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"Let's start when you both escaped." I said as mom and dad sat on the couch and nicole sat in a chair across from my desk with my mates on either side of me each taking a hand.

"Mom has already told me of the capture and her killing Jacques." I told nicole.

"While waiting for our rescuers to find us I did a spell to protect your mom and her unborn child, you. I was also pregnant but didn't know it was twins or that the spell would protect them or that it would link all three of you together." she paused to look at her sons.

"It wasn't until the boys started coming into their powers that I knew something was different. Their dad being from the second most powerful coven, the hatte coven, was highly influential and very powerful. Like us his covens main source of power comes from the earth so with both sets of parents being earth elementals they would be the most powerful warlocks in the world." she smiled proudly at both sons.

"Where is their father?" I questioned.

A frown appeared on her face for a split second, "His coven didn't approve of our mating so when the news of our upcoming wedding and bonding ceremony they set the plan in motion to have me kidnapped."

I gasped. "What? Thats insane, why would anyone do that?"

"Power. They were promised more power to become the strongest coven and overpower the brueth coven, which is my families coven. Jacques approached them upon hearing of their distaste of our joining and bribed them to set me up so he could trap me and take me to his prison.

Philippe found out their plan and came to stop Jacques but their coven master at that time was weak and let Jacques play with his mind and authority so my Philippe was brutally killed trying to save me." tears were freely flowing now. I felt awful for bringing up a past that was so devastating for nicole.

"I'm truly sorry for making you relive that horrible moment." I apologized.

"No need alpha, I know he died trying to protect me and that he loved me." she smiled. "It wasn't until I was captive for over a month that I realized I was pregnant and not that much longer when your mom was brought in to join me."

"Nicole is the only reason I stayed sane in there." the women smiled fondly at one another. "Days would pass with nothing to disturb the feeling of despair and hopelessness until she brought me out of dazed stupor with tales of her family and their adventures then finally about Philippe. After some time I joined in the conversation adding my own stories. She admitted her condition to me and that she was scared for the unborn child so I also told her about my pregnancy so we made a pact that the next time someone came to cells and approached us the other would try to escape and get help."

"Yes, your mother is very brave and a strong women. After we escaped and finally were rescued we stayed in contact." nicole said.

"How did you know about me and the bond?" I asked.

"When a witch or warlock starts developing their powers they usually harness energy from one of the elements. With both their dad and I being earth elementals they should have gained tremendous power. I could tell they were not gaining the maximum effects so I went to one of our elders and sought guidance. They told of a similar instance when a witch was the mate to a powerful alpha and after completing the mate bond her powers tripled and made her one of the most powerful witches at that time. After doing countless hours of research I finally found the records of the witch and her family.

She was from the hatte coven many years ago and her family name was Linzey" she paused and looked at mom. "Madison linzey." mom and I gasped. It couldn't be, could it. My great great great... grandmother a witch?

"Are you sure? My family has never once mentioned having a witch as an ancestor much less a very powerful witch. Shouldn't the powers have been handed down through the generations." mom asked still in shock.

"The power does pass from parent to child but if it's not harnessed or accessed it stays dormant. I'm not sure why the witch side of your heritage was never known to you but it does flow through you. I felt a slight pulse as I did the spell eighteen years ago but I was so distraught I never really thought of it until I did research on the linzey witch. Which brought me to you and Lyda." nicole beamed at me looking proud.

"Okay , so what exactly does that mean?" I questioned.

"Your powers are already manifesting so with the mating of both Marq and Dash you will have enormous power. Having both parents extremely powerful on their own my sons are the most powerful warlocks living right now. With your mating they gain a little of your power and you gain theirs giving you the position of high priestess in both the brueth and hatte covens. Having these powers along with your werewolf abilities leaves you the most influential and powerful women in the world and puts you as the golden prize for Lassiter to complete his fathers plan." nicole stated, "But no worries dear we are here to teach you to tap into those powers and how to combine them with your werewolf ones. Also to help protect you and your pack." I looked from nicole to my parents then to each of mates.

"This is a little overwhelming and alot to take in." I sighed, "So this is why my pack is under attack? So I can be used as a breeder for powerful beings to a psychopath following after his demented father." I stood up straight with my head held high. "No one, especially some pathetic lunatic will trespass into my territory, kill my pack members and try to kidnape me and live. I will hunt him and his weak followers down and torture them until they die a painful and merciless death." I said with no hesitation or remorse.

Dash smiled and nodded in agreement while Marq paled a little looking uneasy.

"Mere, she was terrific today. She showed no fear and without thinking used her earth element to prove a point." he kissed my cheek and gave me a smile.

"Realky, what happened?" nicole asked intrigued.

"I'm not sure, I was angry and wanted him away from my pack, next thing I know a huge whole opened in the ground swallowing the half shifted rogue then closed itself back up." I shrugged confused, "I pictured him crossing the territory line in my mind but instead of the boundary the ground tore apart and a wide gap separated us and he fell in the gap but instead a whole appeared."

"Thats a good start. You just need more focus and practice." she said encouragingly. "By the way I like the green tips in your hair. It just proves the truth that you are indeed the descendent of Madison and you are connected to my sons." she proudly stated with a tear in the corner of her eye.

I whipped my head to the right to look in the mirror therefore exposing my collarbone. "How beautiful! A white rose, I should have guessed. That was always Marqs favorite and the symbolism is perfect. I'm so proud that my boys have such an amazing woman to become one with."

"I am the lucky one. Just a few weeks ago I was devastated thinking I would be forever mateless. Then to learn I have two very attractive, powerful warlocks as my mates to love me unconditionally makes me feel unworthy."

"Never think that, mon Cheri . You are perfect." Marq lovingly said stroking my cheek tenderly.

"Absolutely amoureux. We are the lucky ones to have such a kind hearted, loving, strong alpha female as our mate." Dash added making me feel tingly where his hand was trailing down my neck, across my spine to rest on my hip.

Blushing and feeling embarrassed I looked at the feet. My family was always telling me how pretty I was and what a good leader I would become but I never believed them. I never thought of myself that way until now.

"So knowing all this what are our plans of attack." dad asked getting back into alpha mode.

"I will call a meeting in the morning with Stewart and seek his help to protect the pack when we leave to track Lassiter." I said as I called Kalen in.

"Yes alpha." Kalen appeared in the doorway ready to do my bidding.

"Set up a meeting with Stewart for tomorrow morning then ask Link and the trackers to join us in a hour to discuss our plans." I instructed.

Kalen nodded, "Of course alpha", then disappeared.

"Alright meet back in an hour." I said as I grabbed my mates hands and led them out of the office.


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