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Going to start the meeting with both my mates on either side we entered the dining area where everyone was eating and gossiping.

Sitting at the head with Dash and Marq on each side I grabbed a bowl and asked for the gumbo to be passed over to me.

"The circle is complete." nicole said bowing her head. "Now we must prepare."

Out of no where a knife was soaring toward my face. Instinct brought my hand up and I flicked it toward the wall. Before it found its destination a fireball was aimed at my mother. Sending water to extinguish it I stood up and looked at my mates mother.
"Stop!" I commanded.

"Although you are my high priestess and I would normally obey your every command, I was sent to teach and prepare you and to do that you need to be ready for any situation under any circumstances." nicole explained.

"Wow, a female alpha and high priestess. I knew you were strong but it seems your extremely powerful also." Link, my third said with pride.

"What did you mean the circle is complete?" Kalen asked.

"It means these three," gesturing to her sons and I, "are know fully bonded and therefore have gained all their powers making them the the most powerful witch and warlocks since luna Freda's great great grandmother."

"Your a witch too?" Kalen asked in awe?

"Apparently so." mom just shrugged.

"So do I have any powers?" Gavin questioned.

"Yes, you just need to reach within yourself, embrace it and let the power flow. " Nicole instructed. "We will work on your powers after the meeting little one." smiling Gavin helped himself to another bowl.

After everyone was done eating we all moved to the conference room which held a big table, a couch, bulletin boards with papers tacked up and TV.

"Okay do you have plans on how to best this maniac?" Dad asked.

"We have had people watching him for about a year during our mission to find Lyla. We know no where his safe houses are and his routines while at each house. He is now in transit between two of the houses and as soon as we know which one we then we can move." Dash said with authority.

"Any plans on how we are going to do that?" Dad asked again.

"We gave maps of all the areas he travels to and from. He is constantly changing locations and in different order." pulling out a laptop dash clicked some buttons then connected a cable and a map was on the big tv. He shuffled through five different maps in various areas not owned by any packs.

Our spies have narrowed this trip to two locations based in previous visits. These two here," splitting the screen between the two houses, "are the only two he has visited in the past few months but this one," he removed one house from the picture, "has had several big trucks coming and going late at night." dash looked at my dad.

"We think this is where he planed on keeping Lyla if he finally captured her." Marq said squeezing my hand. Don't worry that won't happen Amoureux

I trust in both of you. i squeezed Marq's hand in return.

"Hunny are you alright? Looking at my dad I answered him.

Yes just thinking of an attack plan and reassuring my mate I trust him to protect me. nodding he went back to battle planing with dash.

"Show the map of the area plus the floor plans to the house and other buildings." I said scanning the area laid out on the screen. Getting up I walked to the TV and pointed. "What is this area?"

"This is one of the areas that we actually saw in person and scouted ourselves. Behind the house now standing is the shell of the original house plus another run down building that is barely standing."

"What is interesting is the layout of the original house. See here," zooming in on a section of the house i could make out a separate area that was built after the floor plans were made. "this area was built about twenty years after the original house was."

"I don't see anything." Kalen said squinting his eyes and moving his head in different angles.

"Neither do I." link confirmed.

"Well I see a disturbance in the ground about five feet wide and seven feet high." mom said still looking.

"It goes from the house about half mile north on the other side of the road in the middle of some trees." Gavin added.

Smiling nicole looked at dad with a raised brow. "No I cant see it either." Shaking his head. She looked at the other people in the room but no one else could see anything off about the plans.

Smiling at me she waved at the screen, "Ans what so you see, priestess?" Scrunching up my nose at the title she gave me she just laughed and gestured to the screen again. Walking closer I pointed to the area where the tunnel originated from. "This looks like a pantry or closet of some kind." moving my hand from the spot all the way to the end I continue, " it looks like a tunnel was built underground but not a normal tunnel." it was hard to explain what I actually saw being as I wasn't looking at a second dimensional picture but I was seeing it in 3D. "Its like the ground just opened up forming a perfect hole big enough to fit through. There are no braces or concrete or anything to make sure it doesn't collapse. But it's stayed in the same condition as it was made almost fifty years ago." I was amazed I knew all that stuff. All the information just started flooding my brain.

"I told you after the bond was complete all your powers would surface." Nicole smirked.

"How did I know all that?" I asked no one in particular.

"The tunnel was made by an earth witch. Which is how all of us could see but non earth witches can not. After finding the tunnel we did some research on the house and land and found out that an earth witch did indeed live in the old house for about ten years. After the first year at the house she made an escape route so her children would have means to leave when the towns folk finally came to kill her." nicole explained as pictures of a beautiful women and three young children appeared. "She had a vision of her own death and wanted to protect her children. The path ends in the forest as young Gavin said. The entrance to the tunnel is heavily cloaked and enchanted. The three of us were able to locate the entrance but didn't have quite enough power to break the enchantment."

"So how are we suppose to get in there?" Link asked.

"With the power of the triquetra." dash and Marq walked to me and each grabbed a hand. Forming a circle a glow illuminated from the center of the circle, floating chest high. All the sudden the light broke into three pieces slamming us in the chest making us take a step back.

"The transfer of power is complete. You three are now officially the triquetra, the three most powerful witches in centuries." bowing she murmured something as the triquetra symbol appeared on each of our inner left wrists.

"Well, that was certainly interesting." Dad said standing up.

"Okay, until we get confirmation on the location we train everyone that is able to fight and collect all the intel we can." Dismissing everyone I sent Kalen to get the car so we could meet with Stewart and Syvie.

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