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Life at the pack house has gotten back to a normal routine as the weeks went by. I trained hard every day along with my entire pack. Even the kids are learning basic self defense moves to protect themselves if needed.

The dreams have continued and the pull towards the twins has increased. I feel the need to look for them but I have no idea where to even start so I'm just waiting. I feel something is coming and I want my pack prepared for anything.

"Alpha, the Huntington pack is due any minute." Link my third in command alerted me.

"Thank you Link." I smiled and headed to the house. It's been weeks since I last saw my best friend. I have missed our talks.

"Lyda!!" came a squeal from the doorway as I was tackled.

"Hey Syv. Excited to see me." I laughed untangling us.

"We have so much to talk about. Lets go inside." she pulled me to the living room and sat on the couch next to Stewart.

"Hello alpha Lyda." he said politely.

"Now Stewart stop with the formalities. it's just Lyda." I told him as I stooped down to give him a hug.

"I see you finally marked her. Lets assume you mated also." I winked.

Stewart coughed and looked anywhere but at me and Syv.

"Actual that's one of the reasons we are here." Syvie excitedly said.

"Really, do tell. " I curiously sat forward listening.

"Well we both agree that we want you to be the godmother." she went on.

"I guess .. wait godmother? Are you saying your pregnant?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes! We just got confirmation yesterday!" came her happy reply.

"Wow you two work fast." I snickered while Stewart's face was as red as a cherry.

"Well once Stewart snapped out of it he finally claimed me and well we have been inseparable. Seems after the first mating it's all you think about. Its a craving you can't diminish." Syv took Stewart's hand and he kissed it.

"To much info on your private life their Syv." I mumbled.

"Will you do it? Be the godmother?" she asked.

"What exactly do I have to do?" I nervously asked.

"Nothing unless both of us are killed then you take over guardianship and raise our pup as your own." Stewart told me.

"Wow no pressure or anything. Guess we need to make sure neither one of you die then." I joked.

"Is that a yes then?" Syvie asked again.

"Of course! How could I refuse my best friend. Besides I don't think I will be having any of me own." I tried smiling.

"Yes, you will Lyda. What about the gorgeous green eyed gods you have been going on about." she tried cheering me up. "You said the dreams are getting more vivid and you feel an enormous connection to one of them."

"Yeah, the less dominant twin Marq, the one with longer wavy hair. Just the thought of him makes me feel things. Things I never thought I ever would. Even if its just in dreams I can live with that." I assured her.

"Oh Lyda, I'm so sorry." syvie wrapped me in a hug.

"ROGUES!!" came shouts from outside.

"Stewart take Syvie underground now." I commanded.

I made sure he did as I said then I ran out the door and shifted into my wolf.




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