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Richie POV

Oh shit! Five minutes until i'm supposed to be at Eddie's and i'm not even ready yet! Quickly, I hurry around my bedroom, grabbing everything I need (my school books, pencil case and candy) and stuffing it into my backpack before rushing out the house and slamming the door shut behind me.

I walk quickly down the street, now a sea of orange-yellow as the Autumn leaves float to the ground and create a crunchy carpet underneath my battered trainers. Soon enough I arrive at my boyfriend's house and I walk around the side until i'm directly underneath the open window.

I scale the wall - if someone were
to watch me it would probably look difficult but, after the millions of nights i've had to sneak in because of a certain homophobic mother, it's pretty much just muscle memory - and jump onto the window ledge.

"Hey Rich," Eddie says with a smile, walking over to the window. It's been far to long since i've seen that face. I lean in, still balanced on the ledge, and kiss Eddie. He cups my face with one hand and kisses back, tilting his head slightly. I pull away just for a second and slip through the window, then Eddie reconnects our lips and we stumble over to the bed.

We kiss for as long as possible before pulling away for air, and I whisper:
"God I missed you so much,"
"It's been eight hours Rich, you were here last night, remember?"
"Eight whole hours! Way to long if you ask me," I exclaim, before leaning in and pressing another quick kiss to his lips. Eddie softly pushes me away.
"C'mon, studying, remember? We have to pass this test on Monday," he says, and I sigh.

We both pull out our textbooks and begin to study. Well sort of. I was studying Eddie more than my actual textbook, but can you blame me? We've been dating for 3 months and I still get butterflies every time I look at him. Fireworks still go off every time I kiss him.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Eddie says, not looking up from his book.
"Shut up," I say with a chuckle, (idk why but i hate using the word chuckle, just me?) before actually looking down at the confusing mess of letters and symbols that is my maths book.

We study in silence for a little while, until Eddie says it's probably time to make dinner and we walk downstairs. Once in the kitchen, I ask:
"So what'll it be, Eddie spaghetti?"
"Don't call me that! And I don't care, whatever you want,"
"Nawww you love it, almost as much as you love me!" I tease, ruffling his hair. He slaps my arm away and sighs.

Soon enough, we decide on lasagna and begin to prepare it together, Eddie making the tomato sauce and me layering it. I smear a little bit of tomato sauce on his nose and he blushes a cute shade of pink before scowling at me and grabbing a tissue. We continue to mess around and annoy each other until finally the timer goes off and it's time to take the lasagna out of the oven.

I serve it up and we each bring our plates over to the couch, turning on a random show and eating our dinner. Turns out, it's not half bad! Or maybe i'm just really hungry... could be either.

Once we've finished, I take both our plates to the kitchen and am about to cuddle up to Eddie on the couch when he stands up and takes my hand.
"Richie, we still have studying to do, remember?" He says softly.
"Ughhh really? Can we not just have a break for twenty minutes?" I plead.
"We just had a break! Do you wanna fail or not?"
"I don't really care at this point,"
"Well I do, so i'm going to go study. You can come if you want but i'm not gonna get distracted so don't even try!" Oh. Of course.
"Is that a challenge?" I ask, smirking.
"No!" Eddie huffs and walks upstairs. I follow soon after. I'm gonna make him give me attention, wether he likes it or not.

I sit down behind him on the bed and pick up my textbook, looking at it for about a minute before tossing it to the side. Instead, I wrap my arms around Eddie's middle as he sits cross-legged on the bed and rest my head on his shoulder. He pretends not to care. I nuzzle my face into his neck and kiss it softly, looking up to see him scowling and trying his best to stay focused.

I kiss his neck a few more times before slowly moving upwards to kiss along his jaw, then his cheek, then behind his ear...
"Richie s-stop," Eddie stutters, his face flushed.
"Do you find this... distracting?" I breath into his ear. He sighs and chucks his books down onto the bed.

"Fine. I give up." He says, turning around. I smirk and lean in, kissing his lips passionately. He deepens the kiss, turning his head slightly and tangling one hand in my hair. God I love it when he does that. I push him back against the mattress and crawl on top of him, attacking his lips once more. Eddie pulls away and starts kissing my neck, just like I did to him.

We failed the test.

okay so this is different to what i normally write, and this is the closest i will EVER come to smut. did y'all like it tho?

also i am officially out of ideas. i have this thing in notes with all my oneshot ideas so i don't forget them and i've done them all. so yeah... if updates get slower it's cause i don't have much inspiration so sorry :(

tysm for 1.6k views!!! <3

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