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3rd person POV

"Eddie? Eds?" Richie called, voice cracking as his torch beam bounced off the tree trunks surrounding him. The distant, muffled calls of everyone else in the search party surrounded the distraught boy, and he glanced around desperately for what must've been the millionth time that night, before collapsing on the muddy ground. Richie threw his head into his hands and finally broke down. He sobbed helplessly, his torch discarded beside him. Richie shook violently, rocking back and fourth while hot tears streamed down his cheeks. It was all his fault. All of it. Eddie was lost somewhere in this forest, and it was all because of him.


"Why do you always have to take those stupid pills?" Richie asked, sighing exasperatedly.
"I've told you before, Rich, they help. I'm sick, and they cure me." Eddie replied angrily, honestly unsure why they were even having this conversation. He was sick. Everything about him was sick. What more was there to say?
"You're not sick, Eds! You're not! I don't care what bullshit Sonia tells you, there's nothing wrong with you. You don't need to take this many pills daily. It can't be healthy, Eddie, you must see that!"
"Richie they're pills! They make me healthier! They help stop my... sickness."
"What sickness Eds!?"
"You know what!"
"No, I really don't. Please, enlighten me,"
"My... asthma. And- and-"
"You don't take pills for asthma. What else?"
"I take them because they're supposed to stop me from being- you know,"
"No, I don't!"
"Gay! From being gay! Mom says they'll help!"
Richie simply stated at his best friend in shock.
Eddie groaned and shook his head.
"It doesn't matter."
"Of course it fucking matters!" Richie exclaimed, moving closer and resting his hands on Eddie's shoulders so the younger boy was forced to look up at him, tears glistening in his eyes.
"Are you..." Richie trailed off.
"...Yes. But- but if i take the pills then- then maybe-"
Before Eddie could finish, Richie pulled him into a tight hug. The shorter boy practically crumbled, crying into Richie's shoulder. The tears soaked through the material of Richie's Hawaiian shirt, but it didn't matter. He rubbed his hand comfortingly up and down Eddie's back, gently shushing him until he'd finally calmed down enough to pull away. Eddie looked down and sniffed, cheeks painted red with embarrassment.
"There's nothing wrong with being gay, Eds," Richie reassured him.
"But Mom said-"
"I don't care what Sonia said. There's nothing wrong with it. There's nothing wrong with you, and you definitely don't need to be taking pills for it."
"But I have to. I have to take them, Rich. They help. I feel... better when I have them. My brain goes all fuzzy and warm,"
"What? Eds did you listen to a word I just said?" Richie pulled his arms back from the other boy's shoulders and looked at him in disbelief. Eddie backed away cautiously.
"I'm sorry, Rich. I need them. I can't be gay. Not here, in Derry. Fuck, think of what Henry would do if he found out! I can't risk it."
"What? No! Eds, please, they're hurting you."
"I'm sorry." He took another step backwards, towards the tree line.
"Eddie they're placebos! They're bullshit! It's all fake, just sugar and flavourings!"
Eddie stopped.
Richie immediately regretted his outburst, but realised there was no taking it back now.
"They aren't real pills, Eds. You gotta stop taking that shit. It's not helping you. It's doing the opposite."
"You're saying it's not medicine?" Eddie asked, confused. Richie shook his head.
"What... but..." Eddie stuttered, looking down and furrowing his eyebrows.
"No, no that can't be true."
"Hey, it's okay-"
"No. It's not true!" Eddie screamed, the tears pooling in his eyes finally breaking free.
"You're lying to me! I need them!" He began to shake his head violently, trying to dismiss any doubt about the pills he'd been taking as long as he could remember.
"No. No you're lying. My mom- my mom wouldn't- she wouldn't give me fake- no,"
"Please, calm down-"
"NO!" Eddie shouted, finally meeting Richie's distressed eyes for a split second before spinning around and bolting off into the forest, leaving Richie alone at the quarry.
"EDS! EDS COME BACK! I'M SORRY!" Richie called after him, but it was to late. Eddie was gone.

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