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3rd person POV

"Aww come one Eds, it'll be fun!" Richie pleads.
"No! No, no, no!" Eddie responds, shaking his head.
"Look, i'm paying for it all, it'll just be a couple hours, and i'll teach you!" Richie persists, "i'm sure you'll be amazing!"
Eddie huffs in annoyance. As much as he hates to admit it, deep down he knows he's going. He can never say no to Richie. Especially not when he's this passionate about something.
"Ughhhhh, fine. But i'm not gonna enjoy it!" He finally says, trying his best to hold back a smile at the sight of Richie's huge grin.
"Yessss, you won't regret it Eds!"
"Don't call me that!"

*time skip*

"So, that's two pairs of roller skates, one 5 and one 6?" The lady at the counter asks, raising an eyebrow at the two boys in front of her.
"Yup," Richie replies, rummaging in his pocket before slapping some change onto the counter. The woman takes the money, placing two pairs of roller skates on the counter.
"Thank you," Eddie sighs, he really doesn't want to do this.

He takes the skates and hands the bigger ones to Richie, who smiles and ruffles the shorter boy's hair.
"C'mon Eds, lighten up a bit!" He says, smirking as he leads them over to a bench.
They sit and tie their roller skates, Eddie watching the 'pros' as they glide around in the skate park Richie has taken him to.

"Richie... I really don't think I can do this," Eddie mumbles, nerves suddenly coursing through his bones.
"Hey, hey, don't say that," Richie says, grasping his best friend's hand and pointing towards the smallest slope.
"You'll pick it up in no time!"

Slowly, the two roll towards the slope, Eddie grasping Richie's hand like he might die if he lets go.
"Okay, 3... 2... 1!" Richie shouts, pushing off the edge and pulling Eddie with him.
"Wait i'm not-" but it was too late, and the two rolled down the slope, wobbling like crazy.

"See! That wasn't to bad now, was it?" Richie asks, turning towards the younger boy.
"I guess not..." Eddie admits, smiling a little.
"Cute, cute, cute!" Richie exclaims, pinching Eddie's cheeks. Used to it by now, the asthmatic boy only laughs and playfully hits Richie's hand.

"Come on! Let's go down a bigger slope!" Eddie exclaims, rolling towards the next biggest one.
"Oooo, someone's enjoying themselves," Richie says with a wink, following behind.

They practice for about an hour, all original nerves gradually being washed away, and replaced by sheer enjoyment. And, though neither would ever say, the two boys enjoyed each other's company more than the roller skating itself.

When they finally skated over to the biggest slope, Richie and Eddie linked hands and counted down, just like they had on the smallest one.
They push off, and for a while they're going fine, smiling like idiots, until Eddie moves a little bit too far to the left and collapses, bringing Richie down with him.

"Oww," Eddie whines, looking at his grazed palms. Then he turns to look at Richie, and Richie turns to look at him, and they both erupt into laughter. The other people in the park give them weird looks - not that you could blame them, they're sitting on the ground in the middle of the tallest slope laughing like complete lunatics - but they don't care. They have each other and that's all that matters.

All to soon, it's time to leave, and the boys return their skates to the gloomy lady before leaving the park.
"Okay, that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," Eddie admits.
"Told ya!" Richie laughs, wrapping an arm around Eddie's waist and pulling him a tiny bit closer as they begin to walk home.

The shorter boy automatically blushes, and they stay like that the entire time.
"Well, guess I should go now," Richie says as they come to a stop outside Eddie's house.
"Thanks for this, Rich. I really enjoyed it." Eddie smiles, unraveling himself from Richie's side.
"Why of course, m'lady," Richie bows, putting on one of his terrible British impressions before turning around and beginning to walk away.

"Oh, one more thing!" Eddie calls, making Richie stop and turn back around.
"Yeah?" he asks.
Eddie pauses for a second, before wrapping his arms around Richie's neck and pulling him in for a kiss. Richie gasps, but immediately kisses back, savouring the moment as a wave of euphoria rushes through him.

Eddie pulls away, blushing, and runs into his house, leaving Richie stunned to say the least. He lets out a shaky breath, grins widely and spins around, stuffing his hands in his pockets and replaying that moment as he begins to walk back to his house.

request from Typical_ely_jelly hope u liked it! thanks for all the support on this fanfic btw :)

thank god it's the weekend now, i'll probably update a lot in the next 2 days cause i have literally nothing better to do lmao

also if u got double notifications it's cause i had to fix a mistake so yeah-

thanks again for 1k views!! it means the world to me <3

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