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yes this is 1990 reddie but i love them so much (this oneshot is 2017 reddie tho)

3rd person POV

"Hey Richie?"
"Yeah Eds?"
"Don't call me that! I... I need to tell you something,"
"No, listen. It's really important and- and you might hate me. Like really hate me,"

Eddie and Richie were sitting opposite each other, cross legged on Richie's bed. His parents had gone to visit Richie's Aunt for the weekend, so naturally he had disobeyed their only rule whilst they were out of town and invited his best friend round for a sleepover. It was 10:43PM, and this sentence caused Richie to look up from his batman comic, a slightly worried expression painted on his face as he met Eddie's eyes.

"You know I would never hate you Eds... how could I hate someone as perfect as you?" Richie smirked, but the anxious look hadn't completely disappeared from his eyes. Eddie didn't notice though.
"Shut up Richie, this is serious. And don't call me Eds! You know I hate it!"
"Okay okay jeez, what is it?"
"I..." Eddie fumbled with his fanny pack and brought his inhaler to his lips, taking a puff before continuing.
"Rich, I'm gay," He said, immediately looking down at his feet and fiddling with a loose thread on his socks.

"Yeah, what else?" Richie asked, unfazed. This caused the asthmatic boy to look up quickly, confused.
"What do you mean? You're saying you knew?" Eddie exclaimed, exasperated.
"Dude. You wear shorts with fucking rainbows on them and knee high socks - which is fine, by the way, they're cute as fuck - and you expected me to believe you're straight?" Richie laughs. Eddie just stared, dumbfounded.

"So... so it's ok?"
"Of course it's ok spaghetti! I'll always support you no matter what, you know that," Richie reassured, leaning over to ruffle Eddie's hair.
"Hey, stop that!" Eddie giggled, batting his best friend's hand away. "And... thank you, Rich. I'm not sure what I'd do without you." He finished softly, cheeks tinted rose. Richie thought that was fucking adorable.

"Course," He half smiled, finally pulling his hand away from the shorter boy's hair. Eddie's eyebrows knitted together once more in anxiety. He waited for a long moment before finally speaking.
"C-can... can I... kiss you? J-Just to make sure I like boys..." He stuttered nervously.
"W-what? Oh, umm... I-I guess so," Richie said, blushing profusely. Eddie got on his knees and shuffled closer, stopping mere inches away from Richie's face.

Richie felt his whole body turn warm at the close proximity and the thought of what they were about to do. How long had he waited for this moment now? Four... five years? Sure, these weren't the ideal circumstances - it was just a best friend thing, he was just helping out - but it's better than nothing. More than he had expected would ever happen by far.

His eyes scan Eddie's face, from the perfect hazel of his eyes to the creamy colour of his smooth skin to the pastel pink of his soft lips... kissing Eddie now certainly wasn't going to help him get over his crush. But right now he didn't care. All he could think about was Eddie. So without another word, Richie leaned forwards and pressed their lips together.

Their eyes fluttered closed and both boys were in heaven, lips moving in sync, as the world seemed to fade away around them. Sparks quite literally seemed to fly... that is until Richie went to cup Eddie's jaw and remembered this was a friend thing - Eddie didn't like him. Not in the way he longed for. So Richie pulled away and snapped his eyes open.

Did Eddie seem... disappointed? Upset? Was he that bad... it had been both of their first kisses so it can't have been amazing. But it felt amazing. To Richie at least. Eddie didn't speak, so Richie took it upon himself to fill the silence.
"S-so, um... what... what did you think? Do you like boys?" Richie said, unable to wipe the look of hurt from his features. When Eddie didn't reply, he finally looked up. Eddie was staring at him intently, mouth parted slightly and eyes fixated on the other boy's lips.
"Eds are you-" He was cut off by his crush leaning in again and reconnecting their lips, stunning him completely.

But when the butterflies were seemingly set loose inside his stomach once more, Richie quickly snapped to his senses and returned the kiss, this time smiling into it and moving a hand to Eddie's cheek, gently stroking it. Eddie tangled a hand in Richie's dark hair and kissed him for as long as possible before he remembered how the human respiratory system worked and he had to pull away for air.

They both shared the same lovesick expression as they reopened their eyes, and Richie could only manage to breath one sentence.
"Wow, Eddie..."
Eddie smiled.

He used my real name.

short oneeee woohoo

i kinda cringed while writing this and normally i probably wouldn't post it but i wanted to say TYSM FOR 9.2K VIEWS!!!! 9200 PEOPLE READ MY FANFIC EEEEE

alsoooo do you prefer it 2017 or it 1990? :))

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