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3rd person POV

Eddie woke with a start as a clap of thunder rolled overhead. His eyes darted fearfully around his dark bedroom, the walls flashing a bright white sporadically as forks of lightning struck the ground outside. He looked at the illuminated alarm clock on his desk. 2:17AM.

The asthmatic boy sighed, looking out of the window and longing for the storm to pass, and quickly. Another boom of thunder. Eddie flinched at the sudden noise, letting out a small whimper as he shrunk back into himself. Arms around him began tightening, Richie's arms, tucking him further into his chest protectively. Eddie froze at the unexpected contact, before quickly remembering how Richie had insisted on sneaking into Eddie's house to sleep there for the night when they'd first heard the predictions for the weather.

Eddie let out a breath of relief and gently turned around in Richie's arms, until he was facing the still sleeping boy. A stray strand of black hair had fallen into his face and was moving up and down with every intake and exhale of breath the taller boy made, and Eddie smiled softly at the cuteness of his boyfriend before reaching out and tentatively tucking the hair back behind Richie's ear. He stirred and mumbled something incomprehensible, adjusting his grip around Eddie's waist, but soon fell back asleep without another word.

That was, at least, until the third explosion of thunder since Eddie had woken rang loudly through the house and Eddie jumped. Richie exhaled sharply as he shifted around on the mattress, before muttering in his half-asleep state:
"You alright Eds?"
"Y-yeah, yeah I'm alright, go back to sleep Rich," Eddie replied, immediately feeling terrible for waking his boyfriend up. Richie's eyelids finally blinked open and he furrowed his eyebrows, staring back at Eddie skeptically.
"No you're not." He said extremely matter-of-factly. Eddie laughed lightly.
"Seriously, I'm fi-"
More thunder. Eddie gripped Richie's hand in fear and whipped his head back around, gaze darting all over the room in panic. He calmed down again once the sound had dissipated, and turned back to Richie with pink dusted cheeks, embarrassed at his own irrational fear. Richie just met his gaze with sympathy, carefully prying Eddie's clenched hand off of his own before reconnecting them and giving Eddie's a comforting squeeze.

An electric flash of lightning. Eddie gasped.
"Okay Eds, I want you to focus on me. Can you do that?" Richie asked, and Eddie met his gaze once more before nodding slightly.
"Listen to my voice and try to tune out the storm. I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you, I promise."
"Okay," Eddie responded weakly, trying his hardest to focus on the boy he loves and not the storm pounding relentlessly at the roof above their heads.
"We're safe, alright? We're totally fine. It's just a storm. Just water, noise and light. It won't hurt us. We're gonna have to get some sleep,"
Eddie nodded feebly, but he was still shaky. Richie moved the hand he was using to hold Eddie's, until the panicked boy's palm was pressed flat against Richie's chest.
"Can you feel my heartbeat?" He asked. Eddie nodded again in response.
"Focus on that," Richie let go of Eddie's hand and the shorter boy made no move to pull away, "As long as you can feel it, we're safe."
"Alright," Eddie said, voice uneven. He sucked in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, obviously trying to calm himself down a little. It worked.
"Alright, thanks Richie," He repeated.
"'Course Spaghetti. Do you think you can try and sleep now?" Richie asked, not trying to make him feel bad.
"Yeah, I think so,"
Richie smiled and raised a hand to Eddie's cheek, stroking it softly before leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to his lips - then one to the tip of his nose - and then wrapping his arms tightly around the smaller boy once more. Eddie suddenly realised he hadn't even noticed the storm, which was still just as bad, for the past five minutes and smiled. He nuzzled into Richie's neck, leaving a soft kiss on the skin there, but was careful not to move his hand from the other boy's chest.

"Goodnight Eds, I love you,"
"I love you too,"
Slowly, with Richie's steady heartbeat there to comfort him, Eddie fell back asleep and didn't wake again until the morning, by which time the storm was long gone.

don't u just love getting random inspiration in the middle of the night-

plz imagine actually having a posting schedule 💀

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