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note: i found more fan art 😌 also this is long but i promise it's super cute

richie POV

I pick up the phone vibrating in my back pocket, and press accept.
"Hey Eds!" I say cheerfully. There's a long pause, and my eyebrows furrow as a voice begins to get louder.
"-faggot! Who do you think you're calling? Is it your boyfriend? I bet it's that four eyes freak, Tozier,"
My blood runs cold. Henry.
"Eds? Eds where are you? I'm coming, just tell me where you are!" I say desperately, already pulling my shoes on.

"R-richie," Eddie's strained voice finally replies.
"Eds! Where are you? I'm coming,"
"Belch, get the phone. Vic, pin him down," Henry snarls.
"Bassey Park!" Eddie exclaims, but all sounds after that are muffled screams as I assume Victor Criss has clamped a hand over Eddie's mouth.

"You're gonna be ok Eds, I'm coming. I'm coming," I reassure him, quickly hanging up before Belch can spit some lame insult into the phone. Heart racing, I sprint out of the house, shirttail flapping behind me. I round the corner and grab my bike from the garage, quickly getting on and pushing off without looking back.

I cycle as fast as humanly possible to Bassey Park, sweating profusely in my black ripped jeans, Freese's T-shirt and Hawaiian shirt. I don't care that I look a mess, I don't care that my legs are burning, I don't care that I'm out of breath. I have to get to Eddie.

I reach the field of grass that is Bassey Park, and chuck my bike on the ground as soon as I reach the sidewalk. I run towards the Paul Bunyan statue in the centre, and once I reach it I frantically look around for Eddie. Fuck, where is he? Did Henry set him up? Was he ever here in the first place? What if Henry's done something really, really bad-

Suddenly, I spot someone on one of the wooden benches. A small boy in a pink polo and red shorts, knees drawn up under his chin. Eddie. I race over.
"Eds? Eds, are you ok? What did Henry do?" I ask, kneeling in front of him.

Slowly, Eddie lifts his head up and lets out a shaky sigh of relief when we make eye contact. I gently take his hands in mine and smile softly up at him.
"Richie, you came," He says, and his voice cracks half way through. I notice the tear stains on his cheeks and my heart breaks. Henry has another fucking thing coming when I see him on Monday. That'll have to wait for now though.

"Of course I came, I wasn't just gonna leave my best friend now was I?"
Eddie sniffles and blushes. Cute.
"C'mon, I'll take you back to my house and fix you up. We can't have Mrs K. seeing you like this now can we? Doctor T to the rescue!" I exclaim and Eddie rolls his eyes, but allows me to pull him up all the same.

Once he's on his feet, I notice all the cuts and bruises covering his body. The left sleeve of his polo is torn, and there's a muddy boot mark where one of the Bowers gang has kicked him in the side. His eyebrow is split and his nose is bleeding. I frown and quickly look around. No one's paying us any attention. I pull the shorter boy into a tight hug and he stiffens, before sighing and wrapping his arms around my middle.

"It's ok. Henry's gonna get it on Monday, just you wait," I say, and Eddie shakes his head on my shoulder.
"You know you'll just make it worse Rich, for all of us," He says, and I sigh.
"Yeah, I know. I just wish they would stop fucking terrorising all of us,"

Eddie finally pulls away and I can tell he's just as flustered as I am. We walk over to my bike and I get on, making sure to leave enough room for Eddie to get on behind me. He wraps his arms around my middle again and rests his head on my shoulder and I smile, pushing off with one foot.

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