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Descending the stairs I overheard Marq and Dash talking to their mother. "Did you talk to Freda mere?" Marq questioned.

"Yes, and she agrees we need to protect Lyda at all costs. You both need to complete the mating bond as soon as possible." nicole told them.

"Mere, you can't rush us. We will mate when we feel it's right." Dash said.

"Normally I wouldn't push it but Dash you know your complete powers won't be truly active until after mating, joining both your power together. We will need all three of you at full strength to overcome this enemy." she stated.

"I know I just don't want her to feel she's obligated to mate with me.Marq and her have a strong connection already and I don't want to interfere with that." Dash unselfishly expressed.

I continued down the stairs and entered the living room. "Your not an obligation, your my mate also. Though my connection to Marq is strong I also feel connected to you."

Dash walked to me taking my hand and bringing it to his lips for a kiss. "Your breathtaking mon Cheri, so perfect. I hope our conversation does not make you feel like I don't want you. I just don't want to force our mating until you feel your ready."

"Dash you are my mate, I'm not sure how the witches/warlocks mate thing works but for werewolves we are very protective, we feel the need to always be close to our mates, they are the only ones to calm the wolf inside down and we find them irresistible. We usually mate soon after meeting each other."

"We are much the same way Lyda. We also are very protective of our families. You can expect the same qualities in my sons as you would a werewolf mate, chere." she walked to us and embraced me in hug. " I hope you she wolves have a high sex drive. I think you will be very busy with these two. " she whispered in my ear.

I choked at her words. "Are you ok?" Marq ran over to check on me.

"Yes I'm fine, your mom just startled me." I assured both of them.

"We are very honest also." she smiled as she left us three alone.

"Is what she said true about your powers not fully evolved until after we mate?" I asked dash.

"yes, we are already very strong without the mating but once we have completed it the full force of all three of us will be united and we will be the strongest warlocks in the world." dash said.

With that info I felt overwhelmed. "I have no powers though. How can I help anyway."

"Actually you do, you have never been shown how to use them but you have them inside you ready to be set free." Marq told me as he loked at me lovingly.

"We will help you harvest and develop the energy thriving inside ready to be freed. Since you two have already completed the mating more of our combined powers will show." I blushed and looked at the floor.

Dash tipped my head up to look at him, "Don't ever be embarrassed around us. Neither one of us are jealous of the other. We both love you and we know you love both of us."

"Like I already told you, each bond is different but we both still have that craving to be with you. Mine is just more pronounced in the physical sense." Marq said as he trailed his fingertips up my arm and to rest on my neck. I think my mark looks perfect on you."

"I have your mark? How?" I ran to the mirror hanging in the hallway.

"Our marks are much like a tattoo but they are magically enhanced with the witch or warlocks magic leaving their signature behind. Since each of our parents are from the two most powerful covens that are each mainly earth elementals our marks have earth symbolisms."

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