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Eddie POV

"C'mon Eds, it'll be super fun!" Bev pleads over the phone.
"I told you already! I'm not going, I hate funfairs!" I exclaim.
"Seriously!? Everyone's gonna be there, and what else are you gonna do on halloween? It won't be the same without you!"
"I said n- wait, will Richie be there?"
Beverly chuckles.
"Yes Eddie, Richie will be there," she sighs.

I think it over. I mean, it's just a funfair. It can't hurt, can it? Anyway, it'd be pretty shitty not to show up after Mike had bought us all tickets beforehand...
"Fine." I say finally.
"Great! Meet you outside the fair at 7!" Beverly chirps, before hanging up the phone.

I shake my head and put my phone down, before flopping back onto my bed. I can't help but smile slightly at the thought of Richie, with his wild hair and hazel eyes, and a light blush creeps up my cheeks. My eyes flick to the alarm clock on the desk. It's 6:38, better get ready.

I take a quick shower and wash my hair, before choosing an outfit. I end up picking a pastel yellow t-shirt and my red shorts, pulling them on quickly and rubbing my hair dry with a towel. Looking in the mirror, I run my hand through my hair and smooth it down until I'm satisfied with the result. I pull on my white knee-high socks and run down the stairs excitedly.

I slip on my trainers and open the door, stepping out into the cool air. The days are getting shorter and shorter as autumn comes to an end, but it's not cold enough for a coat yet, and I barely ever wear anything other than shorts and a t-shirt. It could be snowing for all I care.

My nose begins to turn red with cold as I make my way down the street, easily turning left and right onto the familiar roads towards the town square. Soon enough, the fair comes into view and I'm standing directly in front of the gates. A giant 'Happy Halloween!' sign hangs above them, next to a very unrealistic ghost with glowing green eyes.

I walk through the gates, and instantly I can smell the roasted peanuts, cotton candy and buttered popcorn being sold at the stalls. The fair is pretty crowded, with some in costumes and others not, and people huddle around games and rides, queuing for their turn.

For some reason most people seem to be watching a man who must be at least 30 as he throws darts at multi-coloured balloons. He hits one bang in the centre and it pops, earning a loud cheer from the crowd. He pumps his fists in the air and is handed a large stuffed duck plushie as his prize. It's a bit odd, but what can I say? There's millions of weirdos in Derry.

(i stg if no one gets the reference ima cry)

I continue to scan the crowd, and I finally spot the rest of the Losers. They're crowded around one of those bell games where you make it ring, and Richie is swinging the mallet as hard as he can at the shiny red button. I smile and jog over, waving as I approach.

"Hi Eddie!" Ben calls out as I join them, and the others wave. Suddenly there's a loud ringing as Richie wins the game, and he turns around grinning.
"Eds! I was begging to think you weren't gonna show," He says, throwing an arm around my shoulders and causing me to blush involuntarily.
"Don't call me that..." I huff.

"Stan bought us loads of tokens," Mike says, gesturing to Stanley who fishes around in his pocket before producing a handful of gleaming silver tokens and presenting them to the group.
"S-s-so, what should w-we go on f-fu-first?" Bill stutters, looking around at the millions of options.
"Let's go in the haunted house!" Richie shouts, and Beverly immediately nods in agreement.

"Sure, I don't mind," I lie, haunted houses have never been a favourite of mine but Richie seems so excited to go that I don't want to disappoint him. The others agree as well, and soon we're all walking towards it. Richie hasn't moved his arm from my shoulders.

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