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After showing off my baby to my friends I returned home to help with the preparations.

"Mom, anything else you need help with?" I finished setting up all the chairs while dad and Gavin set up the tables.

"Almost done with the food then we can relax for a few minutes. The others will arrive soon to help move everything outside." mom looked exhausted.

She always stresses when there is an event at the pack house. The alpha and beta families live at the pack house plus any unmated wolves that wish to.

The events are held in the big open area out behind the house because there is more room here for all the pack members which total about two hundred. We aren't the biggest pack but we are the strongest and best trained.

My parents take pride in our pack and all the pack wealth. My dad opened his own business shortly after becoming alpha twenty years ago now he owns five stores throughout our and the two neighboring territories.

With me turning eighteen today I can officially take over as alpha giving my parents more time to themselves and to run the businesses.

"Okay, Lyda lets go sit in the shade until the others join us." mom handed me a big chilled glass of lemonade and we sat under an umbrella by the pool.

"Are you excited about today?" mom asked me.

"I'm a little nervous but I'm ready" I fidgeted with my dress.

"Don't be nervous dear. You will make an excellent alpha. You have the same integrity and compassion as your father." she grabbed my hands and squeezed.

"I'm also afraid to meet my mate. What if I'm not good enough mom. I don't think I could stand to be rejected." I looked at my mom with tears in my eyes.

"Oh hunny, you will make any mate proud. No one will reject a wonderful girl like you." she sat up and pulled me into a hug.

We sat for about five more minutes gossiping and catching up before the workers came to help. We had finished all the preparations so I went in to freshen up.

The guests were starting to arrive. I was with my dad going over the order of the ceremony and waiting to meet the new alpha and beta from our southern neighboring pack Huntington. Alpha Stewart and beta Calum were just appointed last month when Stewart's father handed him the pack. They came to sign an alliance with my dad.

I have traveled some with my father but haven't met many of the alphas. I know them by name only which has been drilled into my brain for the past few months.

Huntington is our closest ally and my dad was in the process of signing contracts with two other packs. Rogues have been attacking in our areas and we are banding together to terminate the threat.

As I was helping mom make sure everything was running smoothly Syv ran up and pounced on me.

"He is here Lyda! My mate is here somewhere, I just can't find him. His scent is faint outside with all the wolves mingling about but it's stronger in the house." she was pulling me to the spot where she first smelt it.

We wound up a few feet to the left of my dad's office. I laughed and brought her inside.

"What's so funny. This is no laughing matter Lyd!" she was frantically looking around. "Everyone is outside why are we in here?"

"Because your mate is in here that's why." we were almost to the office door when she stopped dead in her tracks.

"What's wrong Syv? Why did you stop?" I tried pulling her hand but she refused to move.

"The only people in the house are in a meeting with your dad." she whispered.

"Yes, so?" I pulled her with me.

"That means he is an alpha or beta then." she looked panicked.

"It's ok just take a deep breath." I put my hands on her shoulder. "Why does that matter?"

"Because I'm sure I will be rejected. I'm not good enough to be a Luna or beta female" tears were streaking her makeup.

"Syvie Malcolm! Any wolf would be grateful to have you as a mate. You are one of a kind." I hugged her and continued, "besides if he rejects you then I will kick his butt till he realizes what he lost." I smirked.

"You are the best and I know you would actually do it too." she smiled.

"Damn straight!" I pulled her to the door right before it was flung open in my face and alpha Stewart was yelling mate!

I stepped back to let Syvie come forward. By the looks they were giving each other I don't think I will have to kick any ones butt.

They walked out hand in hand with big smiles and eyes twinkling.

If only I was that lucky.

hope everyone is enjoying the story so far. thanks for reading.
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