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Turning I saw Lassiter slowly making his way toward the trees in an attempt to flee. Kalen was on him before he completed his escape. Wyetha and Marq joined Kalen as I scanned the area for Gavin and Dash. Gavin had shifted and was engaged in a bitter fight. I found Dash with two other witches. Springing into action to help my mate I opened the earth around the witches leaving them a mere foot on each direction to move unless they wanted to fall in the gaping crevices surrounding them.

The witches continued their onslaught of spells intended for Dash but he expertly countered them all. Having had enough of all the power and spells being thrown around I sent a gush of air their way sending them flying. Landing in a pool of water I commanded the waves to carry them across the field to the waiting wolves who quickly disposed the world of their vile evil.

Hearing a scream I turned back around to find Lassiters guards attacking Kalen leaving Lassiter free. Wyetha instantly ran toward Kalen throwing fire balls toward the two rogues who erupted in flames. Hurt and bleeding Kalen shifted to his human self and meeting Wyethas eyes he mumbled 'mate' as she sank to the ground cradling his head in her lap. "My beloved, I thought this day was forever denied to me." wiping blood off his face she leaned down placing a light kiss on his lips. Reaching up to caress her face he smiled before closing his eyes. "No!" Wyetha screamed clutching him to her chest.

"Wyetha, he's just fine he needs sleep to let his body heal. Believe me he is very much alive and he sends this message, "My sweet, beautiful mate I am truly blessed to have a mate such as yourself. My heart is full of love and desire please wait while my wolf heals my human body."

"Yes my love, I eagerly await your healed body to embrace me." as tears were falling I smiled and patted her shoulder. "Thank you high priestess, I'm truly sorry for my role in this scheme."

Before I could respond I felt a burning in my side and pain erupted through my body. Dropping to my knees my body was on fire and sweat formed a pool under me. "Dash!" Marq yelled and my heart suddenly stopped knowing why I was in pain. Leaning up on my elbows I saw Lassiter had thrown a knife into Dashs side. He was crumpled on the ground in a ball laying in his own sweat. Marq was a few feet away in obvious pain but not as severe as either of us.

Gavin let out a menacing growl and had Lassiters throat in his mouth shaking his body like a rag doll not releasing until we heard a loud snap. Lassiter lay in heap with his throat half gone. Gavin collapsed feeling a portion of my pain.

Picking myself up with Wyethas help I staggered to Dash. His breathing was ragged and his pulse was barely discernible. Laying in between my mates I held each of their hands calling forth more healing from earth and any thing else that may help.

Gavin was soon by my side with nicole in tow. "Oh my sweet baby. Why not take me instead." she was stroking his cheek as she murmured. Reaching to remove the blade Wyetha stopped her.

"It's covered in poison. One side with arnica and the other belladonna." Wyetha stated as she ripped the end of her shirt then wrapped it around the handle pulling it out and setting it aflame throwing it next to her on the ground.

Wyetha stood and offered herself up to the witches high council in return for Dashs life force to be returned. Gathering enough strength to sit up with the help of Gavin I grabbed her ankle stopping her offering. "I will not let you or Kalens  happiness override my own. You both deserve to feel the joy and happiness only a mate can provide. I have felt that and although my heart is in pieces with the devastating loss of my mate I still have his twin.
I have been blessed with the miracle of multiple mates and while I love dash and will mourn his death always Marq is still very much alive and we will help each other get through this time of loss."

Marq had sat up and pulled me against his chest. "Yes, amoureux we will mourn together and Dashs spirit will always be with us." Kissing my head he leaned toward his twin, placing his hand over his brothers chest he vowed, "Brother , twin of my heart, I vow from this day forth to protect, love and cherish our sweet Lyla for the rest of our lives."

Struggling to breathe dash reached for me. Scooting closer I grabbed his hand bringing it to my lips. "Lyla, your presence in my life has brought it meaning and fulfillment." coughing and out of breath I placed my fingers over his lips. "Shh, rest now and remember I love you and will always be thinking of our short but happy time together. Go in peace knowing that you are very much loved and will live in my heart for eternity."

"I love you Lyla. Marq I will hold you to your vow but please look after mere also." with his last breath he looked over at his mother. "I love you mere, please promise to keep my trouble maker brother in line and help both of them move on with their lives and be happy."

"Of course mon chere, I promise." kissing his cheek we all mourned as Dash took his last breathe with a smile on his face and love exploding out of every pore of his body.

Somehow knowing what to say I led the enchantment to free Dashs spirit to the everafter and let him die in peace and contentment.

Slowly gaining my strength I realized the exact moment he entered the other world. Marq and I felt a jolt then extreme power rushed over us, soothing and bringing us closer together.

Looking out over the battle field I saw all the wolves head bowed in respect for the passing of my mate. My pack was in mourning for their alpha and shared in my pain. Standing with Marq by my side I addressed the waiting wolves.

"This is a day for triumph in our win over the enemy but also a sad day as I lost one of my mates and my pack lost an alpha." my pack was kneeling with heads bowed.

"Let's return to our homes and loved ones as we mourn our lost pack members. I want to thank all the alphas and their packs for the loyalty and respect you have shown my father and myself. The blue springs pack will be in each of your packs debt."

Leaving  Link in charge of overseeing the area and the duty of returning all the fallen pack members Nicole  brought Dash back to the pack house while Wyetha had Kalen. Marq and I teleported to our room where I finally allowed myself to breakdown.

Engulfed in Marqs embrace I cried myself to sleep.


Epilogue left.

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