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what's up?

I'm rly stuck on my English homework could u come round plssss 🥺

lmao seriously? again?

Shut up u know I can't do English

it's 10am thoooo


ok ok fine i'll come

Yayyy ty

anything for u eds ;)

I told u not to call me that

ok fine eddie spaghetti

I give up

i'll be there in 10 minutes

3rd person POV

Eddie sighs as he shuts his phone off, and flops down onto his bed.
anything for u eds ;)
The text message circles around and around in his mind. Eventually he manages to convince himself it's just more of Richie's teasing, but a little part of him is still hopeful. Wait, hopeful? Why would I be hopeful? I don't like Richie, no, I could never. At least he tells himself he could never. Eddie finds himself imagining them together, and smiles without even realising. The fuck are you thinking Eddie? You don't like him! Not like that! He reminds himself, before standing up and walking into his bathroom. He brushes his teeth carefully, making sure to do it for no less than 2 minutes, before looking in the mirror.

"Shit shit shit," He murmurs, seeing the noticeable pink tainting his cheeks. Damn you and your stupid jokes Rich. He splashes his face with water which seems to work, thank God, before choosing his outfit.

Eddie picks out the usual: red shorts, a yellow polo and white socks and gets changed before rummaging in his school bag for the English homework he hadn't even glanced at yet. Okay so maybe he had only told Richie he needed help as an excuse to see him... but so what? That's something best friends would do, right? He finds the homework and lays it out on his desk, grabbing a pencil and sitting down.

"Eddie bear!" Sonia's shrill voice calls from downstairs. Eddie rolls his eyes.
"Yes ma?"
"I'm going to the pharmacy, we're running low on your pills! I'll be back in 2 hours, are you gonna be okay?"
"Are you sure you don't want to co-"
"I'll be fine ma!"
"Okay. Love you Eddie!"
"Love you too ma!"

Thank God she won't be here. He can't imagine what she'd do to Richie if she found him sneaking into Eddie's room... he didn't even want to think about it. He hears the car start and sighs in relief as his mother pulls out of the drive. He never realised how much stress she caused him until she was gone.

A loud knock snaps Eddie out of his thoughts and he quickly swivels round to see Richie waving at him from his window. Eddie rolls his eyes but tries and fails to keep the smile off his face as he opens the window.
"My mom just left," He says as Richie climbes in. "We don't have to be quiet,"
"Oh? What're you implying there Eds?" Richie teases with a wink. Eddie punches his shoulder.
"Shut up you know what I mean,"
Richie chuckles and walks over to the desk.

"This the homework?" He asks.
"Yeah. I don't get how you can have such good grades when you never study!" Eddie exclaims.
"Guess I'm just amazing," Richie laughs.
"Whatever," Eddie huffs, "Are you gonna help me or what?"
"Alright fine, come over here and I'll show you,"
The shorter boy walks over to the desk and sits down, picking up the pencil as Richie leans over his shoulder.

"Okay so you put the apostrophe here, and-" Richie begins, pointing to one of the sentences on the sheet, but Eddie can't concentrate and the rest fades away. Richie's leaning right next to him and his breath is right on his neck and- Stop it Eddie! What is wrong with you?
"Understand?" Richie asks, finished with his explanation. Oh fuck.
"Umm..." Eddie says, mind racing for an excuse.
"Look I'll just show you," He says, reaching over and holding the pencil over Eddie's hand, moving them to draw on the homework. Eddie tries his hardest to stay focused as he does this, but Richie's touch makes his whole body crawl with electricity. Holy shit. Do I like Richie? No of course not...

"O-okay, thanks," Eddie stutters, and immediately regrets opening his mouth at all. Richie looks at him, smirking, and Eddie immediately looks back down at the desk, willing himself not to blush.

When he's halfway through the paper, Richie having to help him every now and then, Eddie reaches out and turns on the radio on his desk. Whatever song was playing is just coming to an end and both boys listen,waiting for the next song. A slow song begins to play, and Richie rolls his eyes, reaching over to change the station, but Eddie grabs his hand before he can.

Richie looks at him, confused.
"Dance with me?" Eddie asks, smiling softly and standing up. Richie grins and takes his hand, pulling them both into the centre of the bedroom.

Eddie laughs softly as they sway together, but he can't bring himself to look anywhere other than his feet. He still can't believe he even had the confidence to ask Richie in the first place.

"Hey, look at me," Richie says softly, and Eddie does. Richie smiles more, which seems to put Eddie's mind at ease because he places his hands on the other boys' waist. Richie rests his hands on Eddie's shoulders and they continue to sway, this time not breaking eye contact.

They both blush as they dance together, the sun slanting in through the window and illuminating them in a hazel glow. The two become completely lost in the moment, and the music seems to fade away with their surroundings - all they can focus on is each other.

Simultaneously, they begin to lean in. Slowly at first, unsure, until they're just center meters apart.
"Richie what're you-" Eddie breathes, but he's cut off by his best friend's lips pressed against his own.

Eddie gasps, but soon enough his eyes flutter shut and he returns the kiss with just as much passion.

Of course I like Richie. How could I possibly not.


trashmouth_loves_eds i did it :)

i'm so sorry i haven't updated in ages but tysm for 5.5k! i love all of u so much!

also i swear these updates r getting worse and worse like i thought i'd improve but-

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