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3rd person POV

Richie knocked on Eddies door three times and stepped back. He heard the thundering of someone racing down the stairs before the door swinged open.
"We better hurry, the movie's gonna start in like ten minutes!" Eddie exasperated, stepping out and closing the door behind him.
"C'mon then," Richie smiled, grabbing Eddie's hand before his anxiety could convince him not to. An adorable pink blush spread across Eddie's cheeks as he looked down.

The two began to walk towards the theatre, Richie babbling on about how great this horror movie was supposed to be and Eddie only half listening - he was to busy focusing on Richie's hand in his and desperately trying to convince himself this was not a date. Richie just wanted to watch a movie with him, you know, a normal friend thing to do. The fact he had asked Eddie and not any of the other Losers didn't mean anything. At least that's what Eddie convinced himself.

They arrived at the theatre with four minutes to spare, and Eddie went to get snacks whilst Richie got their tickets. Eddie bought a box of popcorn and some sweets before returning to a grinning Richie, waving two tickets in his hand.

They had been given seats in the top row, and everyone else was on the level below them.
"How come you got us such good seats?" Eddie asked as they sat down.
"What can I say? I'm pretty much a VIP here at this point," Richie smirked, and Eddie knew it was true - this place was Richie's second home. Well, other than the arcade of course.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed and the velvet curtains began to draw back as the movie begun. Richie leaned over to grab some popcorn from the box in Eddie's hands and the shorter boy tried his hardest not to focus on how close Richie's face was to his. He moved the popcorn in between them after that.

About half way through the movie Eddie was unable to help himself and turned to look at Richie. As always, he was stunned by the older boy's beauty. Anyone else probably wouldn't have thought so, but Eddie thought he looked stunning as he watched the movie in awe. He studied the scattering of freckles on Richie's cheeks, illuminated by the light from the screen, and tried once again to count them. He never could. He saw the reflection of the movie in Richie's hazel eyes, and he allowed himself to slip further down. Pink lips pressed together in a delicate brush stroke, his jawline- Richie's eyes flicked over to Eddie and he quickly looked away, embarrassed.

Richie couldn't pull his eyes away though, and he watched Eddie with just as much wonder. Eddie jumped suddenly at the movie, and Richie realised how scared he looked. He slung an arm around the asthmatic boy's frame and Eddie rested his head on Richie's shoulder, causing them both to smile shyly.

The contact sent sparks down Eddie's spine as Richie's touch always did, and he enjoyed the moment. The peacefulness of being alone, able to show affection and not be judged. Even though they both new the other Losers wouldn't judge them, it was still... embarrassing. That's why they had to cover it up by bickering half the time. Still, Eddie wished Richie was his. He longed to be closer than this, to have more than just this friendship. Unsurprisingly, Richie wished for the exact same.

If anyone else had watched them, they would've most likely suspected the two were a couple. It's a good thing they were alone on the top row, this was Derry, after all.

Once the movie came to an end, Eddie grabbed Richie's hand as they exited the theatre. Richie had expected him to let go once they were out in the open, visible to everyone, but he didn't. It made his heart flutter.

They walked back towards Eddie's house, both talking excitedly about the movie, until they came to the crossroads where they had to go their separate ways.
"Thanks for today, Rich," Eddie smiled.
"No problem Eddie spaghetti," He replied, laughing at Eddie's desperate 'I told you not to call me that!'
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow I guess," Richie sighed, turning around. But Eddie was still grasping his hand and the smaller boy pulled him back.

"Wait," He whispered, and looked up at Richie. They were in close proximity now - mere centimetres apart - and Eddie knew he had already crossed an unspoken line. He could feel Richie's hot breath on his neck and it made him shiver. But the dusting of pink on Richie's cheeks and the way his lips parted slightly told Eddie it was ok. This was ok.

Slowly, he leaned closer and cupped Richie's jaw. The other boy drew nearer as well and met him in the middle. Both of them were in heaven as their lips moved together, both reveling in the feeling of what they had wanted to do for so long. Eddie pulled away after a few seconds, and rested their foreheads together.

And it was ok. They were ok.

umm so i literally can't remember if i already wrote this exact scenario or not?? i can't be bothered to check lmao but sorry if i'm repeating myself or doing something that i've already done my memory is shit

i never expected my fanfic to get this many views - 7.9k!!!! it used to just be my bestie lmao i honestly love all of u so much the fact my writing is appreciated makes me so happy u have no idea

i hope u enjoyed :)))

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