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Waking up alone once again I pulled on my robe then used the restroom. Dressing and going downstairs I linked my mates.

Me waking up alone again better not be a habit you two

sorry my love we just wanted you fully rested and in peak condition when we attack. Dash and I are awaiting you in the office to meet with all the alphas once more

Okay I am grabbing a snack and then I will join you two

Dash met me in the kitchen with a kiss. "I hope our shower pleased you," he mumbled in my ear.

"You always please me sweetie, even more so when your making me moan." I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his mark. With a shudder he squeezed me and kissed my head. "Although  I would love to join you in bed again love, we have an important meeting before we make fools of those imbeciles spying on our lands. Smiling at his use of the word our lands I pecked his lips then grabbed a water and an apple and went to the office.

Marq was looking out the window which gave me a spectacular view of his perfect tight ass. Walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around him and leaning my cheek against his back I asked, "whats got you worried?"

Turning so he faced me our mouths crashed together in a kiss filled with desperation and longing. "I cant loose you amoureux, you are my world, mon ceour. I wouldn't be able to face life if your not in it." silent tears were freely falling down his cheeks. Wiping his face I kissed up his jawline, "I'm not going anywhere so don't worry darling. We will stay together so we will be at our strongest. With Gavin and my two wonderful mates with me no one can beat us. " kissing him I let all my love and joy flow into him. "If five alphas weren't waiting I would show you how much I love and need you." was his reply.

"I guess we better hurry up this meeting then." grabbing his hand and linking Dash to meet us at the designated spot we teleported. After each of us retrieved the alphas we caught up on all the positions of the rogues, witches and whoever else Lassiter coned into joining him.

"So the group to the north is set to attack right after sunset. There already boasting of their supposed win." laughed one of the alphas.

Stewart added, "Lassiter has set up under the cluster of trees right between our borders. A few lone rogues and one witch are watching the Huntington border while Lassiter keeps a powerful witch and five rogues with him at all times."

"Did you get a look at the witch?" dash asked.

"Tall, extremely skinny, black waist length hair." he said trying to remember.

"What about her eyes? Or face?" Marq asked standing closer to me and grabbing my waist pulling into his side.

"Sorry just saw her from behind." Stewart apologized.

"I had a good look, her eyes are a dark grey almost black with a thin scar in a L shape across her cheek." another alpha said.

Dash was gone in an instant. "What? Do you know who that is?" I asked just as dash popped back in with nicole and Gavin in tow.

"This changes things drastically." nicole started a she looked at me and Marq.

"Yes mere, it seems she has returned to finish her pledge of ruining our family and ending the brueth covens rein." Marq shared a look with his brother.

"Who are talking about?" Gavin asked the question we were all wondering.

"Wyetha, Hatte covens strongest witch and our greatest enemy." Dash spat out with hatred lacing his words.

Nicole stood by Dash and grabbed his hand. "Philippe, my dear, sweet Philippe as I told you already was a member of the Hatte coven and a very powerful warlock. His coven did not approve of our union and the joining of both covens. Wyetha, sister to Phillipe and aunt to my boys loved her older brother more than anything. When she found out that her coven killed her beloved brother all her hate turned towards me and my coven. She has made it her life's work to constantly belittle my sons and destroy our coven. Although she was young at the time and dosent know the correct story she thinks my coven is responsible for her brothers  death.

"After I gave birth the air was electrified and wave after wave of enormous power shifted into the twins. It is my belief their father, sensing his covens impending betrayal, knew I was pregnant and conjured a spell entrapping his power and magic until the birth of his child."

"Wow, that's just ... unbelievable. I mean to think of something like that ahead of time as you are facing death shows extreme love and devotion." Gavin commented.

"Yes, Phillipe showed his loyalty to me time and again and his love never wavered even after he was given the choice of living within his coven as their high priest or being shunned and sentenced to life without any powers at all."

"Your powers can be taken from you?" All this is so out of my league.

"Not by an individual or even an entire coven. The current high priest and priestess of every coven has to come to mutual understanding of why powers should be striped and which if any or all would be. More often than not they just get bound until an alloted time frame has been met." nicole continued. "No one has had their powers stripped in my lifetime so we didn't know the correct procedures that were followed until it was to late."

"How do we beat her?" I asked.

"That is the problem. She has never lost a fight, all her victims have been killed."

"She has never fought the alpha that's bonded to her her twin mates along with her brother." I smirked.

"Very true cher, you four have tremendous power and together you can be unstoppable." her face lit up with a huge grin.

Grabbing Marq and dashs Hands I raised them up, " The trifecta is born and our combined powers will overshadow any black magic that bitch throws our way."

Applause and hoots erupted from the group. "Shall we kick some ass?!" I yelled.

After everyone was back to their locations we waited until the rogues started to make their move and silenced them before any alarms were sent back to Lassiter.

As the sun set dash, marq, Gavin and myself landed smack dab in the middle of lassiters camp.

"Well looky here boys, we have ourselves a traitors witch and scum bag little boy trying to still please his dead father." I said with sarcasm and venom. before Wyetha had a chance to cast any spells the twins had her stuck in a spell paralyzingly her. Lassiter paled before he lunged at me.

We poofed out of the camp as our wolves swarmed and the battle began.


Almost to the end😞

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