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Eddie POV

"Excuse me sir," I ask.
"Yes Eddie?" Mr Franks replies, turning away from the whiteboard.
"Can I go to the toilet?"
"Be quick. The test starts soon,"
I nod, quickly standing up and grabbing my bag. I sling it over one shoulder and walk out the door, down the hallway and into the boys bathroom. I go to the cubicle at the end and lock the door behind me, just as the main door swings open again.
"Your dead Trashmouth. You're fucking dead!"
Henry Bowers.

There's a thud as someone - presumably Richie - is pushed against the wall.
"Do you really wanna do that Henry? Remember what happened the last time you tried to fight me?" Richie retorts.
My immediate thought is to come out and help
Rich but, like he said, he always wins in a fight. Besides, I would only create more of a target for Henry, and sure Rich can protect himself but would he protect me as well? Henry calls me a fag enough already, and I don't want my crush on Richie any more obvious than it already is. So I decide to stay hidden.

"Oh you're asking for it," Henry snarls, and a sickening thump soon follows as Richie cries out in pain. I flinch, but stay put. There's a moment of silence, and I realise I can see through the crack in the door. There's a trail of blood dripping from the corner of Richie's mouth and his clothes are messed up, but other than that he seems pretty much alright. He's leaning against a sink and Henry stands tall over him. Richie wipes the blood on his sleeve and looks up at Henry, his expression almost bored, before ramming straight into his chest and sending him toppling onto the floor.

Henry growls and quickly gets up, moving to punch Richie again but missing as he swerves away.
"You can't win Henry," Richie smirks, punching the bully in the jaw. He screams in pain, spitting blood onto the floor as he clutches his face.
"Fucking fag," He mutters.
"What did you say to me?" Richie asks.
"I said fucking faggot," Henry replies, and Richie punches him in the gut. Henry doubles over in pain.
"I'm not a fag," Richie spits.
"Don't lie. I've seen the way you look at him,"
"Who?" Richie scoffs, but I can tell he's worried. He's never worried about Henry.

Wait, what?
Did he say Eddie? No, It's nothing. He's just trying to get to Richie because I'm his best friend. It's nothing.
"W-what?" Richie stutters, and he seems smaller now, more fragile. Henry notices this as well and surges forwards, punching Richie in the nose and nocking off his glasses. But Rich doesn't retaliate, he just lets it happen.
"Don't even try, I know it's true. No one else will admit it but it's obvious. You're fucking in love with Eddie Kaspbrak,"
He throws another punch.
"And everyone knows,"

Richie collapses on the tile floor, and Henry kicks him, hard, before walking to the door.
"Next time, learn how to close your fucking mouth," Henry finishes, before slamming the door shut behind him.
I fiddle with the lock for a split second before swinging the door open and rushing over to Richie.

I kneel by his side.
"Rich? Rich are you ok?" I ask, but he just looks at me in horror.
"E-Eddie? What the fuck,"
He scrambles to his feet and I get up.
"I'm sorry, I should've come out-"
Richie starts walking backwards, still with the same expression.
"No, no you weren't supposed to know," He says, more to himself then to me.
"What? Where are you going? Richie!" I call after him as he runs out of the bathroom, Hawaiian shirt flowing behind him like a sail.

I'm frozen in the middle of the bathroom as the door swings back and fourth on it's hinges.
You weren't supposed to know.
Know what? Was what Henry was saying... was it true? Does Richie... does Richie like me?
Suddenly, I snap back to my senses and run out the door, but Richie's nowhere to be seen. I quickly grab my bag from the stall and his glasses off the floor and run through the school, not looking back until I'm through the double doors. I run over to the bike rack. Richie's bike is gone.

Where would he have gone? He was obviously upset... the barrens! He always goes there when he needs space. Mostly at night when his parents get to much, he's taken me there once or twice when Sonia was being a bitch. I unlock my bike and get on, peddling as fast as I can as I leave the school grounds. Guess I'm skipping 3rd period.

Finally, I arrive at the edge of the barrens and leave my bike on the side of the road. I stumble down the grassy bank and walk quickly through the dense trees, stepping over fallen branches. Soon I end up by the river, but no sign of Richie. I walk along towards the giant sewer pipe, grimacing at the stream of grey water trickling from it, and then I finally hear something. Sobbing. It's definitely Richie.

I walk past the sewer and see him, knees hugged to his chest, head buried in his arms. Silently, I walk closer.
"Rich?" I say softly.
His head snaps up and he wipes his tears as he looks up at me.
"You followed me?" He asks, voice cracking.
I sit down next to him.
"I didn't see where you went but I figured you'd be here, and I'm sorry,"
"W-why?" He stutters.
"For not helping, for just staying hidden like a coward," I say apologetically.
"Don't you hate me?" He asks.

"Why would I hate you?" I ask, genuinely confused.
"What Henry said..." He trails off.
"Henry's an asshole, he'll say anything just to get under your skin. We both know that."
But why did Richie let it happen? Why did he allow himself to be beaten like that? It was almost like he was scared of what Henry was saying, like it was... true.
"Wait," I look up into his eyes. "What he said... was it... was it true?"
He looks back at me, eyebrows furrowed, eyes searching mine for something I can't quite place.

He nods.

I gasp. Richie likes me? Richie, my best friend who I've been crushing on, literally, forever!? This can't be real... can it? Richie sniffles and wipes his eyes once again, and I do the only thing that seems right. I surge forwards and connect our lips.

Fireworks seem to go off as our eyes close, and Richie instantly kisses back, moving a hand to the back of my head and using the other to cup my face. I rest mine on the back of his neck. Butterflies soar in my stomach and electricity courses through me. We pull away for air, and Richie looks at me, squinting. I laugh lightly and pull his glasses from my back pocket, before reaching out and gently slipping them onto his nose. He smiles as his eyes adjust and we both lean in again, meeting somewhere in the middle.

eeeee i'm soft writing this

literally just listening to heat waves by glass animals on repeat i beg u listen to it it's soooo good

alsoooo can u please follow my tiktok @alexa.cosplays_ i cosplay richie and i will probably be cosplaying pennywise soon but my reach is shit so yeah 🥲

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