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"Damn, I think we just royally screwed up." I said.

"Yeah, she sounds pretty pissed at us." Dash started to follow but Gavin stopped him.

"Dude. I think we better go talk to my dad before you try to go anywhere near her." Gavin snickered. "Oh by the way I'm Gavin and I'm not a little boy, I'm fifteen but I will still kick both your asses if you hurt my sister." he huffed and stormed out the room.

"Well damn, we just can't win." Dash sulked as I followed Gavin.

Following his voice I found him in the kitchen with both of our mothers. "Oh dear I better go get your father." Freda said rushing out the room.

"Didn't I raise you too to respect women's feelings and I know you did your own research on wolf mates." mom scolded as dash joined us and Gavin grinned enjoying this a little too much.

"Sorry mere, we just went a little overprotective." dash said as Gavin snickered, "A little, ha!"

"Where are you guys from? You have a very weird accent and speak weird words." Gavin bluntly stated.

Laughing mere answered, "We are French Canadian and that language we sometimes fall back into is French young man."

"Really! That's so cool. I have ways wanted to learn another language." he said excitedly. "What does mere mean?"

"Mere means mother." mom said as she handed us bowls and spoons to set the table. Leading us to the dining room Gavin set some bowls down on the humongous table that must sit at least thirty people.

"Chere, please go get the cups." mom asked and dash jumped to do her bidding.

"What does that.." Gavin started but I interrupted. "It means dear. I will run through the basics real quick and maybe later we can sit down and teach you." Gavin nodded yes so I continued. "bonjour- hello, oui-yes, non-no, si vous plait-please and merci-thank you."

Gavin looked deep in thought for a second then nodded, "I got it."

Mother and I exchanged looks but kept quite. Dash brought the cups and set them out.

"Well boys I hear we are having some mate issues." Dear chuckled as his wife and him walked into the dining room.

"Yeah, it seems we may have inadvertently threatened her brother and then she went into a rave about trusting her in simple terms." I said with a frown.

Draz came up and clapped both of us on the shoulders, "Lets go for a walk and have a talk about mates and women mates in particular."

"Draz you better not make light of our feelings and needs." Freda threatened wagging a finger at him.

He put his hands up in the air as backed out the room. "Wouldn't think of it dear." then turned and rushed outside.

"We will talk to you all later." I said rushing after draz with Dash right behind me.

We found Draz outback laughing. "Lesson number one, always agree no matter if you think they are wrong never tell them that. "

"Okay what's lesson two?" I asked a little leery.

"Let's walk shall we." he motioned toward the forest. He took off and I looked at Dash and he just shrugged and followed.

"First off, our first shift is usually at sixteen but for some alpha families they can be as early as thirteen. That happens in my family quite often, both my children shifted early so they have been in contact with their wolves more than regular wolves. By the time they turn eighteen and are able to find their mates they are in complete sync with their wolves. Each knowing what the other wants and is thinking which means they have better control of their wolves.

Now as for Lyda she shifted at fourteen which is around the usual age for the next alpha. Gavin he shifted much earlier. Lyda went out for a run one afternoon by herself when she was sixteen. Gavin and a few of his friends were at the lake near the western border of our territory so she decided she would join them. Before she reached the boys five rogues jumped her and while they were fighting Gavin heard the growling and linked me then went to investigate. Lyda had killed three but the other two had ganged up on her and one had her backed into a tree while the the other circled around attacking from the side. As she went down Gavin went ballistic and immediately shifted attacking and killing both rogues." he stopped at a clearing and sat on a big rock.

Dash glanced at me but all I could think was my beloved was in danger and I wasn't here to protect her.

Continuing, " Lyda had lost a lot of blood during the attack, she was unconscious as Gavin carried her to the clinic." he stopped as a tear formed in his eye, taking s deep breath he continued. "Gavin never left her side the whole time she was in hospital. It took all night for her to heal completely due to the silver the rogues had on their claws. His voice was the one that she responded to or acknowledged. Ad soon as her eyes opened she was calling for him. The elders have said that the bond they share is much stronger than normal sibling bonds. Its like they are in tune to each other and the others wolves. They are deeply connected emotionally and spiritually. They feel each other's pain and happiness. Si when you threatened Gavin you threatened her wolf Mystics brother which I hear you met today." he snickered.

"Yeah she was a little scary." I said.

"Her power was astonishing." dash said and I nodded agreeing.

"Wolves are very protective of their family and pack. Mated wolves are even more protective and territorial of their mates." He stopped and looked at both of us. "Do you know anything about wolf mates?" He asked us.

"We know a mate is a soulmate, the one made for you much like our beloved. You crave only their touch and love, you only want them to be happy and safe." dash started.

"No other will catch your eye or make you feel like your mate can. Any other that touches you or tries to entice you sexually you make you feel sick and disgusted. If a mate is rejected they usually shut down and turn in on themselves. If a mate is killed they go insane and either wither away alone or somehow make others kill them." I finished.

"That's basically correct. When mates are fully bonded their connection is precious and they cherish their mates above all others. Alphas have a stronger connection due to their status and power making them overprotective and very jealous. Knowing their mates would never actually leave them or be with another of their own free will is the only reason they don't attack everyone that interacts with their mate.

As for Lyda, well after finding her wolf mate and him being killed just minutes later, it changed her. She felt she was a horrible mate and didn't deserve to be leading a pack. It took weeks for her to even leave her room. She thought she would be mateless forever. An alpha that losses their mate looses their self. Lyda, my sweet baby girl, she fought through and survived with the help of Gavin and her two best friends Kalen and Sylvia.

Now you two show up and she's so thankful she has another chance at happiness. A mate to love and take care of her, well two mates. She would never do anything to break the mate bond or trust and loyalty of her mate. I expect you both to be protective but remember she comes first and her feelings and emotions will soon be yours to bear." with that he walked away leaving us both to think on all he just revealed.

Short but sweet

Thanks for reading

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