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3rd person POV

"GOD DAMMIT!" Richie screams as he throws his controller down on the floor.
"See, told ya I was better," Eddie teases, a smirk playing at his lips.

Eddie and Richie are sitting cross legged on the floor, playing Mario Kart. So far Eddie has won all three games, and Richie is fuming. Video games were his thing, if he wasn't good at them, what was he good at? Nothing. That's what. Or so he told himself.

"I'm better than you, i'm better then you," Eddie chants, making an 'L' on his head with his hand.
"Loser, loser, loser,"
"Okay, okay! I get it! You won!" Richie shouts at him. Eddie immediately stops, and the two look directly at each other for a moment before bursting into uncontrollable laughter.

Like most times, they have absolutely no idea why they're laughing, but they are. So best to just roll with it. They walk over to the sofa and sit down at opposite sides, Richie picking up his controller as he does so.

Eddie restarts the game and they both watch eagerly as the race begins.
The two karts on the screen race off, as Richie and Eddie frantically move the joystick around on their controllers. It's a close race, but Eddie gets stuck on the third lap allowing Richie to overtake him, so Richie crosses the finish line first.

"Yes!" he screams, pumping his fists in the air. But Eddie is still concentrated on coming second. Richie settles back down on the sofa and looks at Eddie, soon regretting it. Eddie has his gaze fixed on the TV screen, and his tongue sticks out slightly in concentration. His soft hair has fallen a little into his face as he bends over his controller, and God, Richie thinks he looks beautiful.

Richie whips his head back around and instead looks at the TV, where Eddie has just finished in second place. Now it's Richie's turn to mock him.
"I beat you, I beat you," he chants, also making an 'L' on his forehead for Eddie to see.

"Yeah, but I still came first in the other three!" Eddie says smugly, "It's three to one, so i'm winning,"
"Shut up Eds." Richie says, but a half smile still forces it's way onto his lips.
"Make me."

Eddie immediately blushes once he realised what he's said, and he starts imagining all the different ways Richie could 'make him'. God how he longed for Richie.

"Make you?" Richie teases, raising an eyebrow. But he's heard enough. This might be his only chance to do what he's about to do.
"I- I mean-" Eddie starts. Richie lunges forwards, knocking Eddie back against the sofa. Richie hovers above him, thinking, am I really going to do this? Eddie gasps, but he doesn't protest. He looks up into Richie's eyes, and Richie takes that as a sign.

He closes his eyes, ducks down a little, and connects their lips. Eddie immediately kisses back, his eyes fluttering shut, and brings a hand up to tangle in Richie's dark curls. One of Richie's hands comes up to stroke Eddie's cheek bone, the other still supporting his weight.

Then, taking even himself by surprise, Eddie rolls over so Richie is lying beneath him, and looks into his eyes for a minute. Richie smirks, and Eddie reconnects their lips, more forcefully this time. They kiss passionately for a moment, before something inside Richie seems to snap, and he's brought out of the bubble he was floating in.

He pulls away, and sits up. Eddie does the same, a look of confusion and hurt in his eyes. Richie can't look at that, so he turns his attention to the floor instead.
"I'm.. uh.. sorry, Eddie." Richie starts, cheeks flushing red, "I don't know if you wanted me to do that, I probably took it to far, I just-"
"No." Eddie interrupts, and Richie finally looks up at him, confused.
"I did want you to do that..." He starts.

"Could you... do it again?"


thank you for nearly 450 reads!!! i do spend quite a lot of time on these so it's nice to know people actually look at them 😌

the idea for this oneshot was taken from another reddie oneshot book i read, i forgot the name of it sorry. i have rewritten it though it's not just been copied :)

oh and they probably didn't have mario kart when this was set but whatever let's just go with it lmao

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