*6* pain

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It's been a week and Lyda has not gotten out of bed except to go to the bathroom. She barely eats or talks just sleeps and cries.

Syvie checks in everyday but there's nothing new to tell her. She is heartbroken that she can't be with Lyda right now. Partly because her new pack is not allowed on our property and partly because her mate is practically in a comatose state.

"Lyda hunny you need to eat something . Just a few bites and maybe some soup or broth." Freda, Lydas mom tried coaxing her to eat.

Lyda stirred a little and even looked up but then just closed her eyes. Her mom sighed and left the food on the dresser.

"See if you can get her to eat." defeated she left the room.

"Come on Mo you need to eat to get you strength back so you can kick my butt in training again. Because right now I'm pretty sure I can take you." I joked trying to get a response.

"I want to see Lare curly. Mystic feels she's in pain and I need to see her please." then she just rolled over and closed her eyes again.

"Ok I will send for her right now." I kissed her head and left the room.

Syvie how are you?

Oh Kalen he's not any better. Actually I think he might be getting worse. nothing I say helps him at all

I'm sorry Lare. I know this isn't a good time to leave but Mo is asking for you. Het wolf senses your pain

Really she wants to see me! Great I will be over soon.

Are you sure Syv

I can't do anything for Stewart so I will try to help my best friend

ok Syv be careful I will alert the border patrol to let you in but only you

ok see you soon

I walked back in and sat beside Lyda.
"She will be here soon. She is excited to be allowed to come back." I pushed some hair out of her eyes.

"Why does she think she can't come home." Lyda frowned.

"Well you did sever the alliance with her mates pack and told them they were not welcome anymore." I reminded her.

She flew up out of the bed searching for clothes.

"Shit I forgot! The pain I feel from her is because of Stewart and I. I need to go see them right now." she was rushing around her room.

"What now you decide to get up and join the world again." I lightly laughed.

"I'm sorry Curly. You have been the best brother. You, Gavin and my parents have been great to me. Better than I deserve. I am a horrible alpha." she ranted.

"Nonsense sweety. You are strong and a survivor. Any other wolf would have given up right away." her parents were in her doorway smiling.

"I'm so sorry dad. You and mom wanted a vacation and I ruined it." she threw herself in his arms.

"It's ok pumpkin. You didn't ruin anything we just moved it back some." her dad responded.

"We were so worried about you hunny. I thought you had given up." her mom started crying.

"It was horrible mom. The pain is unbearable. I feel empty and alone." she started crying again.

"I'm so sorry hunny. You deserve to be happy and loved. You deserve so much more than this." her mom cried.

"Where is Gavin? Is he doing ok?"

"He is ok, we forced him to go back to school this morning. He will be thrilled you are up and talking." Draz told her.

"As soon as I get back I will surprise him so don't tell him yet." She was once again getting ready and gathering things to leave.

"Be careful Lyda. Beta Calum has kept me informed and Alpha Stewart is in a bad way. He is..umm well he is really unstable and unpredictable." Draz continued.

"That's why I'm going dad. I will be back soon." She started out the door.

"We will be back soon." I added as I joined her.

She smiled as she took my hand and smiled. "We will be back soon."


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