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thanks for the all readers! I appreciate all the support. translations are at the end of chapters!!!
warning mating scene below... I will warn before they complete the mating though

Feelings of warmth and security enveloped me. I tried moving but something strong had me weighed down. I slowly opened my eyes and found a tanned arm connected to the most perfect chest I have ever seen. A lock of beautiful white hair with a tint of green was covering one of his closed eyes. I lightly traced my finger along his strong jaw and placed a kiss on his perfectly formed lips. With a slight movement the strong arms embraced me and a sexy accented, "Morning mon cherie" was whispered in my ear. A shiver went through my body as I moved to look in the gorgeous emerald green eyes of Marq.

I adjusted my position to lay on my side so I could gaze into those intense eyes. "I thought you were a dream that I somehow made up and made myself think you were real. "

"I'm real and waited patiently to finally have you in my arms." he leaned in to kiss me and I looped my hands behind his head and deepened the kiss. Our tongues fought for dominance and I let him win reeling in the effects just this one kiss made me feel. I released his head an trailed my hand down his back and to his hard butt. Grabbing it I gently squeezed as warmth spread through my system. A low growl erupted from my throat as Marq released my lips and trailed kisses down my neck to land on my breast. Turning over on my back to give him full access I moaned as he sucked on my nipple through the shirt. I shuddered in wanting as I ran my hands up his back bringing his shirt up with them. I tugged it up to his neck and he moved enough to let me raise it all the way off his head and I flung it to the floor as he started inching my shirt up as he trailed kisses up following his hands. I arched my back then raised my head to allow the shirt to be removed.

Marq gazed at my lightly clad breasts and whispered, 'si belle'(so beautiful) he licked his way from my stomach to the edge of my bra. He slowly undid the front closure while looking me in the eye. "I can't believe we finally found you. I felt your anger and unease when that rogue was taunting you. I tapped into our bond and was able to work a spell to be able to see each other and then I sent my power to you."

"Th ground moving, that came from you?" I asked shocked.

"Yes, our powers are strongly connected to the earth. We gain strength from it also." he slowly lowered his head so his lips were right above mine. "You are perfect mon amour", he whispered as he lowered his lips to meet mine nibbling on my bottom lip. As soon as I opened my mouth he plunged his hot tongue into my mouth and our tongues swirled together making spots appear behind my closed eyelids and I felt tiny electric currents making my body heat up. Gasping for air I pulled back, "you make me feel alive and wanted."

"I will always want you mon bien-aimé, I will always be there for you. You will never be alone again I promise amoureux."

"I believe you mon amour." I replied.

"Je t'aime" he whispered as he made his way down to my bare nipples and slowly suckled on one nipple then the other.

"I love you too Marq." I panted. "please I need you now."


He slowly pulled my pants and panties down and dropped them on the floor as he started at my toes and kissed his way up my legs to stop and nibble at the back of knee then proceed up to my wet core. parting the slick folds with his tongue he plunged that torturous tongue in an out of my core while gently rubbing my clit. Swirling his tongue inside I felt the start of my climax. He removed his tongue and replaced it with a finger as his tongue licked and sucked on my clit.

"Your so tight and untouched darling. I love that I'm the first man to pleasure you." he added another finger gently stretching me.

I moaned as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out. "Please Marq!" he withdrew his fingers then kissed my core. Our eyes met as I felt him shedding his remaining clothes and he leaned in to kiss me propping himself up on his arms.

The kiss deepened which made my body feel on fire. I wiggled trying to release some pressure from down below that seemed to be building more and more.

I felt the tip of his hard penis rub my clit as I wiggled around. He froze but I needed more so I grabbed his butt and pulled him closer. "Are you sure your ready?"

"I'm positive" he positioned himself between my open legs and slowly pushed the tip in then stopped. "Don't stop, please" I panted needing to feel him inside me.

"I don't want to hurt you love."

"It's ok, I know it will only hurt for a minute." I pulled him in for another kiss when he pushed deeper.
I whimpered a little and he stopped then as he deepened the kiss I felt as he past my maiden barrier. Then pain was sharp and intense but after he moved his hips making his shaft slide out a little them back in pleasure overrode the pain.

As he withdrew then entered again I found myself raising my hips to meet his. With each thrust pleasure pulsated my body. I could feel the pleasure building and my canines elongate. "Marq, my wolf wants to mark you" I pleaded as I felt my climax beginning.

He positioned his neck for me to bite "go ahead darling I will also place my mark on you" I placed my mouth above the skin I was going to mark. As the climax started I sank my teeth in to my mates neck marking him as my mate and alpha of our pack.

I felt a shudder go threw his body as he climaxed along with me. Pleasure rolled off him in waves as it hit me making my high feel ecstatic. I wanted this moment and these intense feelings to continue forever.

we are one now mon amour

yes and I am forever yours

I like this way of talking. it's intimate and private

yes, but now you are linked to the pack and can talk to any member. it gets tiring trying to filter and block others

That is a burden I will gladly take in order to have you

what a sweet mate I have. wait isn't dash my mate also?

technically yes but he's more in the authoritve and ruling part where as I'm more loving and carefree. he will eventually have to mate with you and mark you but his pull is mainly to protect and provide while mine is more physical and emotional

so he's not attracted to me

I didn't say that. both of us still feel all the mate pull and emotions but some are more dominate than others. we assume the spell mom cast somehow connected us all but being twins ours kind of split between us. so both of us are your mates but we received different mate roles I guess. dash still feels the attraction and possessiveness but not nearly as strong as I do and I will really don't want to lead anyone or fight. he fits that role more than I

so I get two witch mates that equal one wolf mate

he chuckled. if that's how you see it. we both love you and don't expect you to show favoritism. and I also know that you feel attraction towards him so I'm not jealous love. we are both here for you however you need us.

I am drawn to both but the connection between you and I has always been stronger

smiling he slowly kissed me. We broke apart gasping for air. "We better get you downstairs before someone comes looking"

He scooped me up and deposited me on the counter in the bathroom. "Shower and I will let everyone know you will be down soon." he kissed my forehead and turned to leave.

"Marq" he looked back. "I'm really glad fate brought you two to me."

"so am I Cheri, so am I."


mon bien-aimé- my beloved
si belle - so beautiful
Mon chéri - my darling
amoureux - sweetheart
mon amour- my love
Je t'aime- I love you

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