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Richie POV

"ARGH!" I scream as I sit straight up, panting. I had the same dream again, or should I say nightmare . How many times will I have to watch this, how many times will I have to watch Eddie die? I decide enough is enough, and walk to my wardrobe.

I pull on my usual outfit, a Hawaiian tee and grey shorts, and slip on my glasses from my bedside table before sneaking down stairs.

Thank god they don't creak, although I don't expect my parents would care even if they did catch me, I'm sure they hear me screaming in my sleep and I've not had 1 comforting word from them.

I push that thought out of my mind as I tie my shoes, replacing it with ones of Eddie. I've worked out by now that I like him as more than a friend - though I could never tell him that. I'm pretty sure he's straight anyways, it could never work. We've been friends for eight years, I'm not going to put that at risk.

I step out into the cool night air, and walk round to the side of the house where my bike stands, propped against the fence. Wheeling it silently to the road, I mount it and cycle the short way to Eddie's, being careful to watch out for any prying neighbours.

Soon enough, I can see Eddie's house looming ahead of me as I dismount my bike and dump it on the grass. I walk round the side to underneath Eddie's bedroom window, and pick up a stone from underneath my foot. This'll do.

I chuck the stone directly at the window. I repeat this 3 more times until the glass slowly slides up, and see Eddie standing there with an eyebrow raised.

"Richie!?" He whisper-shouts, "what're you doing here? My mom will flip if-"
"Don't worry Eds, your mom lovesss me, I won't get in trouble." I jokingly reply. Eddie just rolls his eyes.
"Fine, I'm coming down." he says as he shuts the window.

5 minutes later, the front door creaks open and Eddie's standing there, already dressed.
"What're you doing here at 2am?" He asks.
"I have something to show you," I smile, "get your bike."

We cycle down to the woods and I lead Eddie along a thin path that cuts through the vast pine trees, knowing exactly where I'll take him. "Almost there." I say as we turn the final corner.

There in front of us is a beautiful, glistening lake. The water looks a deep violet colour in the moonlight, and you can see millions of stars reflecting off it's surface. The dark forest continues around it, pine trees lining the edge and you can clearly see the moon hanging in the sky.

Eddie POV

I gasp as I look out at the lake in front of me, and I can feel Richie looking at me so I turn towards him.
"W-wow Richie, how did you find this place?" I ask, my voice full of wonder. 
"I have my ways," he says with a wink, and I smile at him.

But we don't break eye contact. Standing here in the middle of the night, Richie looks absolutely stunning. The stars seem to reflect in his eyes, bringing golden specks to their warm brown colour, and moonlight dances on his cheeks, illuminating his freckles as the light breeze rustles through his untamed hair, and all I can think is wow.

I snap back to reality and flick my eyes away quickly, a red blush on both of our cheeks. I can't let my crush on him ruin our amazing friendship, I can't.

"Well are we going swimming or what?" I ask.
"Damn Eds, aren't you scared of all the diseases there could be in the water? What if you get sick? You could-" but I stop his teasing.
"Oh shut it, Trashmoth." I cut him off, stripping to my boxers and running forwards, straight into the cool water.

I gasp as I am engulfed by the water, and I relax tremendously as I paddle around, watching Richie jump in beside me. For a while we lay on our backs gazing up at the moon and talking, talking, talking.

That is until Richie taps me on the shoulder and shouts
"Tag! You're it!" Before swimming off to the middle of the lake. Giggling like an idiot, I swim after him, but I can't catch up.
"Aww is my Eddie Spaghetti not fast enough?" He taunts, a smile spreading across his face.

He stops and treads water, giving me time to catch up. Just as I am lunging for him he swerves to the left, but I follow and end up falling onto him. I grab onto his shoulders and he wraps me in his arms and we both laugh, kicking with our feet in order to stay afloat.

I look up at him laughing and for a split second I think I see something in his eyes... love? No. I'm just imagining it. Our laughter fizzles out and I continue to stare at him. But this time I don't care. I don't care if I'm looking at him longer than friends would, I don't care if this is going to ruin everything, I don't care, I don't care.

Just as I'm about to make a move, Richie ducks down and connects our lips, closing his eyes and tilting his head slightly. My body comes alive at his touch and immediately I react, my eyes also fluttering closed as I move my lips against his.

I can feel my heart rate increasing as I continue to kiss my best friend, but nothing, nothing, has ever felt so right. It was as if time slowed in that moment, and I took in everything, the feel of Richie's soft lips against mine, the gentle wind that blows on our faces, the cool water we're surrounded by.

Richie gasps quietly as he pulls away, staring into my eyes. I try to think of something to say, some way to express everything I'm feeling in this moment, but I couldn't possibly put it into words.

I just smile. He smiles back, laughing lightly as he rests his forehead against mine and closes his eyes once again. I can only think of one word that can begin to describe that night:


Fghgfsffavbanaiuw i'm actually rly happy with how this one turned out, especially as I only got 2hrs sleep last night lmao. Anyways I'm off to watch some Reddie cosplay on TikTok cause why wouldn't I? This is a completely original oneshot, hope you enjoy! (Literally only one person reads this but oh well) <3


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