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Lisa POV

"Okay this has to be illegal," I whined as I heard loud knocks on my door at 8am. I got out of bed and went to open our door, surprised when I saw Ashley's older sister, Rosé.

"Lalisa! It's so nice to see you!" Rosé hugged me as I led her in. "Sorry I came so early, busy day today so I came to see Ash before I get too busy and to give you this! I only have an hour."

"For me?" I took the box she handed over and she nodded with a huge grin. "You didn't have to."

"I know I'm a week late but today is the only day I got to take a trip on campus. Figured I'd give it to you person."

I smiled at the cute Celine jacket that was in there. I always forget Rosé was a huge celebrity fashion stylist so she always got expensive items. I thanked her and gave her a hug as I went to go wake up Ashley.

"Oh allow me," Rosé grinned as she pulled out a gold whistle. I immediately covered my ears as she blasted the whistle by poor Ashley's ears.



And that's my cue. I ran to my room and decided to get ready for the day. The girls had a surprise planned for me at noon, that even Jisoo had no clue what it was about.

I got ready for the day, making sure to wear the Celine jacket that Rosé got me. I left my hair straight and made sure to brush out my bangs. I grabbed my phone and wallet before leaving to meet up with Jisoo.

I walked out to the campus and saw a big crowd waiting to go into the schools football field. Probably another pep rally I shrugged as I made my way to the dining hall.

"Hey sexy," Somi winked as she gave me a kiss. I didn't see Jisoo there, but Joy and Yeri looked super excited. Before I could question them, they held out a black silk scarf.

"We have a surprise for you! It cost a lot so we want this with no complaints missy! We're going to put this on," Joy said as she came to blindfold me.

Unnie please save me! I groaned as they had me get up and Somi helped lead me to wherever the surprise was. I heard loud screams as I walked out of the dining hall. I held Somi's hand as they had me walk for a few minutes.

"May I see the VIP wristbands?" I heard a deep voice say and I was confused. VIP? We definitely were outside and not at a club.

"Thanks for hooking us up Ash!" Yeri shouted and I felt them sit me into a chair.

"No problem! My sister owed me a favor!" I heard Ash say and I was more curious then ever since Rosé was mentioned. As far as I knew she dealt with celebrities so maybe this was a fashion show?

"Girls don't!" I grinned as I heard Jisoo Unnie but I felt myself being pulled up hard. "Trust me this won't go well for her! We have to get her out of here."

"Chill out, Chu. You're just mad because this was my idea!" Somi snapped and I frowned, now wanting this blindfold of me. "Sit down because it's about to start!"

"No Lisa won't-"


Oh. My. Fucking. God.

I immediately yanked the blindfold off and my jaw dropped as I watched my ex walk out onto the stage. Somi pulled me down but I was too frozen to protest. I heard all the screams around me and I couldn't move.

"See how starstruck she is!" Joy laughed as she playfully nudged my arm.

"Hello everyone I'm Jennie!" Jennie said into the microphone and more people went wild but that's when I snapped out of it. I needed to leave, now.

"Get me out of here." Jisoo nodded and grabbed my hand but then I heard a certain song that made me stop in my tracks.

"I just want you to stay."

Did she really take that song and make it famous?! I gritted my teeth as she sang out the song, everyone singing along but I felt anger.

5 years ago..

"Sing it for me please!" I begged as we sat in the gazebo, her eyes were rolling but the smile she had on told me she wasn't annoyed. "Baby please."

"You know we're supposed to be doing homework." She pulled me more into her arms, giving me a small kiss. "We do have tests tomorrow."

"It's just one song. The best song YOU ever written so I treasure it."

She sighed, "Hand me the guitar." I grinned as I reached forward for the guitar. I smiled at the familiar song and melody, singing "lalala" with claps as if she was performing for me.

"Stay with me," she put down the guitar, pouncing on me to give me a kiss. "I love you."

"Lisa!" I widened my eyes at Jisoo, who was looking at me in worry. "You zoned out like crazy! You literally missed the whole two songs."

"I'm sorry but I really need-"

"Girls!" I looked over to see Rosé walk into the small section we were in. "Someone would like to meet you."

"JENNIE UNNIE!" Ash screamed as she raced forward to crush Jennie in a hug but I couldn't move. I felt the wind was knocked out of me and she looked so different.

She looked amazing... but I hated her. She looked over at us and widened her eyes when she saw me.


"THATS LISA?!" Rosé shouted and I gritted my teeth. The girls now looked at us in confusion.

"Babe you know her?" Somi asked as she held onto my arm, Jennie narrowing her eyes on that. She use to always do that too.

"I wish I didn't. Thanks for this girls but I'm busy."

"Wait Lisa-"

"Leave her," Jisoo hissed at Jennie as she stormed over to me, now taking me into her arms as she led me away from the VIP section of the stadium.

I felt tears, anger tears well up and Jisoo held me against her. "I'm so sorry Lisa I didn't know until you were already here. I'm so sorry."

"Just take me home please."

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