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Eddie POV

"No dumbass!!" I laugh as Richie fails to turn on the oven.
"It's a fucking oven! Not rocket science! Ugh just let me do it," Shaking my head, I walk over to where Richie is fumbling with a knob and twist it to 180°, before turning on the bottom oven.

"See. Easy." I say, swivelling round to face Richie.
"Yeah but you do this shit all the time Eds! I've only ever baked cookies, like, once in my entire life!" He protests, yet a smirk is still plastered on his face.
"Exactly! That's why we're here, to try and improve your non-existent baking skills!"

We're both standing in my kitchen, aprons tied around our waists, getting ready to bake chocolate chip cookies. My mom's out shopping, she won't be back for hours, so we have plenty of time.

"Okay Eds, what's the first step?" Richie asks, bending over the recipe book on the counter.
"Cream together the butter and sugar." I say.
Richie goes to the fridge and comes back with a stick of butter, whilst I get the sugar from the cupboard. We take out a big plastic mixing bowl and a wooden spoon, and richie begins to mix together the ingredients as I pour them in.

"Jeez, not that hard!" I laugh, as Richie holds the wooden spoon so tightly I think it might snap.
"Here, i'll show you." I put my hand on top of his and stir the mixture slowly for a minute, before letting go and watching Richie do it the same way.
"Thanks Eds," he smiles, leaning over to give me a short kiss on the lips.

"Next add the flour," I instruct. Richie opens up the bag of flour and begins to slowly pour some in when what must be half the bag falls out, creating a massive cloud of white flour.

"FUCK," Richie exclaims as he bangs the flour bag back down on the counter. I bend over double with laughter at the sight of Richie, covered head to toe in flour, desperately trying to spoon mounds of it out of the mixture.

"Hey, don't just stand there, help me!" He says and I make my way towards the mess that is supposed to be cookie dough. As soon as I get in arms length, Richie dabs some flour on my nose, making me sneeze.

"Cute, cute, cute!" Richie says as he pinches my cheeks, before kissing the tip of my nose and returning to scooping flour out of the mix. I grab another spoon and help, soon enough we have the right amount and the mixture begins to form a dough.

I crack 2 eggs into the bowl and Richie mixes them in along with the vanilla extract.
"Yessss time for my favourite part, chocolate chips," I say, gabbing the bag from the cupboard. Richie snatches it from me and opens it up, grabbing a handful and eating them. He giggles as I snatch it back.

"Hey! We won't have enough for the cookies now!" I whine, pouting like always. He just shrugs, smiling and grabbing another handful from the open bag in my hands before stuffing it into his mouth. I sigh and tip what's left of the chocolate into the mix, stirring them through slowly.

Richie wraps his arms around my stomach and rests his head on my shoulder, watching as I make sure the chocolate chips are even throughout the dough.
"This is fun," he whispers, his breath making my neck tingle.
"We should do this more often." He kisses my neck softly and I hum in response, being way slower than needed to mix in the chocolate chips so we have an excuse to stay like this for longer.

Richie pulls his arms away and helps me shape the dough into balls, placing them spaced out on the tray ready to be cooked.
"Eww Richie, you could get salmonella!" I exclaim as he pops one of the balls into his mouth, smiling in content.
"You're not supposed to eat raw egg! It could-"
But Richie stuffs one into my mouth too, forcing me to swallow it.

I furrow my eyebrows.
"Fine. If I die, it's your fault." Richie only laughs and opens the oven, placing the two trays inside and closing it. He sighs and leans back against the counter.
"See. It wasn't that hard, was it?" I ask, walking over and wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I guess not. Your quite the chef, Eddie Spaghetti," he winks, winding his arms around my back and pulling me slightly closer.

I roll my eyes at the nickname, but i've grown used to it since it's all Richie ever calls me now. I cup his face with one hand and kiss him, closing my eyes as he kisses back. We've been together for one and a half years now, but still I get butterflies dancing in my stomach and electricity coursing through me every time we touch.

All to soon, we have to pull away for air, but Richie leans in and kisses me again, and again, and again... I don't know how long we stayed like that, but it must have been a while because the cookies were almost burnt when we finally remembered to take them out of the oven.

We mix together powdered sugar and a little water to create icing, splitting it up into bowls to colour them separately. Next, we divide the cookies into two equal groups and begin to decorate. I write 'R + E' on one, and do various patterns on the others.

We finish our decorating, and take the cookies over to the table where we sit down and show each other. Richie did spaghetti, of course, and a love heart, the others of his all having patterns as well. He holds the spaghetti cookie in front of my mouth and I take a bite.

"Mmm, these are actually really good!" I exclaim, surprised.
"Why are you surprised?" He laughs, "Everything you bake is good, Eds." I smile and lean over, kissing him again.

We just stay like that, kissing and laughing and eating cookies, until I see my mom's car pull into the drive and Richie has to run out the back door to avoid discovery, kissing me once more on the cheek before he leaves.

God, i've really got it bad for this boy.

this is to make up for the last update, which is why i'm updating twice in one day, Ihateusernamessohi lots of fluff in this one 😌

that's a link for a chocolate chip cookie recipe cause i'm cool and ik y'all are probably hungry now that you've read this

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