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note: inspired by the song 'Juliet' by Cavetown (and a random cosplay thing i saw on tiktok lmao) it's still set whenever IT took place, the music is present day tho

The Losers club in was gathered in their underground clubhouse, all slumped in various positions throughout the carefully dug rectangular room. It was one of those days, when you have nothing to do and any kind of exercise seems like it will kill you, and they were all bored as hell. The wireless radio Richie had brought from his room earlier that day was hung on a rusted nail jutting out of one of the many support beams, and the music that crackled from its dusty speakers was the only thing to fill the tired silence that hung thick in the air around them.

Stanley sighed loudly, and the others watched as Bill motioned for him to come sit between his outstretched legs. Stan did so with no hesitation, and leant back into Bill as he begun running his fingers through Stan's curly hair. Richie looked at Mike and rolled his eyes, making a gagging gesture. All the Losers knew something was going on between the two boys, and at this point they weren't even trying to hide it.

Ben lied down next, flopping backwards and groaning when he hit the floor. A cloud of dust rose in the air around him but he kept looking up at the panelled ceiling, unfazed. Richie could feel the sweat beginning to form on his forehead and his entire body felt disgustingly sticky. God he hated these days, it was just to hot. Eddie must feel even worse, he thought, what with the whole asthma thing and all this dust. Speaking of Eddie, Richie flicked his eyes towards the younger boy. His cheeks quickly grew hot as he met Eddie's gaze, his best friend always having that effect on him. He wasn't surprised, he did have a huge crush on the boy, after all.

Quickly, Richie looked away again and sunk further towards the wall he was sitting near, attempting to hide his red face. He realised Mike was smirking knowingly at him, and he stuck his middle finger up at the boy who simply laughed. Richie listened to the radio crackling away, the presenter saying something about how this was one of the hottest summers in thirty years.
"So remember your sunblock! Next up, we have Juliet by Cavetown, a personal favourite of mine," The woman said.

"Turn it up Rich, I like this one," Eddie said, and Richie got up to twist the volume knob to a higher setting. The tune began to play out, filling the room, and Bill started to rock him and Stan back and forth gently. Richie groaned, leaning back against the wall and closing his eyes. He wished he could have something like Bill and Stan had, he wished he could have something like that with Eddie.

Speaking of the devil, Richie heard someone move - someone in Eddie's direction - and soon Eddie sat down next to Richie on the floor. Richie opened his eyes and smiled, turning to look at Eddie who was on his left. The shorter boy smiled back, and moved closer until he was close enough to lean his head on Richie's shoulder. As he did so, Richie wrapped and arm around his waist and pulled him closer if that was even possible - the heat of the day suddenly forgotten.

Eddie and Richie cuddling was nothing new to the Losers, so none of them said anything when this happened. Bev raised an eyebrow at Eddie, her being the only one who knew about the asthmatic boy's crush on Richie, but he was to caught up in the moment to care.
"You two would make such a good couple," she said, smirking, and the two boys immediately turned scarlet. Eddie lifted his head and went to move away, laughing nervously, but Richie pulled him back before he could. They both looked down.

"W-what, we would not," Eddie stuttered, now extremely flustered.
"You so would!" Stanley exclaimed, still in Bill's lap.
"Y-y-you should j-just get together a-already," Bill said, rolling his eyes.
"Says you!" Richie exclaimed, and it was their turn to blush.
"You're all making me feel extremely single," Mike said very matter-of-factly, causing them all to laugh.
"And me," Ben agreed, Eddie scoffed at this.
"C'mon, we see you and Bev sneaking looks at each other 24/7," He said, and Richie quickly agreed. At this point, everyone but Mike was red. It was quite comical really.

They fell into that uneasy silence once again, words escaping all of them, and Richie was ready to close his eyes again when Eddie began to hum along to the song still playing on the radio.
"I wanna make a colour that no one else has seen before," He sung, and Richie turned once again to look at him. He'd never heard Eddie sing before, and his voice was practically angelic.
"I wanna be so much more..." He looked up at Richie as he sung the next part, "I hope that she looks at me and thinks-"
"Shit, he's so pretty," Richie finished, smiling dreamily at Eddie. They both forgot the other Losers were there as they looked at each other, creating a very intense atmosphere between the two.

"Oh my god just kiss already before the tension kills us all," Stanley groaned, and the two boys snapped back to reality. They became suddenly aware of how close they were to each other, Eddie could feel Richie's hot breath on his neck.
"We're not gonna judge," Ben smirked, desperate for this endless pining to end.
"Oh shut up B-" Eddie was quickly cut off by Richie's lips pressed against his own, and they were gone just as quickly as they had arrived. Eddie's eyes widened as he tried to process what had just happened, and Richie was looking back at him with a worried look in his eyes and a shy smile on his face.

The taller boy's lips parted, and an apology was just about to escape them when Eddie surged forwards and reconnected their lips, closing his eyes and wrapping an arm around Richie's neck. Richie immediately kissed back, and the sound of the other Losers cheering them both was drowned out as they became completely overwhelmed by the intimacy of the moment. Their lips moved together in perfect sync, and the rest of the world seemed to melt away.

That was until Bill decided to break it, of course.
"J-j-jeez guys, c-can you a-at least wait until w-w-we're g-gone before y-you make o-out?" He said, and Richie pulled away once again.
"Shut up and admit you like Stan the man," Richie quipped back, not even looking at Bill but instead offering Eddie his hand as he stood up.
"Wanna go somewhere more private?" Richie winked, and Eddie rolled his eyes but still took his hand gladly. A dorky grin spread across Richie's face as he lead them both out of the clubhouse.

The rest of the Losers watched this happen silently, Bev desperately trying to hold in her giggles. As soon as the trapdoor slammed shut behind them, she began laughing.
"I so knew that would happen eventually," She said.
"Who didn't?" Ben asked, and Stan snorted.
"I'm so single," Mike sighed, causing them all to break out in fits of laughter once again.


trashmouth_loves_eds i did it 😃

just a reminder i'm english lmao so sorry if i get any american words wrong

tysm for 17k reads ily all!!

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