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thank you to all who have stuck with my slow updates and read this far. I appreciate the support. Edited so far ..

The attack was on the western border . I listened in to the fighting pack members and heard that we were winning and there were only a half dozen left. As I pushed faster I was brought up short by a rogue jumping in front of me.

Kalen! rogue about five hundred yards away. I will him keep occupied

We are on on way Lyda. dont do anything stupid

now whats the fun in that.

The rogue circled me then shifted. "Looks like the prize came to me. The boss will be thrilled to finaly get his hands on you my dear Lyda. We have been searching for years for you. Now you fall right into my hands." he smirked as I shifted and glared at him.

He looked at my body with a sneer. Being naked does not faze me since I grew up where someone was always in a state of undress due to shifting or training. I am comfortable with my body and some leering snake will not offend me.

"Oh really. You think you can take me that easily. Lets test that theory shall we." I taunted. "And who might your all mightly boss be. Some pathetic rogue looking to make a name for himself. Not likely you filthy mutt." I spat as I shifted and attacked.

I caught him off guard and hit his side making him stumble back. Using that as an andvantage I lunged for him taking a chunk out of his shoulder. That enraged him more and he dove for my neck. I dodged him and sunk my teeth into his back leg. With a whimper he stopped struggling as I let up. I pinned him down as my pack burst through the trees. I shifted still holding him down.

"Now talk! Who are you working for and what do they want with me?" I demanded in a growl.

"You will find out soon pretty lady. The boss has been waiting a long time to get his hands on you. You may have won this battle but you will loose the war." he snickered.

My body got hot and my hands were shaking. As my vision started to blur the ground around us shook making everyone stumble. Green spots were dancing in eyes as strange words were in my head so I repeated them out loud. "pouvez-vous me dire le nom ou tu meurs" the ground was still rumbling and the tree right next to us looke like it was swaying trying to reach me.

"What language is that Lyda?" Kalen asked shocked.

"I dont know it just popped into my head just like i know what it means in english. 'Tell me the name or you die'. its really creepy and i felt the ground moving too when it happened. did I do that?" images kept popping in my head. of the twins and a woman going from city to city. Green sparks surrounded Marq as he whispered and the ground shook like it did under us.

"Take the prisoner to the cells." Kalen commanded and two warriors hauled him up and carried him away.

Kalen pulled me into his embrace. "It's ok Lyda we will find out what's going on. I'm sure there is some logical explanation like an earthquake or something." he tried soothing my frazzled nerves.

"Let's go talk to the rogue." I pulled back and shifted. I ran all the way to the cells thinking about what has transpired. At the door a guard has clothes waiting for me. As I shifted and put them on Kalen found me.

"You joining in on the fun?" I asked him.

"Of course. I can't let the alpha interrogate our prisoner by herself now can I." Kalen joked and I laughed. We both know I can take care of myself and I'm the best fighter in the pack.

The rogue was our only prisoner so I relieved the guards from their duties and closed the main door. We walked the dim hallway until we reached the occupied cell.

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