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note: slightly heated fluff, but i stand by my A/N at the beginning. NO SMUT.

eddie POV

I take a deep breath, readying myself before ringing the doorbell and stepping back. A few moments later I hear the lock click and the door swings open.
"Oh hey Eds! I wasn't expecting you... are you alright?" Richie asks, surprised.
"Yeah I'm fine. Well actually... no. I mean yes. I mean- can I just come in please? I wanna ask you- I wanna tell you something," I stutter nervously, and I'm 99% sure my face is scarlet by now.

I sigh in relief as Richie stands to the side, gesturing for me to come in. He shuts the door behind me and leads me up the stairs, I notice his parents aren't home and the car wasn't in the drive. I suppose they must be shopping or something.

We both sit on his bed, and I nervously pick at my nails.
"Hey, hey, stop that," Richie says softly, reaching out and grasping my hands in his. The warmth of his palms envelops me and I instantly feel calmer. I look up at him.
"What's up?" He asks.
"Um- so- I- um-"
"Slowly, take your time. It's ok, whatever it is won't change anything."
I raise my aspirator to my lips and trigger it, feeling my throat loosen up just enough for me to force the words out.
"I- I think I'm gay,"

Silence. Long, deadly silence. And then...
"Ok! I support you no matter what Eds and I'm proud of you for telling me. I don't know why you were so scared though, something like that would never change my opinion of you,"
Oh. My. God. That's exactly what I needed to hear. Practically beaming, I squeeze Richie's hand.
"Thanks Rich. I was scared that... I was scared that you'd think I was weird or-" He cuts me off.
"I couldn't exactly think you were weird without being a hypocrite, could I?"
I gasp.

"Y-you're gay?" I ask.
"Yes, idiot," He chuckles, reaching out and ruffling my hair. I close my eyes and smile. I love it when he does that.
"So when did you figure it out?" He asks.
"Oh, umm, well like I said I'm not totally sure yet... I've just been feeling different around- around someone lately. A boy. So yeah..." I say, cursing myself for nearly confessing.

"Oh?" Richie smirks. I punch him on the arm playfully.
"Shut up,"
"No. You are so telling me who this someone is by the end of the day," He insists.
"I am so not," I retaliate instantly.
He holds his hands above his head in mock surrender.
"We'll see,"

I role my eyes and pull his hands back down.
"So you're almost completely sure. I understand, trust me," He says. I smile and nod.
"But..." I look up at him quizzically. He's doing that idiotic smirk again. Honestly. Out of all the boys in the world why did I choose him to go and fall helplessly for. "Do you want me to
help you figure it out?"

I did not expect that.

"W-what? Oh, umm, o-okay? How?" I respond. He looks right into my eyes now, and smiles. Gently, he moves a hand to the back of my neck and slowly pulls me closer. My breathing hitches as the centimetres between us gradually disappear, and I try to speak but no words are formed. Our noses are just barely touching. He leans in and...

At the last moment swerves to the left and I can practically see the shit-eating grin on his face as he whispers.
"What, did you think I was going to kiss you? Did you want me to kiss you?"
"I-I uhh-"
"This boy you like..." he continues, and his hot breath down my neck makes all my hairs stand on end as my vision begins to spin. All I can focus on is him.
"Do you wish it were him sitting here, right now, doing this? Do you want him to kiss you?"
"Y-yes. I want him to kiss me so, so badly," I say, not even fully aware I was doing it.

"Do I know him?"
"Is he cuter than me?"
"What's the matter Eds? Cat got your tongue? You almost sound like Bill,"
Richie pulls away - thank god, I'm not sure how much more of that I could take - but keeps his face incredibly close to my own. I'm sure he can feel my irregular breaths against his skin as I try my best to stay composed.

"This boy... how does he make you feel?" He continues.
"U-umm, nervous, flustered and... alive. He makes me feel alive,"
"That's good,"
I can tell Richie knows what he's doing to me as he quite obviously flicks his gaze down to my lips. My face flushes. His hands still haven't moved: one resting on my waist and the other on the back of my neck.
"What's he look like? Describe him to me,"
I gulp.
"Uhh... he- he has curly dark brown hair and- and millions of freckles and hazel eyes... he's way taller than me and he has t-terrible style,"
Holy fuck. I can't believe I just did that.

"Sounds hard for me to beat," Richie says, tracing his fingers over my cheekbone lightly. Sparks fly up my spine and I feel warmer and warmer by the second.
"This boy... does he like you as well?"
"I-I, I don't know..."
"Oh, I'm sure he does,"
Suddenly, something seems to snap inside me.

"Oh really?" I retort, putting on an innocent face and willing the redness to leave my cheeks.
"And how would you know that?" I ask, tangling my fingers into his dark curls.
"I've talked to him. He finds you absolutely gorgeous,"
My mind is working on overdrive, everything being said spinning around in an endless sea of confusion and warmth. The next words tumble out of my mouth before I have the chance to stop them.
"Well I think I need some convincing,"

Richie raises an eyebrow and looks at me, seemingly just as astounded by my confidence is I am, before tilting his head slightly and surging forwards, finally connecting our lips. I smile into the kiss and try to pull him even closer, him doing the same to the point where I'm practically sitting in his lap.

We're a mess of tangled limbs and heated kisses for what seems like hours, until Maggie Tozier finally bursts in, bag full of shopping in each hand. We quickly pull apart, a similar look of pure embarrassment on both of our faces.
"Oh, sorry... I'm just gonna back away slowly..." She says, smirking and closing the door behind her. That must be where Rich gets his infamous grin from then.

We hear a muffled
"Went! Guess what!" Sound from down the hall a moment afterwards and we both chuckle. I turn back to Richie, seeing the mess I've made of him, and I'm sure I look much the same. Flushed face, red slightly swollen lips and messy hair. He looks so beautiful, and all because of me. I lean in again.



this is actually terrible cause i've never written something like this before so sorry-


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