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3rd person POV

"It's raining!" Eddie exclaims, turning to Richie with glee written all over his features.
"Umm... yeah?" Richie replies, "It rained yesterday as well,"
"I-I know it's just that... my mom doesn't really let me go out when it's raining..." Eddie mumbles the next bit, "something about me getting cancer,"

Richie turns now, stopping Eddie in his tracks. A smile slowly spreads across his face.
"Wanna dance?" he asks, a slight blush spreading over his freckled cheeks as he extends an arm. The smaller boy smiles and nods, shrugging off his backpack and ditching it on the sidewalk before taking his best friend's hand and running into the empty road.

The two sway to an imaginary tune, both smiling giddily as the rain falls in sheets around them and the storm clouds begin to gather overhead, creating a thick blanket of grey. Raindrops race down the lenses of Richie's glasses and gather in Eddie's hair, some dripping onto his nose and making him giggle.

Eddie's breath hitches as Richie reaches out and tucks a few strands of waterlogged hair behind Eddie's ear, but doesn't remove his hand. Eddie decides to just go for it and wraps his arms around Richie's neck, pulling him a little closer as they continue to sway.

Raindrops patter all around, bouncing delicately off roofs, fences, roads and creating a low humming sound as the storm continues.
Richie grabs Eddie's hand and spins him around, the two laughing hysterically. Now Eddie spins Richie around, and admires how stunning he looks as his cheeks shimmer with raindrops and he grins in delight. Then again, Eddie always thinks Richie looks stunning.

Next they splash in the puddles forming in the pot-holes which litter the road. Both boys are vaguely aware that anyone could be watching from their house, but neither care enough to stop. They jump up and down, watching the water ripple outwards around their soggy trainers.

They jump and splash and laugh until they're out of breath, and Richie steps forward, intertwining his hands with Eddie's.
"So you've really never played in the rain before?" He breathes.
"I mean... no," Eddie admits, looking down. Suddenly he feels a soft hand tilting his chin upwards and he is met by that warm smile that he's grown to love so much.

"So is it fun?" Richie asks, now sure he has the shorter boy's full attention.
"Yeah," Eddie nods, smiling a little. Without warning, Richie surges forwards and connects their lips, tilting his head slightly. Eddie is of course shocked at first, but soon enough he begins to kiss back and tangles his hand in Richie's wet hair. Richie brings his hands up to Eddie's neck and keeps them there, completely lost in the feeling of Eddie's soft lips against his.

This is so much better than it had been in his head.

damn i really don't like this one.

sorry if it seems rushed, i haven't updated in a little while cause i had to study for an R.E. test (which i'm pretty sure i failed) and then my friend came round and we had to make a cake that showed the different layers of the earth or something. the cake ended up looking like a fucking meatloaf so that's great.

btw i just finished watching bird box, has anyone seen it? it's so good i-

also to the girl who found this fanfic on in the middle of school (you know who you are) if you're reading this now then pls don't mention this to anyone- i'm already judged enough thank u

oh and tysm for 1.4k views!!

(i am well aware that the a/n's at the end of my updates are the most random things in the world, i just tend to say whatever the hell comes into my brain)

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