need anything?

Ash: Nope! But I'll pay half when you come back😘

I put my phone away and left to my car, smiling at the nice sunny day. I opened up my social media and was going through Instagram when I accidentally bumped into someone, my phone falling out of my hands along with the two textbooks.

"I'm sorry!" I bent down to help pick up the textbooks and the girl smiled at me.

"No blood no foul. Oh, you're Lisa right? I have you for dance. I'm Seulgi."

"Oh right! I'm really sorry for bumping into you like that, wasn't paying attention."

"That's fine," she giggled. "But since your app is open why don't you add me?"

Okay either I'm overthinking things or she flirted just then. I nodded and held out my phone for her to add herself, not seeing a harm in it. It wasn't like I was going to text her on it anyways.

"Any plans for the holiday?"

"Just parents house. You?"

"Same actually, though they want to spend Christmas in the States this year. New York Ciry apparently is the place to be during the holidays. Anyways I better get to the bookstore before it closes, bye Lisa!"

I waved to her as I started my walk to the car. As soon as I reached my car, I heard my name being called out.

"LISA!" I turned to see Yeri running towards me. I smiled at my friend, who clearly was out of shape as she dramatically held her knees as she panted for air. "Holy fuck I need to start running again."

"You okay there?"

"Yes. Ash said you were going to the store? May I join? I need some snacks for my road trip tomorrow."

"Sure." We got in my car and I drove us to the nearest grocery store. "You excited for the road trip? I heard Ash won't stop talking about the concert."

"I love her but this concert better be worth her making me lose my sanity." She whined as she pretended to shoot herself. "She's actually been talking about going to see JYP live to see Jennie. Anything still going on with you guys?"

"Working on things but remember not to say anything." I begged her. Jennie and I figured since she had to wait until next November for Solo to drop, we should lay low until then. Which I didn't mind, we needed time still.

"Duh! I'm not going to feed you to the wolves," she joked as we got off the car. "Can I ride in the cart?"

"How old are you again?"

"Not to old to get in the cart!" Yeri grinned as she got into the car, sitting crossed as she read my list to me. We got looks, but thankfully no one said anything to me or my child.

I made sure to grab some snacks for Jisoo, in case she wanted them for her plane trip tomorrow. We finished shopping and we made our way back to the campus.

"Hey sexy girls," we heard some guy say as we were putting the bags into my car. Yeri rolled her eyes, telling me to ignore them. "How old are you?"

"Mentally? Too old for you." Yeri snipped with a sarcastic smile as we got into my car. He looked embarrassed as his friends laughed at him.

"What happened to ignoring him?" I teased her as I drove back to campus.

"Couldn't pass it up." She shrugged and we got there before the traffic started on the streets. "Thanks for the ride. I'll be sure to send you the list of my funeral preparations since Ash is the one driving."

"As long as I don't have to carry your ass in the casket." She flipped me off as I blew a kiss to her. I then realized I had a lot of bags and that meant a lot of trips with groceries. Yay.

"Does my favorite homosexual need help from a fellow homosexual?" I grinned over at Jungkook, who was swinging his purse with a grin.

"Your favorite homosexual would love help from her favorite homosexual." Kookie winked at me as he helped me grab the last of the groceries.

He started telling me about how Taemin tried hooking up with him, after he saw him flirting with Jimin.

"So I told his bitchass if you want Kook's kookie, ditch the other dick. I mean, right? I swear even gay guys are hoes." Kook whined with a pout as we got to my dorm.

"Gaytorade?" I joked as I held up a blue Gatorade, causing him to give me a sarcastic laugh.

"Very funny, lesbo. Speaking of, has my Lisoo ship sailed yet? I've been waiting years."

"Oh god," I rolled my eyes as we sat on the couch. "She's like my older sister and I'm her baby sister. So no, Lisoo is not happening."

"A girl can only dream," Kook sighed as he took a sip. "OH! That reminds me, i TOTS forgot to mention that Wendy said you were with Kim fucking Jennie! Bitch are you snatching a celebrity?!"

"Wendy could be lyi-"

"She sent us all pictures of Jennie sitting on your lap at Tae's party! Girl!" He quickly sat up, "DE-FUCKING-TAILS!"

I heard a knock and thanked heavens for whoever's perfect timing that was. Jungkook made the 'I'm-watching-you' gesture with his fingers as he took a sip of Gatorade.

I opened the door and grinned as I saw Jennie, who immediately kissed me before I could warn her. She jumped back when we heard Jungkook spit out his Gatorade, his jaw dropped as it spilt down his chin.



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