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Leading the way upstairs to my room, well our room now I guess, I sat on the bed and motioned for them both to join me.

"I know Marq you aren't thrilled about violence and fighting so you are welcome to stay here and lead the pack when we are gone."

"What?! I admit to not like fighting but I would never let my mate go into danger without me. I am a skilled fighter I just choose not to use those skills unless I'm forced to." Marq practically yelled.

"Okay, I'm sorry." holding my hands up in surrender. "I don't want to force you to fight though."

He grabbed my hands and kissed each palm. "I will go to protect you and to exact revenge for my father."

"He is a terrific fighter, we all have often wondered how he can be as good as he is but not like to fight. After years of his staying in the background we gave up in trying to include him." dash said.

"So do you know where Lassiter is?" I asked.

"We don't know his precise location but know a few of his hideouts and have people watching them." Marq said as he sat beside me.

"Our lookouts have him in one of two locations. We are waiting on confirmation now." Dash said stretching and showing off his muscled abdomen.

"So what's the plan then? Go in and take him out." I asked still gawking.

Dash tried hiding a chuckle, "We keep him under surveillance until we learn his routines then we strike. In the meantime we help you develop and control your gifts."

"Okay, so we wait. I'm not good at waiting so I will set up training times and divide patrol up so everyone can train." I stood up taking off my shirt. Both guys just starred as I put on my training clothes.

"What are you doing?" dash asked his eyes a darker shade of green. I kissed his cheek, "I'm going to train until the meeting starts." I gave him a duh look.

"Umm, oh okay." he barely got out. I winked, "Don't worry babe, we have all night to see each other undress and get acquainted." I blew him a kiss and walked out the room.

"Damn!" I heard dash exclaim.

"Wait until you see her naked." Marq snickered which earned him a grunt from Dash. I stopped in my tracks at his next statement.

"Don't worry man, she won't care about your lack of expertise. I was her first and she was mine and you will be her second and only other so being your first will only excite her more I think." Marq was trying to reassure his twin.

"I'm just nervous and don't want to disappoint her." I smiled liking the idea of Dash not having sex with any other girls.

I ran downstairs and out the door to the training ground. As I was assigning partners my mates joined us giving each other weird looks.

"Which one of you want to partner with me?" I asked with a smile.

"I will." dash volunteered right away.

"Dash, don't hurt her." Marq warned and I just flashed a grin.

"Everyone start in human form and attack like your life depends on it." its the teens slot to be training right now so not many adults were present, most were doing patrols or preparing for the upcoming battle.

"Okay, begin." the trainer yelled as I watched dash's movements looking for a weakness. He didn't seem to want to strike first so I crouched down and got in a fighting stance with him doing the same. I went for his left side knowing his right was more dominant somehow.

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