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Soaking in everything I learned and have yet to learn I felt at peace and knew we would come out of this intact. I feel the odds are in our favor without many losses on our part.

I felt the presence of my mates and shaking out of my thoughts I linked arms with both of them and led them to the house.

"You are a fast learner." Dash complimented.

"I have excellent teachers!" I boasted.

"I still can't believe you have so much power. Three affinities, that's remarkable mon cherie." Marq stated as he leaned over to kiss my cheek.

We were met at the door by Gavin. "I'm going to train with you next time, nicole gave me a run through and I'm eager to see if I have any powers."

"Okay Gav, but please don't try to be a hero tomorrow. I need you to stick around and spoil your nieces and nephews."

"I can't promise anything if you are in trouble. You know I can feel your distress and pain." Gavin looked serious.

Pulling him close and kissing his forehead, "I know just like I can feel you. Its a burden and a blessing but I'm still glad you were there that day to save me. I will always look out for you little bro."

"And I you sis. I love you!" He said as he looked at my mates. "You two better not let any harm come to her or I will make you wish it was you." he then turned around and walked away.

"You two are really close, huh." Marq stated.

"Yes, he helped me when I thought I was cocky thinking I was the best fighter. If not for him I would have not made it back to the pack doctor alive." Remembering that awful day it made me proud to have Gavin as my brother.

"We are glad he was there for you also." Dash said as we all sat at the bar in the kitchen as mom served us a mountain of food. Eating in silence I mentally went through our session again trying to find flaws in my own technique and also running through the spells.

I felt Marq's hand on my arm gently rubbing. "Deep in thought" was his simple statement as he stood up and placed his hands on my shoulders massaging my tense muscles. "Just relax and release all the tension. You are not alone to handle the burden of alpha any longer. Let Dash and I take some of the load off. Delegate the duties to us and you concentrate on locating and ending Lassiter."

Taking a deep breath I let it out as I felt my muscles slowly relax. Resting my chin on my chest I closed my eyes and cleared my mind. Mystic sensed my mood and was edge.

"Let's go sit in the living room and enjoy some peace for a few minutes. Not wanting to move I felt Marq shift positions and gently pick me up and carried me to couch where he sat down with me in his lap. Dash sat next to us and put my feet on his lap rubbing them making me moan with pleasure.

Closing my eyes I felt Marq's arm tighten around me and I relaxed into his embrace and told myself I would rest for a few minutes before heading back outside to continue my training.

I woke up by myself on the couch in the dark living room filled with an eerie silence. Sitting up I listened for any sounds throughout the house. Hearing absolutely nothing I stood and went to my office to check for messages or emails from the alphas that were joining us. Scrolling through all the emails I didn't see any that pertained to our plans so I closed out the computer and sat back. Scanning the room I spotted the picture of Gavin and myself from last year on his birthday. He was happy to turn fifteen and a year closer to a drivers license. My parents and I already have plans for his sixteen birthday next month. He has never asked for anything of value or importance, always little things like a new video game or some new cd that just got released. Maybe clothes or shoes if he was forced to buy he has always been a simple boy with no need for expensive things or brand name anything. His only real obsession is comic books or anything comic related.

We plan to take him to a comic-con that is coming to the near by city a week before his birthday. On my assistance my parents are also getting him a motorcycle. He needs his freedom and independence and I don't want him to suffer the same boring day after day routine stuck here in the pack territory. Granted I did get to leave when my father requested my presence when meeting another alpha or trying to gain alliances. Gavin is to outgoing and lovable to be hidden away like I was. He needs to get out and enjoy his youth before he has to settle down and become an active member of the pack.

Standing and walking to the kitchen to grab a water I noticed the clock read almost three am. Damn those boys let me sleep the night away. Getting a little pissed that everyone abandoned me to sleep while they were all busy I stormed out the house towards the group in the training field.


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