*3* becoming alpha

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After dad handed me control of the pack and I was announced as the new alpha of blue springs pack I was finally able to relax and enjoy the celebration.

After finally finding Kalen I sat in his lap and kicked off my sandals. "Man that was tiring." I whined.

"You didn't do anything but stand there and look pretty." he smirked.

"Watch it or I will take back the beta position." I joked.

"You wouldn't. Who else would you trust to have your back and protect the pack." he questioned.

"Link would be beta and you third." I smirked then shot out of his lap and ran around the table to my own chair.

"That was harsh Lyd. I feel used." he pouted.

"Aww, are my two best friends having a lovers spat." Syvie patted Kalens head like a little boy.

"Shut up Syv! She started it." Kalen was pouting.

"Oh my poor yittle baby. Did your big sissy make fun of you?" Syvie said tormenting him.

"Ok, Syv that's enough. So how is your mate?" I raised my eyebrow. "He is smart, cute, funny and strong." she sighed.

"So you are leaving then?" I asked softly.

"I will be back often to visit both of you I promise." she hugged both of us.

"I'm glad you are happy Syv. I only hope we both get the same happy ending." I hugged her back then linked arms with both my friends and headed over to the food.

As I was reaching for a plate a loud commotion came from the edge of the backyard which was surrounded by trees.

"Rogues!!" yelled one of the wolves that was on border patrol. "About ten heading this way. They killed San and Ned." he collapsed as I stopped in front of him.

"Finn are you okay?" my mom ran her hands down his body and pulled back hands full of blood.

"Women and kids inside. Warriors with me." I used the alpha command. All wolves knew the routine when we were under attack. Women and kids went down into the safe room under the kitchen with one warrior inside with them posted inside the door and two more outside the door and the remaining wolves were assigned certain jobs and locations.

My warriors and I took off the direction Finn came from. The few Huntington wolves joined us as we caught the scent of blood.

The scene before me was brutal. My wolves were bloody and unrecognizable. The rogues were ruthless and at my snarl they turned then attacked.

After fighting off the two that pounced on me I joined Kalen in tearing into three more. As I turned to attack another my inner wolf was going ballistic screaming 'mate'. I scanned the area and all I saw other than us were dark colored rogues. When I spotted a patch of tan fur I raced in that direction.

As I neared, the word 'mate' kept repeating in my head. At my approach the tan wolf froze then looked in my direction. He immediately shifted and mumbled mate. After shifting I walked to him and raised my hand to touch his cheek.

No one touch the tan rogue. He is my mate! I yelled through our pack mind link.

understood alpha

Since the fighting was still going on around us I smiled at my mate then shifted back. After a few seconds he was in wolf form in a protective stance in front of me. I was attacked from the side and knocked into a tree. My mate killed my attacker then ran to me and nuzzled my head. I looked into his eyes and licked his jaw and it looked like he grinned if that is possible for a wolf.

All the sudden a big dark almost black wolf attacked my mate slashing his throat. I immediately shifted and ran to him.

As his life drained from his body he shifted back to human and I cradled his head in my lap.

"You are so handsome. I will never forget you." I kissed his cheek as tears fell from my eyes.

Kalen was by side as my mate took his last breath. I let out a heart wrenching scream as hot burning pain tore through my chest. Kalen tried to comfort me but the pain wouldn't let up.

As I was clutching my chest my pack surrounded me. When alpha Stewart came into view I jumped up and punched him.

"Our alliance is now void. You and your men will be off my land in fifteen minutes or it will be war." I shifted and ran into the trees.


"Why? What did you do?" beta calum turned to his alpha fuming. "We need this alliance!"

"I don't know." he looked confused.

"Do you not remember just slashing the throat open of the tan wolf. Alpha Lyda's mate!" I roared.

"I didn't know they were mates." he looked sickened.

"Oh shit Stewart. You didn't!" Calum screamed.

"When you signed the alliance papers did you not agree to join our mind link when your pack was in our territory?" I was shaking I was so furious.

"Yes I did. When I felt the nudge in my head I didn't think anything about it. I was in full attack mode and didn't think about it." Stewart felt sick with himself. If Syvie were hurt he would kill whoever hurt her.

"Dammit Stewart. Not only have you left an alpha mateless but also taking her friend away from her forever. That friendship might have helped the loss enough to keep her sane." Calum berated his alpha.

"Surely Lyda will not banish Syvie too." Stewart looked even more devastated.

"Yes she will. Syvie and Lyda have been best friends since pups and when my family joined the pack we all three became inseparable. The one thing they both whole heartily agree on is mates should be together no matter what. Syvie will be extremely upset for Lyda loosing her mate and her best friend but she will follow you none the less." I looked out toward the trees searching for Lyda knowing she would be heartbroken.

"I can't believe all this. I don't want Syvie to hate me." he looked stricken and defeated.

"She won't hate you but she probably will be withdrawn and distant for a little while." I explained sadly, "You better hurry back to the house I linked Syvie to be ready to leave but not why. You only have ten minutes left to leave our territory."

Stewart nodded then shifted and ran full speed to the pack house with his pack right on his heels.



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