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Richie POV

"Hey guys," I say as I walk into the candy store. I scan the faces. Bev, Mike, Ben, Stan, Bill...
"Where's Eddie?" Mike asks, eyebrows furrowed.
"He's not already here?" I reply, a sickening feeling settling in my stomach.
"We thought he came with you?" Bev questions, but I'm already at the door.

"I'll find him." I push open the door and grab my bike from the sidewalk, peddling down the road. Please let him be here, please let him be here. What if Bowers got him? What if he's lost somewh- my thoughts are cut off when Eddie's house comes into view.

Abandoning my bike on the lawn, I run up to the front door and knock harshly. It creaks open and Sonia appears, holding a can of coke.
"Hi Miss K, is Eddie-"
"He's upstairs sick, you can go see him." She says as she steps to the left, letting me pass.

I bound up the stairs, relief flooding through my body, and open Eddie's door.
"Momma I told you to knock." Eddie calls but soon his face turns red as he realises who I am.
"Richie? What're you doing here? I thought you were getting candy?" he asks.
"I had to make sure you were okay... I see you're not dead then." I reply, walking forwards and sitting on the end of the bed that he was currently sitting up in.

"Aww was Trashmouth scared?" He teases.
"Well if you don't want me here..." I get up and start to walk away when I feel something grab my wrist and I flop back onto the bed laughing.

Warning: mention of sick/vomit

"Jeez Eds, i was only joki- oh god, are you okay?" I ask as Eddie doubles up and grabs the bowl beside his bed. I rub his back soothingly as he throws up, coughing and gasping for air. I go to his bathroom and fill a glass with cold water, bringing it back along with some tissues. I hand the tissues to Eddie and he wipes his mouth, then I make him take a few sips of water.

"Thanks Richie," he says, "never thought you would be the one helping me," I just laugh and then an idea hits me:
"Hey, why don't we watch a movie? Didn't you say you had an entire cupboard full of candy that your mom confiscated because it could give you cancer or some shit?"
"Yeah but she's here, she'll catch us for sure,"
"Boys! I'm just going grocery shopping! I won't be long, a couple hours at most, if anything happens, call me Eddie Bear!" As if on queue, Sonia's voice rings out across the house.

We look at each other and just laugh, Eddie's laugh is so cute I think my heart might melt. We go downstairs, and Eddie leads me to the cupboard in his kitchen, opening it to reveal hundreds of chocolates, candy's, popcorn, you name it. Grabbing handfuls each, we walk through to the front room and settle on the couch.

Soon enough, a movie is playing and we're tucking into our snacks, Eddie jumping adorably every time something unexpected happens, or covering his face with a pillow at every jump-scare.

I can tell he's getting tired when he starts to yawn, and nestles into the couch a little more. Suddenly, I feel a slight weight against my shoulder and I look down to see Eddie leaning against me, snoring slightly.

I blush a little and turn of the TV, for a minute I just watch him, looking so peaceful in his sleep. I pick him up and he rests his head in the crook of my neck, still to deep in sleep to realise. Carefully, I carry him upstairs and into his bedroom, laying him on his bed and pulling the blanket over him.

I close the door and sit down on the opposite side of the bed, making sure to keep my distance so it's not weird. God if only Eddie knew how much I liked him... but that could never happen. I would never let it. I'm almost 100% sure Eddie's straight anyways and the last thing I want to do is ruin our friendship. Despite this, I soon find myself dropping off and I curl up next to Eddie.

*time skip to morning*

I feel something soft against my lips, and my eyes flutter open.
"Fuck," Eddie says as he pulls away, regret plastered on his face. "Richie I- I'm sorry I thought- I thought you were asleep and-"
Wait... what just happened.. did Eddie just kiss me? Is that even possible?
"Eds?" I ask, still waking up.

"I thought you were asleep and... shit I dunno I just couldn't help it," Eddie says nervously, scratching the back of his neck. But before he can say anything else, I sit up and press my lips to his. Eddie gasps slightly and our eyes close, I can't help but smile into the kiss as Eddie wraps an arm around my neck and I place mine on the back of his head.

"Boys! I got cereal yesterday, time for breakfast!" Sonia calls and we quickly pull away, blushing and smiling like idiots.
"Coming mom!" Eddie calls before grabbing my hand and pulling me downstairs.


Before you say anything I am FULLY aware this is absolutely terrible and that I really don't know how to end stories, but I just watched a bunch of sad Reddie TikToks and writing this shit makes me happy, Emily don't even start I'll most likely delete this in the morning when I have common sense and I'm not high on Reddie.

Oh also I made Sonia actually seem like an alright mum cause wtf this isn't about her

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