*7* forgiveness

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We ran in wolf form to the Huntington pack line and shifted as the border patrol showed themselves. After recognizing us we were waved through.

Syv we just crossed your border we will be there in a few minutes

Lyda! You really came

Of course Lare. We are the three stooges and we stick together no matter what

I'm so sorry Mo. You deserve what I have

No Lare you deserve it too. I will be okay I promise. I will see at the house

I will meet you out front

As soon as I saw Syv in front of the house I shifted and tackled her.

"I'm so happy your here Mo! " tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"What about me? Don't I count for anything." Kalen snickered.

We broke apart and gathered him in a group hug.

"I missed you both. I don't know what to do. I feel useless and out of place like I don't belong." her tears started in again.

"Let's go see Stewart and knock some sense into his hard head." I grabbed her hand and started inside.

Syvie led us to their room but stopped her tracks as we saw Stewart tearing the room apart.

"Luna he's out of control! When he woke up and you were gone he flipped." several pack members were trying to subdue their alpha but he was to strong.

"Why didn't you come get me!" Syvie screamed and ran to him.

As soon as Stewart heard her voice he whipped around and threw off the hands trying to hold him and pulled her into his arms.

"You were gone. I thought you left me too." he had Syv in a bone crushing hold while rubbing his nose in the crook of her neck.

"I'm not going anywhere. Im right here. In fact I went to greet some guests. They would like to talk to us. Is that ok?" Syv was running her hand up and down his back since he hadn't let up on his hold of her.

"Alpha Stewart can we have a word please?" I lightly asked as not to startle him.

He jerked around to look at me then landed on his knees.

"I'm so sorry Lyda! I didn't know I promise. Please forgive me." He sounded so broken and alone. Just like I did this past week.

I walked to him and tried to get him to stand but he held fast on his knees.

"I deserve to be groveling at your feet not looking you in the eye as equals." he looked at the ground.

"Stewart you are my equal. We are both Alphas now rise." he shook his head no so I knelt right in front of him.

"I forgive you now you need to forgive yourself. Stand up and be the alpha you were meant to be."

"I don't feel I deserve it." he floundered a little.

"Think of Syvie, Stewart . She needs you more than ever now. I feel her pain and its tearing me up inside. Mystic feels it's too."

"How can I be happy with my mate when I killed yours." he sobbed.

"I know he was my mate but something weird has been happening. The empty feeling is getting weaker and although Mystic is mourning the loss of her mate we both feel like maybe someone else is out there waiting for us." I confessed.

I just got smiles and weird looks.

"I haven't told anyone about this so you three are the first. Kalen don't get mad but I'm still not sure what it all means but I think it will help out Syvie." I looked at Kaken hopping he would understand.

"It's ok Mo go ahead." Kalen assured me.

"Well during the past week I kept having vivid realistic dreams. Dreams about two strikingly handsome guys both with green eyes. One had white spiked hair with green tips and the other with longer wavy white hair that had natural green highlights, like it glowed green." I stopped to look at my two best friends. They both gave me reassuring looks and nods to continue.

"At first it was just images of them separately with strong emotions and attraction to each. Then a few days later the attraction got stronger to both as they appeared together. It was last night that they spoke." I nervously stopped and glanced at Stewart.

"You see I think those two guys are twins and somehow they are both my mates." I rushed through the explanation.

"Umm, mo I think maybe you need to lay down. The shock is still messing with your head." Syvie moved me to the bed.

"Look Lare, I know it sounds crazy but in the last dream when they spoke they both said beloved at the same time while looking at me. As soon as they said that my body felt like it was on fire but in a pleasurable way. Like the sparks and tingles from touching your mate, only it was a look and words."

"That would be terrific Mo but I'm not sure if you can have another mate much less two." Kalen pointed out.

"Curly I know I sound crazy but it just felt real. Dash and Marq, that's the twins names. They spoke with a slight accent. 'till next time mon cher.' and the other said 'mon amour.' It sounded so romantic and endearing. It had my heart racing so fast it woke me up."

"They sound perfect for you Mo, if only the dream were to come true." Syvie hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Lyda, I can't apologize enough." Stewart finally spoke.

"Just take care of Syvie and make her happy. I think I will be fine guys. I will be the alpha I was trained to be and make sure my pack is strong. We will all survive and be stronger throughout this ordeal. Love her and never hurt her or I will kick your ass." I smirked as I hugged Syvie then Stewart.

"Make her happy Stewart or we will both be back." Kalen said as he shook Stewarts hand and hugged Syv.

"I love you both. Stay in touch and visit often." Syv tried holding back tears.

"Same to you two. The alliance has been reinstated and I hope you will visit soon." I added with wave as Kalen and I left the two mates alone.

"Race you home alpha." Kalen said as he sprinted down the stairs.

"You can try beta but you know I'm faster." I laughed as we hit the door and shifted simultaneously and raced to the border and our house.


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