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Finding all my family watching Gavin and my mates fight with their powers and spells I stood back and watched as Gavin actually has skills. He evaded quite a lot of hits with his quick reflexes and landed a few of is own.

Walking closer everyone sensed my presence and stopped. Standing before me were my two shirtless mates with sweat glistening on their chests. Someone had set up lights outside around the training building and clearing. The crowd had formed a circle around the fighters and as I walked forward a space opened up. Both Dash and Marq had a frightened look in their faces and took a step backwards whereas Gavin just tried throwing spells at me but without even thinking about it I deflected each one and actually counteracted with a few of my own. In awe Gavin continued until I actually turned to him and gave him my full attention. "Are you sure you want to do this little bro?"

With a slight pause and a frown he looked at me for a second before he shook his head yes. "okay, let's go."

Immediately the ground shook and the wind picked up. I flung a big log that was sitting on the ground at his feet. He jumped as the log reached him but instead of his feet landing on the ground he wound up in gaping whole on his butt. Laughing he jumped out landing on his feet and closed the hole.
"Impressive bro, guess you do know a thing or two."

"Okay you two that's enough we need to learn more things and form an attack plan including Gavin since it seems he has some strong magic also." nicole stated as she took the lead once again.

I suggest you all go home and rest because at dusk we prepare for war. We will still change out the patrols every four hours and with the added guards from the other packs the whole border will be covered." everyone dispersed at my urging to spend time with their loved ones.

"Dash I want you and Marq to attack both Lyla and Gavin without holding back." nicole them stepped back and stood on the sideline with a little smirk.

"What! We have had control of our powers for years where they have just now learned they had powers. We could seriously hurt them." Dash exploded, body shaking.

"Mere, what are thinking? I will not attack my mate." Marq took a step toward me but I held up my hand stopping him.

"She is right. In order for us to strengthen our gifts we need to go up against the most powerful warlocks and witches. Including your mom." chancing a glance at her face I saw a flicker of a smile before vines sprang up from the ground winding around my ankles holding me in place. While I sucked all the water out of the vines making them weak and easy to break free I pushed enough air towards all three to knock them down so I could transport behind nicole and hold a knife to her throat. "Good use of multiple powers." she said as she had the knife in her hand then twisting and stabbing me in the stomach at the exact moment the tip drew blood Gavin flashed next to us and grabbed the hand with the knife flinging it to the side, with her wrist in his hand he grabbed he shoulder picking her up and throwing her across the yard.

She got up laughing, "I knew that bond would come in handy in this situation."

"I knew Gavin was going to act before he did I think. His thoughts flickered in my head right before you drew blood."

At the word blood Marq and dash ran to me pulling up my shirt. "Mere!"

Walking toward us she waved her hand towards us three at the same time Marq wiped the spot and the bleeding stopped.

We kept at it until the sun rose and a few alphas made an appearance. Stopping to greet and confirm plans we headed to the house.

After getting conformation the rogues had starting making appearances and placing themselves near the border in unclaimed land I sent everyone to do their daily routines as to not throw any suspicions to Lassiter that we were on to his plan.

When all the alphas had finally arrived and got in their prospective positions to keep watch and notify us of any movements I headed to my room to take a long bath and try to get some sleep before we assembled at dusk.

Finding Dash already in the shower I stripped my clothes and opened the door. With a smirk he looked at me with lust filled eyes. Not needing any words he pulled me close and our lips met in a hungry kiss. My hands roamed his back and butt. Squeezing I stepped closer rubbing against his erection. My back was against the wall with Dash kissing down my neck to my breast. Kneading  one mound as he sucked on the other my knees were getting weak. Releasing my breast he ran his fingertips down my stomach to stop on my clit. Rubbing his finger up and down slowly fire erupted through my veins. Dipping the tip inside he teased me by withdrawing and pushing in a little farther. "Dash" I moaned as he slid another finger in. Grabbing  a handful of hair I pulled him in for a kiss. As his fingers continued thrusting in and out I could feel my juices flowing making his fingers slick. Withdrawing and rubbing my clit I moaned and arched my back. "Oh not yet my little fire ball." kneeling he replaced his finger with his tongue licking my clit sending shock waves pulsing through my body. His fingers plunged into my wet, slick core and he sucked on my enlarged clit making my knees buckle with need. Swirling  his tongue around my clit and thrusting his fingers in and out faster I felt the climax building. I grabbed his head as he slid his hot tongue inside me. Moaning his name again he reached up grabbing my leg and putting it on his shoulder giving better access to continue his onslaught. This time as I started to climax he thrust faster until body shook with pleasure sucking up all my sweet nectar.

Standing and picking me up he turned off the water and carried me to the room. Placing me on the bed I spread my legs inviting him closer. As he kneeled on the bed with his hands on each side of my head I leaned up to kiss him. Tracing his face with my fingertips following with kisses. Nearing my mark his body shuddered. Grabbing  his butt I pulled him closer until the tip of his penis was at my entrance. Taking his face in my hands I kissed him again as he thrust hard entering me fully. Wrapping my legs around his hips I matched him thrust for thrust. As the momentum got faster I felt him lightly rubbing my clit once again. "Dash please" I needed him now more than ever.

Feeling my need his paced quickened sending little star bursts behind my eyes. Urging him faster I grabbed his ass. I felt his climax at the precise time mine started. Nails scratching his back, back arching, my vision blurry I let all my love flow into him.

Kissing my throat, face, nose then eyes he whispered, "je t'aime min bien aime. vous Estes belle."

"I love you too dash." kissing him again I laid on his chest while he wrapped his arms around me, holding me to his body.

"Rest Amoureux. you will need your strength." kissing my forehead I closed my eyes.

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