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3rd person POV (I think i'm best at 3rd person)

Richie sighs, lazily resting his head against his hand as he stares out of the car window. Still, all he could see was the blur of trees whizzing past in the distance and the other brightly coloured cars on the motorway.

"Tell me why we're going to a lake again?" He askes no one in particular.
"Because Rich, lakes are pretty! And we need some time to... cool off," Eddie responds, turning in his seat to look at his best friend.
Even Richie can't deny that, with the whole Pennywise situation and the blood swear... they're all pretty shaken up.

"Okay, how about we play a game?" Beverly asks, gaze still fixed on the road ahead of her as she drives the van the Losers are sitting in. Murmurs of agreement come from everyone, and Stan chips in:
"I know! Let's play I spy,"

"I spy? We're not fucking five year olds Stanley!" Richie snorts, earning a playful slap from Bill who sits in the seat in front of him.
"Okay... i'll go first," Ben announces, looking around thoughtfully before saying, "I spy with my little eye... something beginning with C!"
"Car?" Mike asks immediately. Ben huffs in annoyance and nods.
"C'mon Ben, that was shit!" Beverly exclaims, resulting in a chuckle from Bill - of course, bill ALWAYS laughs at Bev - and from Richie.
"I spy with my little eye..."

The game continues for a few more rounds, all of the Losers taking turns and doing things like road, or lamp post until only Bev is left.
"Okay, this one isn't gonna be as easy as the others. I spy with my little eye, something beginning with S." Beverly says without hesitation.

"Nuh uh,"
"Ooo! I got it! Snake!"
"Where the fuck would I see a snake, Stan?"

After about 5 minutes of guessing, everyone eventually gives up.
"Ughhhh fine," Beverly groans, "And the answer is........ sExUaL TeNsIoN!"
Everyone except Richie and Eddie erupt into laughter, and all eyes land on them as Eddie quickly straightens so he's no longer leaning against the taller boy.

"Who?" Eddie asks, confused.
"Y-yo-you're j-joking right?" Bill says, and the two boys' cheeks instantly flush red.
"No?" Eddie answers, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.
"You and Trashmouth, obviously," Mike says, rolling his eyes.
"Just because Richie's gay-" Eddie starts, but Richie interrupts.
"Only for you, babe,"
"Ughh shut up Richie!" Eddie exclaims, becoming more and more flustered. Suddenly, the van comes to a halt.

"We're here!" Beverly calls, and the Losers all pile out of the van excitedly, stretching their arms above their heads after being in the same position for so long.
"I'll be back in a sec," Ben says, heading off in the direction of the toilets.
"I gotta go too," Stan adds, following after.
"I'm parched, anyone want a drink?" Bev asks, and everyone nods.

"Bill, Mike, come help me carry them, give these two some alone time," Beverly says with a wink, before the three head off in the direction of the cafe.

Eddie crosses his arms in an attempt to seem annoyed instead of embarrassed, and takes in his surroundings. Him and Richie are standing in a vast car park, seemingly far to big for the 3 vehicles parked there. To their left is a cafe and toilet complex, and the shimmering of the lake they had come to see was just visible over the peak of a lush green hill.

"Guess you're stuck with me then," Richie jokes, turning round to boop Eddie's nose but finding the boy already walking towards the lake.
"Aww is my Eddie Spaghetti embarrassed?"
"Shut up Richie!" Eddie says, now at the base of the hill.
"Never," comes the reply, and Eddie can tell Richie's smirking, like always.

Richie jogs to catch up as Eddie reaches the peak of the hill, and he gasps at the view in front of him. A huge lake stretches before them, glinting like a diamond in the blazing sunlight. A golden, sandy bank encases it, and small waves gently lap against the soft grains.

"Race ya!" Richie calls, laughing as he descends the hill.
"Awww but you had a head start!" Eddie whines, bounding after him. Of course, Richie wins and Eddie wheezes, bringing his inhaler to hip lips and triggering it for what must be the third time this morning.

"Cute, cute cute!" Richie coos, bending down slightly to kiss Eddie's cheek. Knowing his usual tactics by now, Eddie attempts to move his head out of the way, but misjudges it. Their lips touch, and Richie immediately pulls away; despite the instant butterflies that erupt in his stomach.

"O-oh, s-sorry Eds," Richie stutters, scratching the back of his neck, "I didn't mean-"
"It's okay. I mean.. it wasn't bad. I mean, not that I wanted it to happen, well I did, wait no-" Eddie fumbles over his words, before admitting defeat and wrapping his arms around Richie's neck, bringing him in closer before gently pressing their lips together.

It's like fireworks have been set off in their stomachs as they kiss, Richie's hands rest on Eddie's hips as the kiss becomes more and more passionate.

"Wait! Guys, stop!" Beverly exclaims, pointing down from where she stands at the top of the hill with the rest of the losers.
"HA! See! Sexual tension!" she exclaims.
The others laugh, sitting down on the hill to watch as their favourite ship finally sets sail.

i really don't know what i'm doing at this point lmao, subtle reminder to pls send me requests!

i love how the only subject i'm actually okay at is English and it's just cause i spend my entire life writing fanfics-

ahhh and tysm for 950 views :DD

this is random but i'm watching danganronpa at the moment and it's literally so good- pls don't spoil tho lmao.

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