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I awoke in my bed with the sun rising and entering my room through the window and Kalen sleeping on the couch. I tried not to make any noises so he wouldn't wake up. I must have blacked out last night.

Those dreams are coming during the day now and they are so vivid. All my senses are alive. The smells, noises and feelings are just like I am there. Like it's happening now and I am apart of every scene. "That's because you are mon amour (my love)" came marq's sexy voice in my head.

Startled , I jumped and banged my elbow on the edge of the night stand while falling off the bed landing on my butt waking up Kalen in the process.

"Whats wrong. Is everyone ok?" Kalen jumped up scanning the room for a threat before he zeroed in on me sitting on the floor rubbing my elbow and muttering unpleasant words under my breath.

"Everything is fine Kalen. Sorry I woke you up." I pushed myself back up onto the bed still puzzled about what just happened. Had Marq just spoke to me im my head or was I just hallucinating.
Yeah probably just the stress from the rogue attack and this Lassiter character.

"Did you say Lassiter? Where did you hear that name from?" Dash's concerned question bounced around in my head making me throw up my hands gripping my head.

"Whats wrong Lyda?" Kalen sat beside me and pulled my hands away from my pounding head.

"I'm hearing them now Kalen. The dreams are happening when I'm awake and I feel their emotions and senses, like I'm there with them, Experiencing everything myself." I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"In calling your parents. They need to come back now." Kalen left the room and I slowly stood up and headed to my bathroom to shower and collect my thoughts.


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