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As the meeting ended and everyone understood their orders my family gathered in the kitchen. Mom always cooked when she was stressed so the counter was lined with various dishes.

With all the training that will be going on these next hours we all piled our plates and dug in. When we were all finished a quietness filled the room.

"It's all going to be okay. We have the upper hand and more allies than I thought. If we all follow the plan then everyone should be fine." as I finished I heard a screech of tires and doors slamming. I ran to the front door as Stewart was carrying Syvie inside. Sitting her down on the couch he looked straight at me, "As her best friend she will listen to you."

"About what exactly?" I asked as the rest of the family joined us.

"He demanded I go into hiding and leave the pack. I told him I would never leave my pack to protect myself." Syvie huffed.

"Syvie you do know your pack is on their way here now. Since you will be here anyway will you take back your previous duty since I have been lapse in resigning it and you can assign your pack mothers and teens to help all the others so there won't be any confusion." She immediately stood up and headed to the secret door. After going down she came back with a list of supplies that were needed to replenish the stock and added more blankets and bedding for the new arrivals.

"When will the alarm be sounded?" Syv asked as she rubbed her growing belly.

"Since we will be going about our daily activities we will have everyone go to their houses as usual and they will be transported to their assigned places. All the pups, women and elderly will brought here and the assigned members will separate them and bring them down."

"Okay but what about all the extra wolves that will be arriving?" Syv asked.

"The two packs along your border will join Stewart and Calum until the call is made. The packs along our western, northern and southern borders will slowly arrive throughout the night and morning watching and making sure there aren't any trespassers. We agree that they will make some kind of disturbance to try and take us off guard and we also agree to go with it. We will follow their lead and pretend we don't know they are here."

"Well then we should get started on those supplies then." Syv walked back to the kitchen and started loading baskets up with water and non perishables from the enormous pantry and she sent Stewart and Kalen in search of the bedding and toiletries.

As Stewart walked past he mouthed thank you and went about doing his mates bidding. I smiled as I knew Syvie wouldn't pass up the opportunity to once again be involved in care of the little ones. She did in fact volunteer for that particular duty in the first place.

Nicole cornered me and told me it was time. I brought her to the training area that was in a big clearing but also include a gym that was next to the

Dash and Marq have already changed into loose clothes and had various
things laid out.

I watched as each of them did a demonstration on their powers. I concentrated and mystic helped walk me through and I copied each one. In awe that I had the powers of nicole also they looked at me eyes big, mouths open.

"I am pleased that you have the combined powers of my family. Now let's learn some spells. You probably won't remember these yet but you can have a base knowledge at least. We went through the chants and meanings for about an hour before we agreed to take a break then meet back in an hour.

Eyeing the pool I thought a swim sounded heavenly to wash away the dirt and sweat I had worked up.

As my thoughts were still on a relaxing swim the water started to swirl and lift up. I gaped as my mates came running over to look. "Lyla are you doing that?" Dash asked shocked.

"I don't know I was thinking about the cool water and going for a swim when it started moving." I honestly had no idea if it was me or not.

"My suspicions are correct. Lyla you have inherited your ancestors water affinity as well as our earth." nicole said with pride.

"How can an earth witch have control over water?" I asked confused.

"Chere, although our main powers are connected to the earth we have the ability to have an affinity with any element. We draw our power from the earth which aides in the ability to use our magic. Water and earth often compliment each other but if I remember correctly air was the specialty of your great grandmother."

"So I can control air also?" I was baffled as to how all this was possible.

"Let's test all the elements" nicole chanted and a fire broke out to my left. Wanting to out it out before it reached the building I wished I had water to pour over it and all the sudden the water from the pool was gushing toward the fire leaving a heavy smoke behind. Thinking of a gush of wind to dissipate the smoke I felt a breeze blow across my skin almost like a caress.

"Excellent Lyla, it seems you can control three elements. Thats enough for now we will continue after we eat and rest for a bit." with a smile and knowing look she sauntered off toward the house.


Fight is coming soon. then the end will be near.😞

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