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From a distance we watched Lassiter scramble to find us as Wyetha broke free from the spell.

She was outraged and her face was anything but calm. Chanting in another language she raised her palms as a fire erupted around her then spread throughout the area. Immediately sending water to put out the fire her expression was priceless. "They have a water witch among them." she sneered.

Chuckling we zapped to the other end of the area to make sure there was no fatalities. Finding half the rogues dead and the rest fighting three of ours to one of them it was only a matter of minutes before they were finished also.

With this area secure and under control we moved on to the next then the next. With the perimeter secure Lassiter and his little group were all that remained.

Marq and Dash appeared behind an angry Wyetha with menace in their eyes. "Behind you you fool!" Shouted Lassiter.

As she turned and met their eyes the ground trembled and separated with Lassiters team on one side and ours on the other. Laughing Dash flicked his wrist and the tree next to them fell creating a bridge for our wolves to cross.

The rogues met my pack and with claws extended and fangs snarling they tore into the inexperienced rogues quickly. Lassiter called his remaining followers to surround and protect him.

Marq was in a magic battle with his aunt as Dash was ridding the protection detail of a few members.

As planned Nicole entered the fight as Marq got the upper hand. With eyes wide and mouth hanging open wyetha froze, "Nicole, it's really you. I should have known you would be involved in this whole kidnapping scheme. Well know I get to finally rid the world of your existence and avenge Philippe."

"Don't say my beloveds name you traitorous bitch!" Nicole snarled as she flung a glowing purple sphere toward her hated enemy. Wyetha stopped the sphere a mere second before it reached her chest and sent it flying to her left where the group of followers had Lassiter surrounding. With howls of pain the frontline turned to ash.

"You have picked up a few tricks the last eighteen years I see." Wyetha smiled, "but not enough to defeat a higher ranking witch such as myself."

"You are of no importance to any coven much less Hatte. Ever since they killed one of their own that coven has turned beautiful magic dark and ugly." nicole spat.

"We would never kill our kin. Coven loyalty is our most sacred law." Wyetha
was getting angry again.

Laughing Lassiter joined in. "My, my what a tragedy. It seems someone has been deceived and misguided about her coven. I thought getting you to join my adventure was a little to easy, know I understand why."

"What do mean I was deceived. Is what I come said not true?" She looked astonished.

"Well technically yes, the Hatte coven did physically kill Phillipe but under the suggestion and gentle nudge from my fathers minions. It was a brilliant plan I might add, swaying the high priest at the time to help in the planned attacks and to give your brother an ultimatum. Of course that fool chose love and his beloved over his flesh and blood." Lassiter was getting bolder with each word as he slowly made his way past his guards and stood in front of Wyetha .

"Now it seems I get to finish what my father started all those years ago." Raising his hands and looking at the sky he yelled, "Polyich join us in claiming victory over these weak wolves and sad magic users."

A black cloud formed above lassiters head as the sky darkened and the air sizzled. Lassiters smile of triumph was short lived.

As the alphas and their packs ran toward the camp Gavin and I were the first to appear. Smiling I slowly walked to the witch who was having trouble keeping her temper swearing in French. "Aww, what's wrong with the rogue witch. Didn't count on having any opposition to your little plan to kidnap me."

Snapping her head from me to Lassiter she stalked towards him. "You said we were taking back your wife. You said these wolves kidnapped her and your unborn child." waving her hands in my direction. "SHE is not your wife! She is the high priestess of the brueth coven. SHE is the beloved to my very powerful nephew," and almost in a whisper she added, "the only child of my sweet, caring brother." She turned back to Lassiter and snapped attacking him.

With her outburst all the remaining rogues circled them and the closest one to Lassiter jumped on Wyethas back.
The rogue went flying through the air and landed at the base of tree unconscious.

Just as I was nearing Lassiter the ground trembled and a huge animal/ beast thing with deadly looking horns atop his head and hooves for his two feet appeared from the tree line.
"Who dares call upon Polyich and disturb my slumber."

In the background I could hear nicole chanting and soon Wyetha joined her.

Lassiter kneeled, "It was I, my lord.
Lassiter, son of Jacques, your faithful servant."

"What reason does Lassiter, son of Jaques, have for summoning me to earth." Polyich asked annoyed.

"My father has told of your many escapades together including how he once saved your life. I call upon you to make good on the debt to swore to my father." Lassiter was still on his knees but was looking up at the ten foot tall monster.

Laughing Polyich reached down, grabbing Lassiter by his shirt he brought him to eye level. "My debt was to a great soldier and trusted ally. Not to his sniveling, weak little son." throwing him across the field he turned to go back into the forest but a bright light appeared all around us. Turning back he spotted Nicole and Wyetha holding hands, faces to the sky loudly chanting the same words over and over.

With a menacing growl he stormed toward the pair, "You will not be the ones to banish me from this place again!"

Marq and Dash had joined the pair standing in front to protect them so they could finish the banishing ritual.

Dash attacked first sending big rock like structures shooting out of the ground. Polyich just smashed through them continuing toward his target. Marq joined in and both brothers sent earth magic repeatedly but nothing stopped him.

Nodding to Gavin he grabbed my hand and zapping behind the beast I sent a lighting bolt striking him on top of the head. Dazed and staggering a little he whipped around to locate his prey. Sensing his next move I summoned air to form a tornado and swipe Polyich up. He bobbed and thrashed within the swirling funnel when suddenly the air popped and sizzled and Polyich vanished.

Looking over to nicole I saw her sag against Wyetha before she fell to the ground. "Mere!" Yelled dash as both boys ran to their mother and picked her up bringing her to a very old looking tree. Sitting  her down at the base they motioned for us to join them. "Lyla we need mother earth to feed her and give her strength."

"How, what do I do?" I was starting to panic with the request.

Marq pulled me into him and kissed my head, "just concentrate and it will come to you mom amour."

Gasping  Wyetha stammered, "Twins? But...I thought ... twins!"

"Yes Wyetha, our father and mother conceived twins before he was so brutally murdered by your coven and supposed family." Dash spat before looking over his shoulder. In a flash he was fighting rogues along with Gavin as I was looking for an answer to help nicole.

Lyla think, you are an elemental witch that is linked to the earth. use those powers to draw healing and health

Mystic always so cryptic. but I did as she said instructed and I could the earth responding. With a slight tremble I could hear voices. "High priestess how can we serve you?" The tree spoke to me.

Taken aback for a second I just stood amazed. "Please lend your ancient strength to a fellow witch."

"As you wish priestess." the branches started moving and lowering. As they reached Nicole's unconscious form they picked her up cradling her to the tree.

"What use can we be to the priestess?" Looking down I saw a grouping of calendula flowers. "Please embrace this woman and shower her  body with your healing."

The tree branches lowered nicole onto the mat of calendulas and before our eyes Nicole's body was covered with flowers. "Let her heal and rest as we finish this fight."

Sadly this book is almost complete

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