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3rd person POV

The Losers were sat comfortably in their clubhouse, Stanley looking for a movie to watch on the old TV. Well, most of the Losers that is. Richie was late, again. No one else seemed to care, but Eddie did. What can I say? Eddie was utterly in love. The young boy sighed and rested his head on his arms as he sunk further into the old blue sofa. Eyes fixated on the trapdoor and mind flooded with thoughts of his crush, Eddie didn't hear the others calling his name.

"Eddie!" Beverly finally shouts, snapping him out of his trance.
"W-what? Oh, sorry I was- I spaced out," Eddie mumbles, cheeks flushing red. The rest of the Losers know about his feelings of course - he wasn't exactly the best at hiding them - but they also know Richie feels the exact same way. Of course, both Richie and Eddie are oblivious to the others' feelings. Everyone ships it obviously, and Bev kindly came up with the ship name: 'Reddie'.

"Right. Sure you were," Ben laughs, and Eddie turns even more scarlet.
"W-we all n-nu-know you're thinking a-about R-R-R-Richie. Don't w-wu-worry he'll be h-here soon," Bill stutters.
"I wasn't," Eddie mumbles. "What was the question?"
"Is this movie alright? I know you don't like horror much..." Stan asks, gesturing to the horror movie he's selected on the screen.

Eddie grimaces internally at the choice, he's seen this movie once before and if the past is anything to go by, he won't be able to last more than half an hour without screaming.
"Oh uhh- yeah I guess that's alright," He answers despite himself. He doesn't want to disappoint.
"Great!" Stan exclaims and Eddie smiles back before returning to watching the trapdoor. Will he just get here already?

As if reading the asthmatic boy's thoughts, Richie's head suddenly appears in the doorway.
"The entertainment has arrived!" He announces as he jumps into the clubhouse before doing a very over exaggerated bow and sauntering over.

Eddie rolls his eyes as Richie ruffles his hair, but the pink hue from earlier doesn't leave his face.
"Just sit down, idiot," Eddie laughs.
"Fine, fine," Richie responds, raising his hands up in mock surrender and flopping onto the sofa next to Eddie with a sigh.
"No fucking way do you get the sofa when you've not even bothered to show up on time, It's my turn," Stan says sternly, walking over to where the two boys were sat.

"Jeez does anyone actually care about me around here?" Richie jokes, sighing loudly and giving up his seat for Stanley. Bill, Ben, Stan, Mike and Bev immediately point to Eddie.
"He does," Mike says and they all laugh at Eddie's utterly embarrassed expression.
"Shut up you guys," Richie and Eddie mutter at the exact same time, causing them to make eye contact.

Holy fuck has Eddie always been this cute? Richie asks himself as he looks at the small boy with red cheeks. Eddie thinks the exact same as he stares back, captivated in Richie's hazel eyes.
"Oh my god I can't anymore-" Stan says, rolling his eyes at the two. "Just sit down Richie,"
Richie coughs nervously and tries to play it off by laughing, but it comes out awkward and strained. No one makes any further comments though, much to the boys' relief.

Richie and Ben are sat on beanbags, Bill and Bev share one couch and Stan and Eddie have the other. Although he would never admit it, Eddie was pretty pissed off at Stan for making Richie leave. He's about the only person that could possibly calm him down during the movie that's about to start.
"Okay then, start it already," Richie says, and Stan presses play.

*time skip - 15 minutes in*

Eddie is terrified. Despite already knowing what's going to happen, every time there's a jump scare he flinches. Thank God it's dark in here and none of the other's can see. He did agree to this, after all. And he doesn't want to seem like a baby. Especially in front of Richie.

The others - including Richie - were jumping too of course, but Eddie couldn't tell. And an extremely similar thought process was currently running through Richie's head. He can't be scared by this movie, not when his entire personality is pretty much just making inappropriate jokes and being obsessed with horror.

Suddenly, a zombie limps out of the murky blackness, coming straight at the camera. All the Losers scream, Eddie's being the loudest by far. No one pays him any attention though, much to Eddie's relief. No one apart from Richie, that is. Once the zombie crawls out of frame, Eddie's eyes immediately flick to Richie's beanbag on the floor to his right. He's surprised to find the other boy looking right back at him.

'You okay?' Richie mouths, concern masking his features. Eddie nods slowly in response, but his entire body is visibly trembling as he pulls his blanket around himself. Richie shoots him a sympathetic look - something rarely seen on the Trashmouth's face - and opens his mouth to say something more when Stan pauses the movie and turns the lights back on.

"Oh my God you two! Just fucking cuddle already!" He exclaims, and both Richie and Eddie turn crimson.
"Look, we all know you're absolutely head over heels for each other, so just fucking kiss and stop all this useless flirting," Bev continues, and Eddie gulps. Stanly rolls his eyes once again and gets up off the sofa, looking at Richie and pointing to where he was previously sitting with his eyebrows raised.

"R-Richie you don't have to-" Eddie is cut off mid sentence.
"Oh my god shut up," Richie laughs and gets up, swapping places with Stan and immediately wrapping his arms tightly around Eddie's shoulders. Eddie stiffens but quickly welcomes the embrace shuffling closer until he's in Richie's lap and laying his head on Richie's chest.
"F-f-finally," Bill says, exasperated. Stan turns of the lights and the movie continues.

Once the darkness has shielded them, Eddie turns his head to look up at Richie.
"Do you actually like me?" He whispers, just loud enough for Richie to hear. The other boy smiles and nods, and Eddie returns the smile easily. They continue to look at each other for a long, painful moment before Richie finally takes a chance and leans in, pressing their lips together.

Eddie is shocked at first but quickly returns the kiss, tangling his hands in Richie's hair like he'd imagined himself doing so many times before. Conscious that they're not alone, they soon pull away and Eddie sighs happily, looking up for a while longer before resuming his position in Richie's arms and turning his attention to the movie. Richie begins to play with the younger boy's hair, and he gently runs his fingers through the fluffy strands.

None of the jump scares effect either of them any more.

"Reddie is so real," Bev laughs after the movie finishes, having watched the whole scene play out, "I fucking told you guys,".

um idk this was a lot better in my head :/

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