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First I want to thank you all for the thousand views!

As we neared the border to our territory I sensed a change in the air. Tension was high and all wolves had their guards up.

I had Kalen stop the car as we reached the border patrol. "You guys are doing a terrific job. Your replacements will be arriving soon. Thank you all for the extended hours and extra training."

"No problem alpha. We will not let anyone across the border without permission from you first." with a nod of acceptance we preceded across the border and were in Huntington territory in just fifteen minutes.

Calum met us at the border with several other pack members. "Morning alphas, how was the drive?"

"Beta Calum from the Huntington pack, this is Marq and dash my mates." introducing them as Calum got in with us and the others followed in a car behind.

"Why so much security? Are you having problems?" I asked Calum.

"Not yet but with the threat of rogues starting a war Alpha wants the pack safe." Calum stated.

"You mean he wants his pregnant mate tucked away from harm." I laughed and Kalen and Calum joined in.

"Why is that funny? I want you safe and you aren't pregnant. That is the males job to provide safety and security." Marq angrily said.

Reaching for his hand I squeezed. "I wasn't make light of the situation, I was merely trying to lighten the mood. Everyone is so tense." I saw Syvie waiting at the door as we parked.

Since I was sitting between my mates I had to wait for one of them to exit the car first. As Kalen and Calum both got out I saw worry crease my best fiends brow. "Where is she?" Was her whispered question. Stewart snakes his arm around her side and kissed her brow. "I'm sure she's in there love, don't worry."

"Are we getting out?" I turned to look at one then the other.

"We are just accessing the area for possible threats." dash said as way of explanation for keeping me hostage in my car.

"There's no threat from this pack believe me." I said reaching over Marq and opening the door. "How can you be sure." he asked.

Pushing Marq out I was halfway out myself when I was tackled my Syvie.

I felt both my mates stiffen and Marq went to grab her arm. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" I politely told both men. Heading my statement he dropped his hand.

"Oh my Lyla, when you didn't get out with Kalen I thought something happened to you." she had tears running down her cheeks.

"Aww now Syv, you know me better than that. I wouldn't make you choose another godmother for your little pup." we hugged and she clasped onto me. Stewart gently pulled her back to his side. "Sorry Lyla, she has been on edge since Kalen called to set up this meeting."

"Lyla I won't let that monster take you. We have been through too much together for me to just let some maniac take you away." she was still crying.

"Hey lare, you know I won't go easily and if they do happen by chance to take me by surprise I have my two amazing mates here to rescue me." I winked at Syvie.

"Oh the twins from your dreams. You were right they are hot." Stewart lowly growled and pulled Syvie even closer into his side. "Oversensitive and possessive mates." she giggled and pecked Stewart's cheek.

Pointing to each mate as I said their name, "Dash and Marq, my mates, and this is my childhood best friend Syvie and her mate alpha Stewart."

Syvie immediately went up to them and grabbed a hand from each. "I'm so glad you finally found her. With her going through the pain of having her wolf mate killed then trying to drag Stewart back from his guilt filled stupor I believe you two will be terrific mates for my best friend." Squeezing their hands she stepped over to me. "I am so happy for you Mo."

"Thanks lare." I said ending the hug and stepping up to Stewart.

"How are you? No relapses I assume." I asked with a frown.

"No Lyla, I have accepted what I did and your forgiveness just proves what an amazing leader you are. I couldn't let my selfishness come in between my mate and her two best friends." Stewart bowed his head a little.

"Wait. I'm really confused. I thought your name was Syvie." Marq asked.

"And why don't either of you call her alpha, do you not show respect to authority." dash continued.

Holding up my hands between Kalen, Stewart and my mates I explained our unique past.

"Well that makes since but what about the name?" Marq asked.

Laughing Syvie brought us inside and we all gathered around the living room as she started her tale.

Smirking I playfully hit syvies arm. "Thats so not true, you started the fire I just didn't put it out and Kalen ran away hiding."

"I get it the three stooges Larry, curly and mo. Always getting into trouble together." Marq smiled.

"Alphas, everyone is assembled and waiting on all of you." Calum stated then headed back to Stewart's office.

"Time for business I guess." I stood took the hands of my mates and followed Stewart and Syvie to the office.

Stewart introduced everyone then stood aside and let me have the floor. "Sorry to be here under such grave circumstances but the threat is really close and they intend to take down my whole pack to get to me so I'm asking for all my packs allies to decide if they want to join us in this battle or step back and hopefully make it through alive."

Stewart immediately stood up, "The Huntington pack is behind you one hundred percent. We have already sent scouts out to locate this person after talking to your father a few days ago and I think we may have found out where they are."

"If you will all look at the tv my mates have video footage of all Lassiters hiding places and we have narrowed it down to two. Dash will show their findings and also tell why they think he will be at a specific location." I stood back motioning to Dash.

After everyone saw the pictures and information they agreed with us on the location he was found to use as his base.

"Okay, so after hearing all this if your not joining us and participating in the battle you are all free to leave with no hard feelings or changes in our alliance contracts." stepping back as to not sway any votes no one moved. I waited a few more minutes then stood again.

"All of you are joining?" I asked shocked. I had asked all the surrounding packs we had an alliance with to attend but I never thought all of them would be on our side during this battle that will more than likely be very brutal.

"Yes, alpha Lyla we were all in agreement as soon as we heard of the threat. Your father and the blue springs pack have always come to the aid of any pack that has asked, regardless of an alliance or not." The alpha of the pack along our northern border stated.

Stewart stood up and asked dash, "so what's our plan and how long do you think we have until he tries something else."

Dash stood tall and faced the room with a huge smile. This was his moment, his expertise and I let him let have it.

Hello lovely readers I want to thank each and everyone of you regardless if you vote or not. I appreciate the support and the many readers
That have stuck with the story so far.😉

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