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Jennie POV

"I'm serious I need to order the outfits by tonight Jennie!" Rosé whined as she tried getting off the extra bed they gave her in Ashley's hospital room.

"I'm technically your boss so I'm saying, wait until you're okay." I sat next to her, rubbing her hand. Jisoo and Lisa were going to stay with Joy for the day, who was taking Yeri's death really bad.

I made sure to stick by Rosie's side, they were still operating on Ash but they had assigned her a room. "My parents are landing later tonight." Rosé said as she dug into the burger I brought her.

"Park Chaeyoung?" We both turned to see the doctor walk into the room. "You're Ashley's older sister right?"

"Yes, sir. Is there any update on her?" I wrapped my arms around her as her eyes watered up. "I haven't been told anything since last night."

"She's out of surgery now. When the car rammed hers off the road, it hit directly on the passenger side. Your sister was driving and had her seatbelt secured so that prevented anything from happening to her chest. She did however, break her leg and had trauma to her head. We can't promise that she won't be in a coma, but she's alive."

"Thank you so much." Rosé gripped onto my hand, relief flooding her face. "Will she be coming into this room soon?"

"Yes but when she does, only family is permitted. I apologize Miss Kim."

"I understand. I'm just very grateful Ashley will be okay."

The doctor left us and Rosé hugged me. "I'm so so relieved I didn't lose her. She may be annoying but that's my sister. I was scared to lose her, wifey."

"I know, hubby. Do you need anything before I go? If you need anything just please text me."

"I will. Also don't forget promo shooting today at three and meeting with YG at one."

"Thank you." I hugged her and left straight to YG, texting Lisa if she needed me just to text me. I got to YG and before my meeting, I stopped by Teddy's studio.

"Hey Oppa." He turned to me with worried eyes. "Ashley's out of surgery. She's going to live but they're not sure if she'll be in a coma."

"But she'll live." He said a quick blessing and gave me a hug. "Thanks Jennie. I really needed to know that. I'll swing by to switch places with Rosé later, if that's fine. I know we were supposed to rerun Solo."

"Understandable. Don't even worry about it." He thanked me and I left to have my meeting with my boss.

Lisa POV

Jisoo held Joy as she cried on the bed. We went straight to Joy's dorm as soon as the morning came, we needed to tell her the news. Joy broke down immediately, know understanding why Yeri didn't respond to her calls or messages.

"I'll send you the list for my funeral preparations since Ash is driving."

"As long as I don't have to carry your ass in the casket."

God I hated that was the last thing we said to each other. I'd give anything to hug her and tell her that I love her.

"She was a great friend." Jisoo consoled Joy, running her hand through her hair to soothe her.

"We didn't tell you... we were scared it would make the friend group awkward. Yeri was my girlfriend. She asked me out the night of Tae's party." Joy sobbed harder and I climbed onto the bed to hug her from behind.

We held Joy as she practically cried herself to sleep, but it was all okay to us. She lost her girlfriend, almost her best friend, she was allowed to grieve however she wanted. I would do anything to make sure Joy didn't feel alone.

"Rosé is calling me," Jisoo whispered as she slid out of the bed. I nodded and she left the dorm to take the call. I looked over at the other bedroom, Yeri's bedroom. There was three boxes on her bed, gifts.

I went over and saw she got us each a present, but I didn't feel right opening it without the others, hell even opening it in general.

"She made me promise her not to open them until we got back from break." I turned and saw Joy sitting up on the bed, her red puffy eyes breaking my heart as they looked so empty. "Lisa hug me please."

I went over to her, throwing my arms around her. She held onto me, her silent tears damping my shirt but I didn't mind. Each tear that fell from her broke my heart. I couldn't be selfish and cry, Joy needed us to be strong for her.

"I'd give anything, anything for one last hug. One last smile. I miss her so much. I miss how she said my name, teased me, stayed in my bed even though she had hers a few feet from mine. She loved me and I hate that my phone died during our last call."

"I'm so sorry. I can't imagine-"

"That's what I need to say to you," Joy pulled back as she cupped my face. "Don't waste time, Lisa. I still won't know what happened between you and Jennie, but if you love her and lose her like how I lost Yeri... there's nothing you can do to turn back time. If you love her, be with her and do it with no regrets."

She kissed my forehead and I didn't know what to say back. Having Jennie back in my life, it fixed that hole in my heart. Yes, I wish I could have the old trust I did in her, but we aren't old Lisa and old Jennie anymore.

Joy was right, I can't waste time. If I ever lost Jennie to an accident... I don't know what I'd do. She's my person, she completes me and makes me happy. Yes, she broke my heart, but she wants to fix that no matter how long it takes.

"Remember that?" I gestured to the red tiny volcano sculpture that Yeri had painted for Joy during her first year in Art. We spent a whole hour trying to figure out what it was, that was the most annoyed Yeri ever was with us.

"Yes." She giggled as she wiped her eyes, taking it from her nightstand. "I thought it was a rock. Hated to admit it but my girlfriend sucked at clay sculpting."

"She told me if I made fun of it she would mold me a dildo to shove up my ass," Jisoo said as she came into the room, making us laugh at how Yeri was so serious when she threatened Jisoo.

"What did she call that again?!"

"PLAY DOUGH!" We all shouted, now full on laughing at how funny Yeri was. Joy giggled and looked at the sculpture. We watched as her giggles turned into sobs, her smile turn into a sad one.

"She was so funny. Jisoo? Can you bring the boxes over here, unnie?"

She each handed us the box with our name on it and opened them. I laughed when we all pulled out the same book Embrace the Lesbian in You 101.

"Stupid ass," Joy laughed as she skimmed through it. She pulled out a gold heart locket that had their picture in it, making Joy cry again as she swore to treasure it.

Jisoo grinned as she pulled out four tickets that were for Jennie's concert at JYP Live on New Years. "We'll go and save a seat for you, buddy."

I felt my heart break when I found a scroll tied with a pink ribbon. My funeral preparations. Dead serious, Unnie. Get it? Lol

I opened the scroll and saw what she wanted to wear and wanted done for her funeral. I hated that she wrote this, as a joke, but it turned into reality.

I handed it to Joy, who nodded at the paper. "I'll be sure to give this to her mom. Do you girls mind giving me a ride home tonight? I don't think I can stay in this dorm for a while."

"Of course," I rubbed her hand as Jisoo told me she would take her while I stayed at my dorm. Rosé was going to switch with her older brother, so they would meet up with me later.

I gave Joy a kiss on the cheek and a hug before she left with Jisoo. I walked into Yeri's room, "I promise we'll love you forever, baby sis. Your Joy and Unnies love you."

I felt tears and left the room, not wanting to cry anymore. I needed to be strong for the girls when they came back. I needed to be strong.

I needed Nini.

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