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3rd person POV

"Oh, Eds, hey!" Richie exclaims, stuffing his hands in his pockets and walking over to where Eddie was sat in the grass.
"Hey Rich," Eddie smiles as Richie sits down next to him.
"What ya doing?" Richie asks.
"What does it look like i'm doing? Enjoying some peace and quiet. Or at least I was."
"It's Saturday morning?! Don't you wanna go to the arcade or something instead of just sitting on some random hill?"
Eddie simply huffs in response.

"Fine, fine. I can be quiet ya know." Richie says, mentally cancelling all his plans for today. Eddie is more important.
"Prove it, Tozier." Eddie says, smirking. Richie lifts up his hands in mock surrender and nods.

To be perfectly honest, Eddie wasn't expecting that. Wouldn't Richie have plenty of other much, much more exciting things to do than hang out with him when he won't even talk? It made his heart flutter slightly.

For a little while, the boys sat and looked out at the stunning view ahead of them. They were on a grassy hill overlooking the Barrens, and way off in the distance you could just about see the Derry Standpipe, a gleaming white against the lush green trees.

Unable to help himself, Richie looks sideways at his best friend (and crush), studying his features. The way his freckles seem to dance in the warm sunlight, the way his fluffy hair flicks slightly in the breeze, the way his hazel eyes are closed in contentment, the way his head rests carelessly on his hand... Richie was whipped.

Eddie rubs his eyes and Richie quickly averts his gaze as they open, fiddling with a blade of grass. Eddie now secretly looks at Richie, admiring him just as much. The two boys make eye contact finally, and both blush furiously for no real reason, looking down at the ground.

Richie suddenly sighs and flops backwards, hands behind his head, laying down.
"Ughhh how long has it been?" He asks.
"Ha! I knew you couldn't do it! It's only been twenty minutes,"
"They don't call me Trashmouth for nothing! I have to talk. It's in my blood or some shit,"
Eddie just rolls his eyes.

Richie moves so his head is resting in Eddie's lap, and the shorter boy looks down at him.
"Aww c'mon Edssssss," He teases. Eddie can't help but smile a little and Richie smirks satisfactorily.

A strand of hair falls from behind Eddie's ear into his face, and his breath hitches as Richie reaches a hand up and twirls it around his finger. Richie smiles softly and tucks the hair back behind Eddie's ear, as he continues to look down at him.

Suddenly confident, Eddie carefully slides off Richie's glasses and places them on the ground beside him. Richie looks confused, but Eddie slowly leans down and closes his eyes, softly pressing their lips together but pulling away before Richie could realise what was happening. Richie gasps at the touch, quickly sitting up and swivelling round.

He looks at Eddie for a moment, still trying to understand what just happened, before placing a hand on the back of Eddie's head and surging forwards, kissing him once more. Eddie instantly reacts and returns the kiss, moving his hands to Richie's hips and pulling him slightly closer. Electricity shoots through them at this new feeling, and both boys feel as though they must be in heaven. Far to soon, they have to pull away for air and they rest their foreheads together, eyes still closed.

"Wow..." Eddie breathes.

inspired by the fan art at the top.

i rly hope i start having more ideas soon cause these are getting more and more boring, and they all seem to have pretty much the same thing happen in them :((

i just realised that Bloodwitch is an actual band (from I Am Not Okay With This) and yea that's so cool. u should listen to them i rly like their music.

k that's all hope u enjoyed <3

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