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3rd person POV

It was seven PM, and Richie and Eddie were currently sat on the roof of Richie's house, watching the sun as it made its decent towards the glowing line of the horizon. Richie's battered radio crackled out the tune of The Neighbourhood's Reflections, a fitting song for the occasion, and the only other sound was their soft breathing and the slight breeze as it ruffled through the pine trees at the back of Richie's garden.

"Where have you been?
Do you know when you're coming back?
'Cause since you've been gone
I've got along but I've been sad"

Eddie sighed happily as he gazed up at the sky above, the dim light of the stars just begging to peak through the thick black clouds. Times like these were some of his favourite memories with Richie, the long nights where they could just sit together and simply appreciate the other's presence, somehow never interrupted by idiotic your mom jokes or health and safety lectures.

"I tried to put it out for you to get
Could've, should've, but you never did
Wish you wanted it a little bit
More but it's a chore for you to give"

Out of everything Eddie loved about Richie, (which - let's face it - was practically everything) his music taste was definitely up there in the top ten best things about the older boy. The song playing now, for example, was one of Richie's favourites and therefore one of Eddie's.

"Where have you been?
Do you know if you're coming back?"

Both boy's were lying back, legs outstretched in front of them and arms extended behind them to support their body weight. Unable to help himself, Eddie shifted his gaze from the sky to his boyfriend at his left. Unsurprisingly, Richie was already focused on staring intently at the shorter boy, who's cheeks immediately flushed red as their eyes met.

"We were too close to the stars
I never knew somebody like you, somebody
Falling just as hard
I'd rather loose somebody than use somebody
Maybe it's a blessing in disguise (I sold my soul for you)
I see my reflection in your eyes"

It was quite amazing, really, how flustered they could both become from the slightest look or touch, anyone who saw them would never guess they'd been together for a year and a half already.

"I know you're sick
Hoping you fix whatever's broken
Ignorant bliss
And a few sips might be the potion"

Eddie shuffled slightly closer to his boyfriend, yet still his nerves got the best of him and he stopped half way.
"You know you don't have to ask to cuddle anymore, right?" Richie laughed, scooting over and immediately enveloping Eddie in his embrace. The asthmatic boy huffed but snuggled into the touch all the same, getting comfortable so that he was pretty much in Richie's lap and his head rested underneath Richie's chin.
"You never did," Richie whispered into his hair.

"I tried to put it out for you to get
Could've, should've, but you never did
Wish you wanted it a little bit
More but it's a chore for you to give"

Something about that statement made Eddie smile wider than he thought possible, and he turned around in Richie's arms so they were full on cuddling, resting his head on Richie's shoulder.

"Where have you been?
Do you know if you're coming back?"

Richie pressed a light kiss to the now within reach strip of exposed skin on Eddie's neck, making Eddie exhale sharply. His hot breath on Richie's neck sent tingles down the older boy's spine as he pulled his boyfriend even closer.

"We were too close to the stars
I never knew somebody like you, somebody
Falling just as hard
I'd rather loose somebody than use somebody
Maybe it's a blessing in disguise (I sold my soul for you)
I see my reflection in your eyes (tell me you see it to)"

Something about the song's lyrics suddenly caused a very distressing thought to arise in Eddie's mind, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't push it back down.
"Hey Rich?" He asked.
"Mhm?" The older boy replied.
"Promise me you'll never leave me?"
Eddie was suddenly glad of Richie's shoulder to hide his embarrassment.
"Eds," Richie said sadly but firmly, "Do you even have to ask that?"
"Just- just promise me," Eddie repeated, voice cracking halfway through.
"I promise." Richie responded without hesitation, "I'll never leave you, Eds,"

"So close, so close
Yet so far away (so far)
I don't know (I don't)
How to be solo (no)
So don't go, oh, no, just stay
You and I were bright, shooting through the sky daily (yeah)
Lighting up the night, wasn't always right, baby (mhm)
Yeah, every time that we realised it's crazy
And you save me"

Neither of them had ever said they loved the other, although they both knew deep down that they did. It was scary, though, being so young and so in love. They barely even knew what it was. So, instead of saying it, they found other ways to show it. For example, Richie commenting on how Eddie is 'always so adorable!' and Eddie constantly helping him to properly disinfect his cuts and carefully sticking plasters over them. But now, in this almost-too-perfect moment, Eddie felt he just had to say it. Had to admit it before it was too late.

"We were too close to the stars
I never knew somebody like you, somebody
Falling just as hard
I'd rather loose somebody than use somebody
Maybe it's a blessing in disguise (I sold my soul for you)
I see my reflection in your eyes (I sold my soul for you, I know you see it too)"

"I... I think I might be in love with you,"
Richie pulled away from the hug, immediately scanning Eddie's face for any hint that it might be a lie. None.
There was a long pause.
"I think I'm in love with you, too,"
And with that, Eddie closed the gap between them.

"Yeah, I brought the same ones too
I know you're tired, I know you're tired
Just say it, I agree with you
Yeah, sick of all the poison in me
What did I do wrong for me, babe?
Uh, I see myself in you, I see myself in you, baby
I see myself in you, alright, I sold my soul for you
I see myself in you, maybe you should too"

i'm back bitches

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