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"Do you feel her? Is she hurting?" Dash quietly asked.

"She has blocked me from talking to her but yes she feels like she is a terrible mate and we deserve better." I chocked out as her emotions went from anger to sadness then back to anger at herself. "She's blaming herself now. She thinks we will run away and leave her."

Dash took off running with me behind him. "I will try mind link again" I said as we saw the house.

angel please come outside, we need to talk to you please Amoureux.

Sure might as well get it over with

What do you mean?

"She is on her way outside but she sounded sad and just said might as well get it over with then cut the link again." I said as we reached the backyard.

She was closing the door as we reached the porch. She looked so forlorn like she lost a loved one. Reaching her first I engulfed her in a hug, "Amoureux, what's wrong? Are you okay? Is someone hurt?" I immediately went into protective mode scanning her then our surroundings.

Dash grabbed her hand and kissed it, "Mon Cherie we are so stupid and hope you forgive our earlier comments. We would never harm you or your family."

She looked shocked, "Your not rejecting me?"

"We would never leave you mom amour, we thought you were mad at us." I said hoping she wasn't.

"I was at first then as I sat and thought about it I realized I shouldn't have said those awful things to you and I just knew that after meeting my wolf that you would both leave me." she barely got out before tears flowed down her cheeks.

Sensing her need to be with her mates I nodded at Dash and let him hold her then lift her up. I opened the door and he carried her inside and up to her room.

I will leave you two alone, je t'aime.

I love you Marq

I closed the back door and sat on the swing enjoying the evening breeze.

••warning---Mating scene ••

As I entered her room I could feel her need. "It's okay darling, I am here. Neither one of us will ever leave you. You mean so much to me." I sat her on the corner of her bed and kneeled in front of her. Looking in her eyes I saw the most beautiful, amazing, caring women I have ever met. "Vous Estes belle" I slowly leaned in and barely touched our lips.

"You are so forgiving, I don't deserve either of you." I pulled his head in closer and kissed him. I traced his lips with my tongue and he opened letting my tongue enter. Deepening the kiss I ran my hand through his soft hair.

I broke the kiss panting while he traced my cheek bone to my neck in kisses. I reached for his shirt and yanked it up and over his head.

Running my hands up his sculpted back I moved my neck to let him continue his trail of kisses. As he got to the collar of my shirt I reached down and grabbed the bottom ripping it off my head and threw it to the side.

With his eyes full of lust he reached up and grabbed a breast in one hand while sucking through my bra on the other. Getting antsy I disposed of the bra and moaned as his warn mouth sucked on my nipple. Massaging the other mound he lightly sucked and nibbled then changed sides attending to the opposite mound. My claws were extended a tad as I scratched them lightly up his back. Pushing me back to lay on the bed with my legs still dangling off the side he raised my hips and slid his fingers under by waistband and smoothly pulled my panties and shorts down. Dropping them on the floor he raised one foot and kissed his way to my knee.

Peeking at me he asked, "Are you sure love?"

"Absolutely!" I moaned out.

He lightly kissed the inside of my thigh and I opened my legs wider for him. As he sucked on my clit I grabbed his head holding him in place. He got braver and licked my slit, with my moan he dipped his tongue inside exploring. His finger came up and rubbed my clit as he thrust his tongue in and out.

Minutes later I pleaded for him to enter me. With another plea he finished undressing and I moved further up the bed. As he slowly entered my wet core I grabbed his hips and quickened the pace. Letting out a moan he kissed me. I deepened the kiss as I started to climax pulling back I kissed his neck. He tilted his head giving me better access. As the climax peaked I sank my teeth into his skin claiming him as my mate.

Laying in his arms afterwards he kissed my head and whispered, "I'm lucky to have such a forgiving and amazing mate. You bring joy and laughter into my life. je t'aime mon cherie."

"I love you dash." I snuggled into his embrace breathing in his scent. To soon their was a light rapping at the door. I got up pulling my robe from the foot of the bed and wrapped it around myself as dash went to the bathroom.

"I'm sorry but everyone is waiting to start the meeting." Marq apologized.

I was already at the door opening it before he finished. "You look beautiful, happy and fulfilled." Marq said kissing my forehead. He pulled back and turned to leave. Grabbing his wrist I pulled him inside and closed the door. I heard the shower start and I slowly untied my robe letting it drop. "Dash is handsome and pleased well me but I still crave your touch."

With those words I crashed my lips to him showing him how much I still needed him. Unzipping his jeans and lowering them I freed his glorious erect member and rubbed against it.

"Your an insatiable little wolf." picking me up and backing me to wall he wrapped my legs around his waist as he slammed into me sending pleasure throughout my body. Thrust after thrust my body sang with pleasure. Nearing my climax I panted, "Marq faster" obliging I felt his release the same instant I had mine. He carried me to the bed and sat me down using the discarded clothes from earlier he gently wiped me clean and kissed me. Hearing the shower turn off he stood bringing me with him. "You better hurry and make yourself presentable. I will let them you will be down soon." kissing me again he adjusted his clothes and left. Sighing I rummaged through my clothes to find a pair of jeans and a shirt. Opening the bathroom door I walked up behind Dash and hugged him kissing his back. "I left some hot water for you." Looking in the mirror I returned his smile. Hopping in and taking the quickest shower ever I dressed and threw my hair in a bun and reentered my room. Dash was standing there looking amazing in jeans and a fitted Tshirt. Standing in front of him I gave him a smirk. "Mu don't you look handsome." leaning in for a kiss I felt so many emotions twirling around in my head.

"It's ok to love and want us both. We are okay with it. We want you to be happy and each of us can make that happen in different ways. Don't ever feel ashamed if you want alone time with Marq or myself. We have come to an understanding and we will never get angry or jealous if you need time with the other."

"You heard didn't you." my cheeks turned pink but dash kissed me with more passion than I ever thought possible. "Like I said it's fine to need Marq. There will be times I'm sure when you seek me out also. We are both your mates and their is no competition between us for your affection." I returned his kiss as the door opened I smelled Marq come up behind me kissing my shoulder. "Its true chere, whatever you want or need we are both here for you." turning I kissed Marq then grabbed each if their hands and went to start a war.


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