NatZa: You Never Listen

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“Lucy, you and Gray get the villagers to safety!” I instructed, dodging an attack from a wizard who used gun magic. A band of rogue wizards had attacked a small village we had been passing through, and a fight had broken out between our small team and their large group. Despite their looks, they were all very skilled, making them dangerous.

“Will you two be alright?” Lucy asked, looking between Natsu and me.

“We’ll be fine. Now go!”

Gray went after her as they began gathering the villagers in order to move them to safety away from the fight.

“Guns against swords,” the woman in front of me cackled, spinning her small handgun on her finger. “Shall we see which weapon is superior?” She asked.

“The weapon is nothing if its wielder is weak,” I snapped, lifting my sword.

Her eyes narrowed, and she stopped spinning her gun, firing it as soon as it was still. The bullets she used exploded when they hit their target, so avoiding them was even more difficult. If I blocked them, I still caught the force of the explosion, and if I dodged them, I had to be careful to avoid the same thing, meaning I had to get farther away.

“You won’t be able to hurt me if you can’t get close,” the woman smirked. “You’ve already lost this battle, Titania.”

“Not yet.” I requiped into my Heaven’s Wheel armor, using the swords like a shield as I charged at her. I waited until I was in reach, then moved the swords out of my way so I could strike. The blade met her shoulder, but she managed to fire her gun, hitting me in the side. I was able to turn so the bullet didn’t hit any vital organs, but the force of its explosion sent me to the ground. My side had a large wound in it, and I was losing blood fast.

“Damn,” I gasped, trying to stop the bleeding as my magic gave out and I returned to my regular clothes.

“Erza!” Natsu’s voice rang out through the sounds of the fighting going on around us. Gray and Lucy must have returned to assist us after getting the villagers to safety.

“What are you doing?” I asked, wincing as he picked me up.

“I’m getting you out of here,” he snapped, taking off away from the battle.

“Leave me,” I frowned. “Defeating those wizards is more important than taking care of me. I’ll be fine.” It was a lie. I knew if he left me I would die. I was losing blood way too fast, so I wouldn’t be able to last much longer without receiving medical attention.

“Gray and Lucy can handle it from here,” he said.

I opened my mouth to scold him, but closed it when pain shot through my body. I suddenly felt very weak, and I had to lean my head against Natsu’s shoulder.

“We’re almost to the hospital,” he told me, though I wasn’t paying much attention.

I must have passed out after that, because the next thing I remembered was waking up in a soft bed, staring into lights that were far too bright as a machine beeped noisily somewhere off to the side.

I tried sitting up, but a pair of strong hands gripped my shoulders, forcing me back down. “No you don’t,” Natsu grinned, “the doctor said not to move around.”

“Then help me sit up,” I sighed. As gently as he could, he lifted my back, placing several pillows behind me so I could lean on them. He gave me a wide grin once I was upright, to which I rewarded with a smack.

“What was that for?!” He shouted, rubbing his head.

“I told you to leave me and help the others,” I snapped. “You should never leave your comrades in the middle of a battle like that!”

“I wasn’t going to let you die, either,” he frowned. “I knew they could handle it until I got back. I had to get you some help.”

“You never listen,” I sighed, shaking my head. “You should have left me. Defeating them was more important, and I was prepared to die if it meant they were taken down.”

“I don’t care,” he said. “Getting you out of there was more important to me. No matter what could have happened because of that, I don’t regret it.”

“Why?” I frowned. “My life isn’t worth an entire village’s.”

“It is to me,” he said, quietly.

“That’s just foolish—”

“Say what you want,” he snapped, meeting my eyes, “I refuse to just leave the woman I love to die when there’s something I can do to help her.”

“What?” The machine attached to me began beeping furiously, adding to my sudden embarrassment. What did he just say?! Did—did he just say he loves me?

“I love you, Erza,” he said, looking embarrassed now, his face slightly red. “I’ve known since we almost lost you at the tower of heaven. I wanted to tell you in a better way than this, but I guess there’s no going back now.” He scratched his head, chuckling slightly.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I grabbed his scarf and gave it a hard tug, pulling him down so I could kiss him. I knew by the way his entire body went stiff that I had caught him off guard—hell, I had caught myself off guard—but I refused to open my eyes to see his face. After a few seconds, he relaxed and kissed me back, pulling away all too soon.

“I—I should go tell the doctor you’re awake,” he said, turning, but not before I could see the red covering his entire face.

I caught his hand, smiling. “I love you too, Natsu.”

He returned my smile, giving my hand a squeeze. “I’ll be right back.”

“Don’t rush,” I warned him, knowing he would probably run to the nurse’s station and make a scene, trying to find the doctor.

“Yeah,” he grinned. He disappeared into the hallway, and I heard him shout to the others that I was awake.

I leaned back on my pillows, chuckling as I shook my head. “You never listen.”

This one was requested by @CreativeWriter234! I hope you enjoyed it!! :3

Up next will be a ZeVis short story!

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