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As I watched Dash talk and walk around the feelings of love grew and spread. His physic and body movements made my mouth water. The authority radiating off him made me tremble a little.

Looking at Marq he smiled his heart warming smile and winked. He is so honest and open. Walking over I sat next to him while Dash explained the plan. He grabbed my hand and pulled it up to his lips for a kiss. "You look beautiful right now mon Cherie."

"Thank you. Do you agree with the plan so far?" I asked wanting his input.

"I agree about the location and him using it as his base. I just don't like the idea of you going in there facing him. You may be injured or captured. I can't loose you know Amoureux." he squeezed my hand and I stood then sat in his lap. "I will be with my two amazing mates that wouldn't dare let anyone touch me. Plus I have the added benefit of all my awesome powers." I kissed his lips and traced his creased brown with with finger. "Relax my overprotective, handsome, very enticing mate." winking I stood up and went back to the laptop.

"Okay, does anyone have any suggestions or comments?" I opened the floor for all advice.

After another hour we all were on the same page and had a plan in motion. We would all go back to our packs and gather half of our best fighters and meet back at our pack in two days. We will train together as a combined pack for another few days then we will move towards the suspected location in a week.

Back at our house we explained our plan to my parents and Nicole as we planned a pack meeting tomorrow morning to advise the pack of the arrivals and of our packs role.

Mystic was itching for a run so I asked Kalen and my dad to accompany me to do patrol of the entire boundary.

Kissing my mates and shifting behind a tree I picked up my clothes in my teeth the dropped them in front of my mom. She just smiled at me continuing her conversation with Nicole and folded then and sat them on the chair.

Marq came over and ran his hands through my fur. "You are as beautiful in wolf form as in human. Your fur is so soft and smooth."

Your hands running through my fur makes me tremble

We can talk when your in wolf form?

Yes we can talk anytime thanks to the bond

That's great I was getting worried I wouldn't be able to talk when we are attacking

We can always communicate babe

I barked at dad and Kalen to hurry them up and soon we were off.
Racing through trees and jumping over logs I felt free and full of energy. Nearing the border I slowed to a trot while dad and Kalen caught up. We met the patrol and getting confirmation there were no disturbances we ran the border line and met up with each patrol at their assigned locations. Finding no trespassers or problems we headed back to the house.

Darling are you close?

Yes Dash we are about ten minutes away, why is something wrong?

No, no just got new info on Jacques and his group of rogues

Okay we will hurry

Dad, Kalen we have new Intel on Jacques so let's hurry

Yes alpha

Okay Lyla

We raced back and met by the back porch. Marq and Dash were waiting for us and handed me my clothes. I ran around the corner and quickly shifted and dressed. Meeting everyone on the porch the laptop was already set up and ready to view. Watching the video we heard their plan to camp just outside of our border in between Stewart and us. Kalen had Stewart on the phone before I could ask him to call. Handing me the phone I told him where they planned to be and when. He was calling two of the other alphas to come back asap and Kalen was in charge of the others.

All available fighters and trackers meet in the conference room in five minutes.

Yes alpha on our way

"Marq please get your mother and Kalen find link and you two gather all the patrol wolves that are not on duty brief them and send them all out."

"Dad will you notify all your old contacts and alliances that rogues are on their way here and to keep a look out for trespassers."

Marq returned with both our mothers who wore a worried look.
"Nicole I need a quick run down on any power you even think we might have and explain how to control them. Dash and Marq please stay close to me as it seems our powers draw from each other which makes us stronger together." As I was barking orders and people were scrambling to obey I felt the full alpha power rise in me along with mystic.

It's about time Lyla. I have been waiting for you to embrace you alpha role since you were handed the title. it seems now with the help of our mates we can finally become the alpha that was meant to lead the army that will wipe out that trash and those rogues.

I know I'm sorry about all my bad decisions and behavior but I feel extremely powerful and strong. I hope you can forgive my latent actions

Of course Lyla you just need time to adjust and become accustomed to your new life

Mystic you are a rare wolf and I'm proud to be connected to yo

Ditto, now let's go kill some French ass

Hey you do know our mates are French

Yes but they are hot and ours. I mentally laughed at her.

"Lyla what's going on?" Mom asked with concern lacing her voice.

"Lassister and his group were videoed about an hour ago making plans to camp between our land and Huntington land then attack and capture me." I calmly stated as I was mentally going over everything that needed to be done tonight.

"When?" Was her quite reply.

"They will make it to their destination in the early morning and they plan to watch both packs all day to find weak spots then they will attack after both packs have went to bed for the night."

I was heading to the meeting with both them following close. As we entered dash had the video up on the screen waiting for the members to arrive.

"Okay we will need a open space and both the boys will need to be present. You will need complete and utter relaxation with no distractions. It will take all night to even learn the basics and most of the day to learn control." nicole was making lists as she was talking. Handing each son a list they pocketed it and each took a position beside me as the room filled and we got started.


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