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note: 2020/2021 lockdown au

3rd person POV

"Richie what the fuck are you doing here?" Eddie whisper-shouts as he carefully slides the window open, making sure to stay as far away as possible as he does so before taking a full two steps back.
"Oh c'mon Eds, this lockdown is fucking terrible, and do you really expect me to last more than a week without seeing my insanely adorable boyfriend?" Richie answers as though it's obvious, and he hooks an arm inside the window and begins to hoist himself up when Eddie practically has a heart attack.

"Richie! You can't come in here, boyfriend or not, we're in a fucking pandemic! There's a fucking virus, Richie, and kids might not even know if they have it! You could be infected and we wouldn't even know! Hell, I could be infected and-" He begins to ramble, and Richie quickly cuts him off.
"Jeez Eddie Spaghetti, I told you already I've just had my test and so have you, we're both negative so it's fi-"
"But they're only 99% accurate! Who knows how many people are breaking the rules now that they think they're fine and infecting other people? I'm pretty sure it's airborne now! Airborne! How do you-"
"Eds. Shut up and let me the fuck in before I fall off this windowsill at eleven o'clock at night and wake up your mother," Richie says with a scary seriousness to his tone, before cracking a smile and ruining the entire facade.

Eddie huffs, knowing any protests are useless at this point (and that he'd rather get Coronavirus than see Richie hurt), and rolls his eyes, before gesturing for Richie to come in. Richie smirks triumphantly and pulls himself the rest of the way in. He jumps through the gap and lands on Eddie's bedroom floor with a soft thud, brushing himself off and springing back up again happily. Eddie's expression is purely pissed off, as always the exact opposite of his cheerful boyfriend.

Richie rolls his eyes playfully, and slowly walks towards Eddie, reaching out and cupping his face. Eddie practically punches Richie's hand away.
"Oh my god oh my god oh my god Richie!" Eddie hisses, "You're not supposed to touch people! In fact, you should really be two metres away from me right now," he takes another step backwards, and hurries over to his bedside table to grab the hand sanitiser he always keeps there. He shakes it a little, before flipping the cap off and squeezing a dollop into his palm, returning the bottle to its place and rubbing the lotion into his skin carefully, making sure to not miss anything.

"Note to self, never visit Eddie during a global pandemic," Richie laughs, and Eddie scowls at him.
"You're lucky I love you, or I would've called the police by now," Eddie replies, "Technically you being here is illegal,"
"Awww you would never," Richie teases, and Eddie knows full well it's true though he would never admit it.
"Seriously hun, don't worry to much. We're negative. Nothing bad is gonna happen," Richie says, trying to reassure Eddie as he's obviously upset. The shorter boy meets Richie's gaze and sighs.
"First of all, stop with the stupid pet names. 'Eds' and 'Eddie Spaghetti' are bad enough. And secondly... I guess seeing as we're both negative..."
Richie practically beams and immediately jumps forwards to scoop Eddie up in his arms, peppering soft kisses all over his face.

"Ew! I never said you could do that! That's probably, like, the number one way the disease spreads!" Eddie exclaims, but despite this he makes no move to untangle himself from Richie.
"So you'd rather I didn't kiss you?" Richie asks, one eyebrow raised, and Eddie flushes red as he looks up at him.
"I guess this isn't too bad..." He mumbles, and Richie smiles softly before leaning down to properly connect their lips.


request from jacks_dullgirl hope u enjoyed! (hopefully this is what u meant haha)

jeez i haven't done a request in a while- i'm sorry i don't do all the ones i'm given i try to complete as many as i can but sometimes it's tricky

also tysm for 14k reads!!

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