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3rd person POV

Carefully closing the door behind him, Eddie silently walks across his lawn and down the street, not really knowing where he was headed, just knowing he had to go. He had to escape.

It's not like he was running away, no, just leaving for a day. He simply could not take having to look at his hypochondriac mother for another second, so he left.

Soon he found himself walking the familiar path to the kissing bridge. He figured he may as well keep going; the trickling water would most likely calm him down.

Wait... what?

Eddie stops in his tracks. Bent down on the bridge, knife in hand, was Eddie's best friend (and crush, though he didn't want to admit it) Richie Tozier. You could tell by the dark blue and white Hawaiian style button up that it was the Trashmouth, so Eddie quickly ducked behind a tree.

It's not that he didn't want to see Richie, he really did, he just didn't want the questions. After all, it was 6am. So Eddie stayed hidden behind the tree and watched as Richie delicately carved something into the wood.

He could feel tears stinging in his eyes as he looked. If only it was me. If only it was my name. He thought to himself, jealousy taking over. Suddenly, Richie closed the knife and tucked it into his back pocket, standing up and admiring his work.

Oh shit. Richie's about to turn around and he'll see me. Eddie panics, deciding it's best to just say hi. I mean, you can't really question someone if you're there too.

Eddie moves out from behind the tree and slowly walks to where Richie is standing, tapping him on the shoulder before saying
"Hi, Richie,"

Richie whips around and the colour drains from his face as he sees who it is.
"O-oh, Eddie, hi," he says, and Eddie can't help but notice he called him by his real name for once, and not 'Eds' or 'Eddie spaghetti' or something.

Frantically, Richie moves slightly to cover the carving with his leg, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
"What ya doing?" Eddie asks, confused by Richie's behaviour.
"Come on, I know you were carving something, lemme see," Eddie pleads, looking down at where Richie covers whatever it is with his leg.

"Uh, o-okay," he stutters, again. Richie is absolutely terrified, but he can't exactly refuse. That would just create more questions. Anyway, he's pretty sure he can just play it off as some girl named Ella or something.

With that in mind, Richie reluctantly stands to the side to let Eddie look. Eddie's cheeks flush red as he sees 'R + E' scratched into the surface. A flicker of hope tingles through him, but - as not to make a fool of himself - he asks
"So who is she?"
"He..." GOD DAMMIT RICH! Richie thinks, he should've known he couldn't lie to Eddie, he can never lie to Eddie.

He? Eddie looks up at Richie.
"Is- is it-" he takes a breath, "Is it... me?"
Richie nods slightly, cheeks burning as he looks down at the ground, fiddling with a thread on his sleeve.

Just as Richie is about to say something along the lines of 'haha you thought' to cover it up, he's filled with euphoria as Eddie's lips press against his and his hands cup Richie's face. Instantly, Richie kisses back, bringing one hand up to play with Eddie's hair and resting the other on the shorter boy's hip.

The two boys stumble across the bridge, still kissing, and Eddie presses Richie against a tree. They stay like that for God knows how long, only pulling away for air before surging forwards again, and again, and again.


Wow imagine knowing how to end oneshots, couldn't be me 🤧


btw my backup is StansRazor cause my mum said she might get wattpad and asked if i had an account so- i obviously don't want her seeing this (if u do follow pls don't swear on my message board lmao)

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